Air Gear- "Fuel"

Nov 09, 2006 20:41

Title: Fuel
Rating: PG-15
Universe: Air Gear
Theme/Topic: Momentum
Character/Pairing/s: lightly IkkixAkito, mentioned SanoxKazu
Warnings/Spoilers: None I can think off of the bat. >>
Word Count: 527
Time: lol I kept getting distracted by those Disney clips, so I lost count. >>
Summary: Ikki is prepping for launch.
Dedication: requested by pyrefly as a prize drabble!
A/N: LOL this is mostly just schmoop. I TOLD YOU I WANTED SCHMOOP THIS WEEKEND. XD
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I wish constantly.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

“I can’t believe I just saw that.”

Akito looked up at Ikki and shrugged, unaffected. “I can.”

The younger boy blinked. “What? How? Why? How?”

“Kazu-kun was always very annoyed with Sano,” the blue-haired storm rider stated, like that explained anything.

“That explains nothing,” Ikki told him, decisively. “And even still. Sano? Still!” Ikki was very clearly not computing things very well. “Kazu hates him. I mean… I thought he hated him.”

Akito laughed-genuinely amused-- at Ikki’s boggled assertions. “Hate is just fuel, Ikki!”

“This isn’t funny,” Ikki told him, sternly. “I just saw my best friend giving that glasses wearing pervert hea… I mean, that is… I just saw Kazu… and… Fuck. I just saw something I wasn’t supposed to see, okay? I’m very disturbed.” And he even turned just a little bit pink around the ears at the thought.

His companion pouted. “I’m just saying. Even if you think you hate someone… it just builds and it builds and then… you launch. Sometimes in one way and sometimes in another. I think it’s not so big a surprise that it ended up this way, really,” he explained, sensibly.

Ikki sighed. “It’s not?”

Akito looked at him. Pointedly.

After a moment, the taller boy scratched at the back of his head, sighing tiredly. “Okay, maybe it’s not that surprising.” Pause. “But still. I didn’t need to see that, goddammit.”

Akito turned a little sly then, looking up through his bangs at Ikki. “I don’t know… I thought it was…inspiring.”

Ikki stared. Eventually got the implications. “Fuck no,” he said, and crossed his arms to look authoritative on the matter even as he was taking a giant personal-space-filled step backwards. Away. “Fuck no lots,” he added, just in case it wasn’t clear.

Akito laughed. “Ma, don’t you want to ride their momentum a little bit, Ikki-kun?” he asked sweetly, and grabbed onto his younger companion’s arm.

“There will be no riding here!” Ikki insisted, and tried to shrug Akito off of him just as quick as possible.

Persistent, the smaller boy held on with surprising strength though, even managing to smile and swing around to kiss Ikki on the cheek in the process. “Denial is just fuel too, you know,” he murmured somewhere near Ikki’s ear, and then dropped back to the ground beside his team leader with eyes glittering mirth and something else altogether.

Ikki blinked. “What?”

Akito simply beamed in the overly innocent type of way that never failed to send chills down the future Sky King’s spine.

“It’s okay!” the smaller teen told him then, stretching his arms out behind him luxuriously. “I won’t mind letting Ikki build a little longer.”

“Build for what?!” Ikki persisted, and tried to regain some of his former cool by acting annoyed rather than freaked out by whatever it was Akito was or wasn’t-better be wasn’t anyway-- implying about him.

Akito on the other hand, positively sparkled. “For launch, of course!”

The spiky-headed teen flushed. “Er…what if I launch the wrong way?” he posed, trying to be reasonable here.

Akito grinned. “Easy…then you don’t get any blow jobs like that.”

Ikki stared. “Oh.” Pause. Fidget. “Really?”





kazu, ikki, ikkixakito, sano, air gear, akito, sanoxkazu

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