Bleach Drabble (482)

Oct 28, 2006 13:50


Title: Table Manners
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuheixYumixIba, Ikkaku
Word Count: 676
Warning/s: No spoilers, just shameless proning. Sort of. OOC and Stupidity as always. XD
Summary: Drinking night is sacred.
Dedication: tsukishine- thanks for uploading the chappies for me!
A/N: The request was, “Addition.” I HAVE A FILTHY MIND.

Iba tensed.

Shuuhei blinked.

Yumi smiled and asked very sweetly, if anyone wanted any more sake.

“Yeah,” everyone said, including Ikkaku (who, even sloshed, sensed there was something fishy going on).

Yumi twittered and poured everyone another drink.

Iba suddenly made a wheezing noise in the back of his throat mid gulp. Sake dribbled out of the corners of his mouth and down the front of his shirt.

Everyone looked at him.

“How fuckin’ drunk are you, retard?” Ikkaku asked, snorting.

“My, you’d best slow down,” Yumi prompted, sounding concerned in a “heeheehee” kind of way. “Shall I get up to get you some water?”

“NO!” Shuuhei and Tetsuzaemon both shouted.

“I’m good!”

“He’s good!” Shuuhei agreed, and sounded a bit strained.

Ikkaku eyed everyone and sipped at his drink. Weirder and weirder.

Yumi beamed-unaffected-and sipped his own drink, only much more primly than Ikkaku ever sipped anything.

And then Shuuhei slammed a hand down on the table. Hard.

Everyone looked at him.

“Fly,” he said, in an edgy sort of whisper. His face was already red, and Ikkaku wondered when the panty-waist’s tolerance had gotten so damned low.

Yumi sparkled at him. “Did you get it?” he asked, voice low and inviting.

“I er…heh… um… yeah. I got it.”

“Have another drink.”


Shuuhei sounded like he’d been punched in the gut or something. Ikkaku looked down at the alcohol in his cup, and wondered if it was a particularly potent brand, like the stuff Kyouraku-taichou carried around to make the things Nanao was always griping at him over sound funny.

Iba broke out into a sweat. “Seconds…please,” he choked out after a moment, and with a shaking hand, extended his cup towards Yumichika again.

Yumi--unfazed-refilled it right to the brim, not spilling a drop. “It’s good sake.”

“Yeah, good,” Iba and Shuuhei said, in hoarse tandem.

Ikkaku blinked.

“Are you two idiots sick or something?” he demanded, looking first to the one idiot on the left and then to the other one on the right.

“Something!” they wheezed.

Across the table from the third seat, Yumi looked extremely pleased with himself.

Even seven cups into the sake, Ikkaku’s dulled senses could pick up something unsettling about that.

And then Shuuhei slammed his hand on the table again. And then one more time. And then again, for good measure.

Everyone looked at him.

“Fly moved,” he explained, and he appeared way the fuck more glazed over than he shoulda been, considering.

Yumi practically glowed. “How…thorough of you, Hisagi-fukutaichou.”

“Ung,” Shuuhei responded dumbly, and the hand on the table clenched to make a fist.

Ikkaku stared, and something in his gut was telling him he was maybe missing something. Or something.

Then Iba slammed his head into the table. Once or twice. “OW.” Pause. “Er…another fly?”

“We really ought to complain about the sanitary upkeep of this establishment,” Yumi said with a tsk and a delicate toss of his hair, cool as ice.

Ikkaku blinked again. His gut screamed something at him.

There was a veritable temper tantrum of instinct going on in there.

Yumi reached across the small square table and poured him more sake.

“Er, thanks.”

Yumi beamed. “Well it is drinking night, after all.”

And it was.

Though in the last few minutes, Ikkaku thought it seemed like Shuuhei and Iba had stopped drinking altogether.

Which was weird, since this was drinking night, and drinking night was sacred and only interruptible by something even more sacred, and the only thing more sacred than booze night with the guys was getting some a…

Ikkaku’s eyes bugged as he slowly-painfully slowly-added everything up.

Yumi just continued to smile at him.

A beat.


Iba and Shuuhei looked blearily at him as he shouted, their cheeks laid to rest against the cool table top as they panted. “Already done,” they said-again in unison-- and sounded immensely relieved.

Ikkaku stared.

Yumi sparkled. “More sake anyone?”

Three hands went up.



yumichika, shuuhei, ibaxyumichika, bleach, shuuheixyumichika, iba, ikkaku

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