Eyeshield 21- "For Her"

Oct 15, 2006 21:43

I am writing fast (sorry for the lj spam), but I don't know if I'm writing well. >>


Title: For Her
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: HirumaxMamori
Word Count: 999
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine. Probably OOC though, since I don't know how to write this pairing, as much as I love it. XD;;
Summary: Future fic- sometimes Mamori thinks that Hiruma just doesn’t care.
Dedication: requested by tsukishine on my lj.
A/N: Prompt was “Just kidding.”

“Sweet piece of ass you got there, Freshman!!” someone whooped, causing Mamori to spin around, red-faced and indignant.

One of the seniors grinned and waved at her. “Like sharp edges, do you, baby?” he purred, and his smile was so white she saw spots when she blinked. “Bet I could do you better than your little boyfriend there ever could.”

His friends all laughed and high-fived in the background.

Hiruma popped his gum and kept walking.

“Hiruma!” Mamori called after, him, and glared.

He spared a look over his shoulder. “What?” he asked, nonchalantly. “You’re the one who always complains about being late for class.”

She gestured to the group of thugs still whistling at her.

He shrugged. “Seniors. You’re the one who always complains about me picking fights.”

She huffed, supposed that was true enough. “Still, it’s inappropriate to talk to anyone like that. COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE!” she repeated, louder.

The group of monkeys just laughed and whistled some more.

Hiruma popped his gum. “College is inappropriate,” he told her dully, and turned around and kept walking.

“Well, I still thought people would grow up a little when they got here,” she sighed, and turned around to follow him, telling herself she was very proud of him for not breaking out the firearms and blasting away at the upperclassmen on a whim. It was an improvement. Even if he could have done a little bit more to defend her honor, or something.

Not that she was into that sort of thing, or anything.

But acting like he didn’t even care about other guys ogling her was, well, it was like nothing had changed after high school at all.

“That was Kishimoto Kakei-- son of a politician,” Hiruma explained a few moments later, like he was reading her mind. He stretched his arms over his head and yawned. “Very powerful.”

“You’re letting pigs like that be rude to me because you don’t want to get on the bad side of a politician?!” she hissed, and poked him in the ribs with her pencil eraser.

He twitched. “I’m letting pigs like that be rude to you because you always say that you can take care of yourself,” he reminded her, and flashed a sharp-edged smile.

She huffed. “Since when do you listen to me?”

“Since I can use everything you say against you. So, forever.” He chuckled at that-- supremely self-satisfied-- and headed into the classroom ahead of her.


Even still, they ended up sitting together for the class, and since Mamori didn’t know how she felt exactly about the whole issue from earlier, she pestered Hiruma extra today, when he-once again-ignored every word the professor said and instead, spent the entire three hours typing away on his laptop.

Probably trading stocks or drawing up plays or something equally as unrelated to their Social Justice class as possible, knowing him.


She was resolved to be mad at him for the rest of the week.

And she did pretty good at first too, ignoring him and walking ahead as they exited the lecture hall three hours on the dot later. Hiruma slouched around casually behind her, laptop tucked under his arm and completely unaffected by her fit of pique.

They made it as far as the Student Union before a gathering crowd caught Mamori’s attention and she slowed down, only to see a large group of students standing-mouths agape-in front of a big plasma screen monitor broadcasting a late breaking news story.

“Parliament member Kishimoto Yukimura has been arrested this afternoon under suspicion of bribery, corruption, pedophilia, and embezzlement. The police are currently searching for his son, Kishimoto Kakei-kun, who is suspected of being in league with all of his father’s illegal activities. An anonymous tip came to the police via E-mail scant hours ago, with important concrete evidence that led to the immediate arrest of the famous politician…”

Mamori stared.

Hiruma yawned and stretched, slipping up next to her. “Huh,” he said, looking up at the headline. “What a coincidence.”

She looked at him. “Pedophilia?” she asked, and looked horrified.

He shrugged. “Corruption in one area usually means corruption in all areas, I guess,” he offered, philosophically.


He grinned then, as the crowd began to grow, the increasing numbers of people trying to get a look at the TV nudging them closer together. “What?”

“What did you do?” she whispered, trying to keep the conversation between just them despite her shock.

He blinked at her. “What do you mean what did I do?” His eyes glinted, and it was as good as a confession. “I didn’t do anything wrong, as far as I know.”

“Don’t lie to me!” she urged, and poked him in the ribs again. “You did something!”

“I didn’t…”


He blinked at her tone, pausing and looking thoughtfully torn. After a moment, he even sighed. “Well…” he began, and draped and arm over her shoulders, drawing her close under the pretense of secret confession.

“Well?” she pushed, impatient.

“I’ll admit, I did lie to you earlier,” he began in low tones, very close to her ear.

She shivered, waiting for the big affirmation of her suspicions.

“You see… I don’t actually listen to anything you say. Ever,” he finished with a grin, promptly reaching down to slap her ass before heading off towards the vending machines, cackling to himself.

He bought them both peach flavored Calpico and while she sat next to him-- red-faced and not sure if she was pissed at him or not-- they watched the police drag off a crying, screaming Kishimoto Kakei in handcuffs.

“I don’t like peach,” she said, after the squad cars all drove off, sirens blaring.

He popped his gum. “I don’t care.”

She scowled at him.

Later, when she was going through her book bag, she found a bottle of grape flavored Calpico that she didn't remember putting there.

"Odd," she murmured-- and even odder-- she suddenly wasn't mad at Hiruma anymore.



hirumaxmamori, hiruma, mamori, eyeshield 21

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