Bleach Drabble (475)

Oct 08, 2006 19:16




Title: Play with Me!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, Yachiru
Word Count: 688
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for how Kenpachi got to be a captain.
Summary: Kenpachi, Yachiru, and pin-the-tail-on-Ikkaku.
Dedication: lissiel- sorry about FAILING the last request. ^^;; Also for sophiap- thanks for all the help on bleach_exchange! ^_^
A/N: Requested as a rain check on my other lj-topic was “Yachiru being protective of Kenpachi.”

At first, she hadn’t really understood.

“Why can’t you play with me, Ken-chan?” he remembered her asking, and he’d sighed-long-suffering-before pointing to his papers.

“Paperwork,” he explained, the new eleventh division captain thinking that since they suddenly had a roof over their heads and food to eat whenever they wanted now, she ought to know there were things Kenpachi had to do in return for all that. Shit didn’t come for free-he’d made sure that was one of the first goddamned things he’d ever taught her.

“Eeeh, paperwork? But you never had to do that before!” she complained anyway, and pouted and sat on his desk and made a general nuisance of herself while she tried to interpret whatever it was that was so fascinating about the papers he was drawing on.

“Well now I gotta,” he said, because that was all the damned explanation she needed as far as he was concerned. She’d figure the details out on her own before too long-she was bright like that. Or Yumi would tell her, because he was all adamant about her getting some sort of thorough explanation whenever something happened. Said it helped with her developing or something stupid like that, Kenpachi wasn’t really listening ever.

She only pouted at that though, and looked absolutely wounded as she sat there on his desk pawing at his reports and smudging his ink all over her hands. “I don’t wanna share Ken-chan with paperwork!” she declared-all bossy like-- after a moment.

“Well you gotta,” he said, and thought maybe he ought to get her drunk or something so she’d maybe fall asleep and let him get his goddamned work done. Stupid brat clearly didn’t appreciate that they were here doing this because the life was better than it used to be and she could go to school and eat meat every night and not get jumped just walkin’ the goddamned streets.

Well, they still got jumped every now and again, but now they got paid instead of indicted for killing the things that jumped them. ‘Sides, wasn’t like a captain position ever just opened up easy like or anything.

She continued to frown all the same. “Why?!” she demanded.

He blinked. “Why what?”

“Why do you gotta?”

He sighed. “Because that goddamned…” pause. “Because…that goddamned old fart says I…”

He blinked again.

She stared at him. “Ken-chan?”

He leaned back in his chair, thoughtful. “Huh.”

“Huh?” she echoed, and crawled up his arm to rest on his shoulder. She knocked on his head with a little fist when he didn’t answer for a while. “Ken-chan?”

He turned then, shrugged her off his shoulder, but only so she slid more comfortably onto his back. “Maybe I don’t gotta.”

“Waah, really?”

He felt himself smiling, just a little bit. “Maybe not.”

She beamed. “So you’re gonna play with me?”


“On what?”

“What you wanna play, dumbass. I don’t want anything to do with any gay-ass tea party you’re havin’ with Yumichika.”

“I wanna play pin-the-tail-on-the-baldie!”

“Well… then I’m in.”

She giggled. “Silly Ken-chan, you should have just come out and play right away when I asked!”

He stood then, and looked down at the reports he’d been wasting most of the morning working on. “Guess I don’t know what came over me,” he admitted, and let her climb on top of his head to lean forward and look him in the eye upside-down.

“Silly Ken-chan!” she laughed.

“Silly me,” he admitted. “Now where’s baldie?”

“Runnin’ drills in the yard!”

She squealed in delight when he took off then, and neither of them ever looked back once.

Zaraki grinned and didn’t mind running out to get a little fresh air and exercise after being cooped up for so long-- figured if he got fired for not doing his paperwork he could always just go ahead and kill Kurotsuchi and take his job, or something.

Make the system work for him, as it were.

And he had to admit-‘cuz she’d figured it out before him-- Yachiru really was a pretty damned bright kid when she wanted to be.


yumichika, kenpachi, bleach, eleventh division, ikkaku, yachiru

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