One Piece- "Weak Point"

Sep 12, 2006 20:40

Title: Weak Point
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing/Character/s: ZoroxSanji
Topic: Black
Word Count: 300
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine. Just stupidity.
Summary: Zoro gets wounded.
Dedication: sophiap- I know you’re not really into this fandom, but you cheered me up lots tonight. Thanks. ^^
A/N: I r dumb.

“Shut the fuck up,” Zoro grunted, though he didn’t fuss when Sanji slapped the frozen steak to his eye, the chef grinning the whole time.

“I didn’t say anything,” Sanji responded, but didn’t bother wiping the amused look off of his face.

“Well good,” the swordsman grumbled, trying to look intimidating instead of embarrassed as he held the T-bone-in-a-bag to his face. He even managed not to take a swing at Sanji for the way the bastard was looking at him.

“So I definitely didn’t say anything about how the infamous scary pirate Roronoa Zoro-- who can come out of a sixty-to-one battle without a scratch mind-- somehow gave himself a black eye from coming too hard,” the chef added with a snicker as he sauntered back towards the stove with something like unholy glee.

Zoro glared after him with his un-swollen eye and told himself he couldn’t punch the fucker because he was too busy holding steak to his face. “You have knobby knees!!!” he shouted in self-defense instead, and belatedly realized that that one had definitely sounded better in his head than out loud.

Sanji just laughed and started dinner.

Snarling, Zoro plopped down at the table without another word, still holding the bag-of-steak to his face.

And as he sat there watching the aho-cook fry his stupid rice, Zoro told himself that next time, next time, he was flipping the bastard onto his stomach and fucking him that way instead.

Keep those switchblade-kneecaps-that-shouldn’t-have-been-near-Zoro’s-face-in-the-first-place pinned down like they belonged and then that asshole love-cook couldn’t laugh at him for stupid shit like this afterwards.

Sanji in the meantime, just looked forward to what the infamous-scary-pirate Roronoa Zoro was going to say to explain himself when Luffy inevitably asked him-nice and loud-- what was wrong with his face.



zoroxsanji, sanji, zoro, one piece

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