Bleach Drabble (469)

Sep 11, 2006 12:05



Title: Anything You Want
Rating: R
Pairing/Character/s: GinxUlquiorra, AizenxGin
Word Count: 893
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for the Arrankar arc. Also, blood, gore, sex, and non-con. Because it’s the ‘kar. It just has to happen like that, I guess. XD
Summary: Gin’s birthday present is a study in the systematic destruction of Ulquiorra’s faith.
Dedication: Para- yours and Gin’s birthdays are surprisingly close together. XD;; Happy belated to both of you! I suck for being late. >>
A/N: Yes I realize I still owe lots and lots of request fic, but this is for a birthday. Two, actually. So it gets precedence, okay? Okay.

While Aizen petted his hair and stroked his cheek he also asked, “What do you want for your birthday, Gin?” and Ichimaru wasn’t sentimental enough about birthdays (especially his own) not to first and foremost, take the question as an opportunity.

To use it to his advantage.

“Maa, that depends on what you’d be willing to give me, wouldn’t it?” he’d murmured in return, and arched his back as he did, bending back as graceful as a calla lily while Aizen gently supported his hips.

The other man smiled then, like he knew Gin was fishing for something that wasn’t just a birthday present, and squeezed the hands on his subordinate’s hips just hard enough to bruise. “Anything you want,” he conceded, because one of the things he loved most about this silver-haired fox was his ability to try and bring pain on everyone given the chance, even those closest to him.

Especially those closest to him.

And Gin knew this too, grinned back at his former captain and lifted himself up with a small laugh, before pushing back down with a hum and a slick, sliding noise. “Can I play with your pretty one, then?” he asked, and put all his cards on the table as he squeezed inner muscles around Aizen in a teasing manner. “Would you let me have him all to myself for just one day?”

Aizen thought of Ulquiorra’s sad, obedient face at that, shuddered both from the other man’s ministrations and his own thoughts at how lovely that image was in his mind’s eye. “You’d have to promise to play nice,” he said sternly, and nosed Gin’s cheek.

“As nice as I know how,” Gin promised solemn as he wrapped two arms around Aizen and held him close when his leader came.

“Happy birthday,” the older man breathed after a moment, and smiled tenderly at his former vice-captain.

“Thank you,” Gin told him, and really did look forward to the day.

He knew more than anyone else that your birthday was the day when you were supposed to get everything you possibly wanted in the world, after all.

And as predicted, the day did not fail him.

Ulquiorra’s face when Aizen ordered him to go with Ichimaru made the silver-haired shinigami almost shiver in delight, the surprised, frightened, sad look the young Arrankar had valiantly tried to hide as he’d murmured, “Yes, Aizen-sama,” and did as he was told.

It was more than Gin could have asked for.

And when he made the little princess strip, the shame and impotent rage that blossomed on those pretty features was absolutely delicious as shoes, pants, sword, shirt, and unfailing pride all systematically came off. Slowly, one piece of Ulquiorra falling to the floor at a time in a brilliant shameful waterfall, leaving white, pristine skin behind, the stare of cold, hateful eyes.

“Of course you would be unmarked, ne?” Gin marveled as he took in the sight of the naked Arrankar, and before he could stop himself, stepped forward to push his fingers into Ulquiorra’s skin, all the way in until he couldn’t see them anymore, until dark red blood trickled out and trailed down snow-white skin like a small river. “Maaa, I just couldn’t resist,” he explained, and delighted in how Aizen’s favorite bit his bottom lip to keep from gasping aloud.

Valiant effort, and so very, very cute.

Gin withdrew his fingers and licked some of the blood off of them, watched Ulquiorra glare daggers at him all the while still playing Aizen’s obedient little puppy dog.

But now, perhaps, with just a tiny, tiny seed of doubt.


It would be an exercise in Sousuke’s manipulative ability to win little Ulquiorra back completely once Gin was through with him, but after seeing Aizen’s work with dear little Momo-chan Gin didn’t think it would be that difficult for his former captain to bring Ulquiorra back in the fold after some sweet smiles, some gentle pats on the head and kind words. Aizen was so very good at that after all.

Fingers sticky with blood and spit Gin strode forward and grasped Ulquiorra hard around the throat with his clean hand then, hefted the little one off the ground and slammed him into the nearest wall, hard enough to crack several ribs, forcing the air from the Arrankar’s lungs in a pain-filled gasp. “It’s my birthday you know,” Gin stated off-handedly, and dipped his index finger back into the wound he’d opened up earlier, drawing blood out like ink and tracing little red hearts to life on Ulquiorra’s pale, heaving chest. “It’s my birthday and Aizen-taichou has given me a wonderful, wonderful present.”

“Pig,” Ulquiorra snarled hoarsely and Gin squeezed his throat just a little bit tighter.

“Maa, be nice, ne? It’s my birthday,” Gin repeated, and without breaking eye contact, reached down to remove his pants. “And Aizen-taichou’s given me a wonderful, wonderful present.”

To his credit, Ulquiorra didn’t scream-not once-but that hadn’t been one of the more pressing items on Gin’s list of things to receive today, so the birthday boy simply smiled around the blood in his mouth and relished the things he did receive that he’d wanted.

Those were the only ones that really mattered.
And really, Ulquiorra’s eyes full of doubt was the best gift he ever could have asked for.



ulquiorra, bleach, ginxulquiorra, gin, aizen, aizenxgin

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