Eyeshield 21 Drabble (8)

Jul 25, 2006 15:16



Title: Forward Motions
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: JyuumonjixSena, vague references at HirumaxMamori
Word Count: 451
Warning/s: OOC, fluff, sap, etc., etc…. no real spoilers though.
Summary: Locker room memories.
Dedication: for seca’s request on my lj.
A/N: The theme of the request was “locker room”… I could have done something really perverted with this.

The day that Jyuumonji confessed to him they’d been in this very locker room, just the two of them after practice while all the others had gone ahead and left before them mysteriously, herded out impatiently by Toganou and Kuroki just a little while before.

Sena remembers Jyuumonji being so nervous that he’d had to do it with his helmet still on.

Sena had had to stand on one of the benches so he was level with Jyuumonji because he couldn’t quite hear him with his headgear muffling his words and the height difference to top it all off, and when the runningback took the blond’s helmet off after he’d managed to get all the words out it was the first time they’d ever been able to look one another right in the eye-to-eye and smile.

Their first kiss was in this locker room too, right before practice when Sena had been about to put his helmet on and jog onto the field with everyone else. They’d lingered in the back a little bit and then Jyuumonji had suddenly grabbed his arm before he could leave and moved to peck his cheek. Sena had abruptly turned at being tugged though, and when their lips brushed-just the slightest bit misaligned, but perfect all the same-- the blond had looked a mixture of mortified and happy while Sena had turned bright pink and quickly put his helmet on. That day, Hiruma made them each run fifty laps to make up for being late to practice.

Jyuumonji doesn’t even remember running a single one, though they’d both finished in record time.

When they first told everyone that they were going out with one another it had been here in this locker room too, and Hiruma had put his feet up on a nearby table and told them to shut up because they were supposed to be planning strategy for the next big game and everyone already knew anyway.

Mamori hadn’t, to be fair, but Hiruma never really counts her as anyone in the grand scheme of things. Sena suspects it’s because he likes her, but he’s too scared to say it out loud for fear of Hiruma opening fire on him.

All in all, Jyuumonji and Sena both have lots of good memories in this locker room, and even though it kind of smells like sweat on the days that Mamori doesn’t go around and replace all the air fresheners and clean up after practice, the two of them generally regard it as one of their most favorite places.

Sometimes Sena wonders, blushingly, if he’ll end up losing his virginity in the locker room one of these days too.

Jyuumonji’s working on it.



hirumaxmamori, jyuumonjixsena, eyeshield 21

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