Bleach Drabble (150-153)

Sep 07, 2005 21:31

So... lots of tennis for me tonight, and I basically wrote all of these while watching some matches that're really making me nervous, so um... there's probably incomplete thoughts and random insertions and weird word choice all up in here, but right now I can't be bothered because James Blake and Andre Agassi are playing in the US Open Quarterfinal and I DON'T KNOW WHO TO ROOT FOR.


Title: Sleepless
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuheixYumichika
Word Count: 997 (whoo, three words within limits… XD)
Warning/s: No spoilers, but some sap and WAFF and all those schmoopy things that I like with these two.
Summary: Some nights are harder than others.
Dedication: Roll call! C’mon ShuuxYumi fans, let me know where you are. This one’s for you all. ^^
A/N: I just wanted to be sappy. So I’m being sappy. I think it’s the whole, after-Aizen from drabble #147 I just needed LOTS of sappy to balance myself internally. I feel better now though, so it’s all to a purpose. Yes.

He can sleep without Shuuhei beside him like a normal person, even though he’s in love and that in itself makes him abnormal as is. He can sleep with Shuuhei gone from their bed because he has to some nights, on the nights that duty calls and he has to remember that they’re still shinigami in the end, despite the anomaly of being in love.

So on the nights like tonight with Shuuhei gone, Yumichika closes his eyes and rolls to face the empty half of the bed, telling himself that he can sleep without Shuuhei here because he has to. He doesn’t particularly want to, but he can because tomorrow there’s work to be done and he can’t forget that he’s a death god too, despite how painfully smitten he is with the person that’s supposed to be sleeping on the other side of him.

He can sleep without Shuuhei here, it’s just a little bit harder.

But there are cheats, he’s learned, there are techniques he can use that help make it possible, and on the worst nights he takes Shuuhei’s pillow and buries his nose into it, a poor substitution but one with the familiar, comforting scent he is used to falling asleep beside. That helps, and after a few hours, he’ll eventually drift off, wrapped around the smell of his lover.

The only setback of this strategy is the fact that on those assignments that take a week or more, the scent begins to change and everything begins to smell like himself, which makes those later nights alarming in some inexplicable way. It’s those nights when Yumichika can’t hug his lover’s pillow and smell his scent that are the hardest nights of all.

But he’s stubborn and so he curls around Shuuhei’s pillow anyway, forcing himself sleep even if it’s just for an hour or half an hour, because he’s a shinigami still, and in the morning there’s work to do.

Tonight is another one of those most difficult nights because the comforting smells aren’t there and Shuuhei’s been gone for six days, out in the field to instruct high-level academy students.

He hopes Shuuhei at least, is sleeping well as they camp out in seireitei’s next-world training facilities. He wonders if the other man faces similar problems sleeping or if it’s just him, the one who’s been spoiled so thoroughly by the kind, attentive mate that Shuuhei is such that he has a difficult time doing without him.

He hopes that’s the case, because staying in the field for prolonged periods of time is dangerous, and if Shuuhei isn’t well rested he might be hurt or worse.

It’s a bit odd, but it makes sense in the long run, Yumi wanting to be missed less than he is missing, and as he shuts his eyes in an attempt to get some rest, he wishes Shuuhei a deep, restful sleep tonight.

He jumps a moment later when he hears a scuffling noise from outside, and frowning to himself, he rolls over to face the door, wondering if it’s a stray animal or some of his teammates playing a prank.

It’s most likely the latter, and Yumichika scowls, getting out of bed because he’s not really sleeping anyway, wrapping his robe around himself with the intent of marching outside to tell whoever’s there to go to sleep because tomorrow they have fitness drills led by Zaraki-taichou and if they’re not rested for that, they might actually die.

He tries to forget that he’s not exactly sleeping well himself lately.

Lighting a candle he exits the bedroom, padding barefoot towards the door, absently fixing his mussed hair with his hand.

When he sees Shuuhei removing his sandals in the doorway, he nearly drops the candle.


“Did I wake you?” the vice-captain asks, voice low as he finishes with his shoes and moves into the candlelight.

He looks, Yumi notes, absolutely exhausted.

“You didn’t wake me,” Ayasekawa admits after a moment of studying the tired vice-captain. “You just surprised me!” he chastises softly, stepping forward and taking his lover’s hand in his own. “You’re early, I wasn’t expecting you…” he adds to clarify, setting the candle down before drawing the other man forward. Sighing happily, he buries his nose into the front of Shuuhei’s robe and inhales deeply. “You smell horrible,” he laughs after the first breath, wrinkling his nose.

Shuuhei chuckles and wraps his arms around Yumi anyway. “Yeah, well, field work,” he explains dryly.

“Not that I mind, but why are you back so early? I thought you still had until tomorrow with the class…”

Shuuhei hesitates a moment before he murmurs something unintelligible into Yumi’s hair.

“What was that?” Ayasekawa asks, drawing back so he can hear better.

“I uh…” Shuuhei sighs resignedly after a second and reaches into his pocket, pulling out one of Yumi’s handkerchiefs. He waves it. “It…uh, stopped smelling like you,” Hisagi admits, cheeks pink. “I couldn’t sleep well, so we uh, ended early,” he finishes lamely.

Yumi looks at him incredulously. “You…”

Shuuhei turns away. “Uh… yeah…”

Yumi, laughing tenderly, cups the other man’s cheeks and kisses him impulsively, because he just can’t not after that. “Let’s get some sleep,” he urges after they pull apart. “You look exhausted.”

Shuuhei nods, leaning forward to peck Ayasekawa on the lips once more before he lets him lead them back into the bedroom.

Yumi puts out his candle and they crawl into bed tiredly, Shuuhei immediately invading Ayasekawa’s half of the bed and wrapping his arms around him, resting his cheek on the other man’s chest and breathing deeply.

Literally three breaths later, Shuuhei’s out cold, snoring like a shrieking Hollow right into Yumi’s ear, warm and content and obviously making up for all the sleep he’d lost over the past six days.

Yumi sighs and kisses his lover’s forehead before he settles down and closes his eyes.

He proceeds to get the best sleep he’s had all week.



Title: Time for a Makeover
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Urahara, Kurotsuchi
Word Count: 630
Warning/s: Spoilers for Urahara’s past, and on Mayuri’s appearance.
Summary: Kurotsuchi Mayuri knows when it’s time to change his image.
Dedication: Beck- I know she likes this sort of thing, right? Yeeeah.
A/N: I just wanted to mess with Mayuri a little. Because it’s fun. And I’m not really paying attention to what comes out of me tonight since I’m watching US Open Quarterfinal matches. I have no idea who to root for now. -_-;;

It was always “ah, my cute little Mayu-chan,” in the past, Urahara-taichou constantly reaching out and pinching his cheeks or ruffling his hair, the blonde captain even going so far as to fondly tweak his vice-captain’s nose in front of others, an embarrassing show of how lackadaisical a leader Urahara was when it came down to important things like work.

Mayuri remembered from the early days of his career, how an experiment of his would go wrong and there would be a small explosion, and instead of getting mad, Urahara-taichou would put his hand on Mayuri’s shoulder and laugh, rubbing the soot from his vice-captain’s face and saying, “don’t worry, my cute little Mayu-chan… practice, it’s all about practice, yes?” before he’d toddle off to do whatever brilliant work he somehow pulled out of his ass without having to use any determination or force of will, the twelfth division captain breezing through his scientific research like some sort of natural genius and coming up with all the right answers effortlessly while Mayuri could only stand by and wipe ash from his eyes as he glared after his captain.

Other times, he remembered how he would propose a subject for research, would prepare a study, would comb through books to make a perfect report, and Urahara, chewing unprofessionally on some snack or other as he strolled the lab, would pause behind him and glance at his work for a fraction of a second before smiling and ruffling Mayuri’s hair, chuckling that “my cute little Mayu-chan is very close! Why don’t you take another look at the second equation, ne?” And then he’d walk away with that smarmy smile on his face, unquestionably going off to go read dirty novels or take a nap in his office.

It had been enough to drive Mayuri crazy at times, but there was nothing he could really, formally complain about regarding Urahara, considering how supportive his captain always was about everything.

Everyone blamed it on Mayuri’s good looks, knowing Urahara’s universal weakness for a pretty face. They seemed to resent the twelfth division vice-captain for his appearance as it prompted the blonde commander to, well…spoil him.

When accused of it by other captains, Urahara never denied it.

“Kisuke, you pamper your boy a little too much, don’t you think?”

“Maaa… but Mayu-chan is so cute, Jyuu-chan! I can’t let him worry about little things that I can take care of and have him ruin his good looks, ne? It’s no problem, no problem!”

It made Mayuri’s blood boil, and some people speculate that that was solely to blame for the twelfth division captain’s current state of…eccentricity.

And Mayuri didn’t doubt the accusations himself at times, remembering how he’d close his eyes at night and still be able to feel Urahara Kisuke’s hand in his hair or his fingers on his cheeks, mocking him. He remembered going to bed and having the phantom sensation of his nose being tweaked by mocking fingers, his back being patted whenever he was close, but not quite perfect enough in his work.

“But it’s okay! Mayu-chan is so cute that little mistakes like that are forgivable with such a wonderful face ne?”

The mere thought of that infuriating man never failed to make the current twelfth division leader clench his fists in frustration.

To say the least, he was ecstatic on the day that Urahara-taichou mysteriously disappeared, because it was possible that had the blonde captain remained, Kurotsuchi would have murdered him in his sleep before much longer.

As it were, Urahara was thankfully gone, and on the day Mayuri was formally appointed as the new captain of seireitei’s twelfth division some odd weeks later, he decided that some important changes were immediately in order.

He started with his face.



Title: Worth the Wait
Rating: PG-15 to R, depending on how you look at it.
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 560
Warning/s: No spoilers, but vaguely pornographic content here. XD
Summary: Kyouraku is an artist when it comes to patience.
Dedication: fallofrain- NOW THERE ARE MORE OF US. WIN.
A/N: I don’t know, I felt like pron. And then I’ve been writing lots of these two it seems lately, and I just got this LINE in my head and it just kind or ran away with me there. I still think I’m rather no good at the whole R-rated type content, but practice is the only way to get better at it, right? So I’ll keep practicing. Yes.

Patience is a quality that requires a little bit of artistry, Shunsui thinks, because there’s more to patience than just waiting.

Rather, he feels it’s waiting for something you’ve worked hard for to come to fruition, something that you’ve set up carefully and are awaiting the desired outcome to. And so he continues to set up carefully, smiling gently and running his fingers down the curve of Jyuushirou’s shoulder, leaning forward to press a kiss to the small of the other captain’s back as he awaits his desired outcome.

Ukitake shudders under his touch, a strangled noise escaping from the back of his throat as he bunches the sheets in his hands and tries to keep from crying out because it’s late and other people are sleeping.

Kyouraku chuckles when he hears it, thinks that his virtuous patience is beginning to pay off now because Jyuushirou is on the verge of shouting, and that’s exactly what Shunsui’s been waiting for all evening.

It’s taken all the artistry of his hands to get this far tonight, all the skilled knowledge of his patiently smiling lips as he waits for what he wants, knowing that if he holds himself back for the moment, the payoff at the end will be far more wonderful than falling victim to his own licentious yearning now.

Patience requires a certain amount of finesse after all, and he’s using every bit he has, wringing soft sighs and whimpering cries from his obstinate partner with his fingertips, creating a priceless work of art with Jyuushirou’s trembling body as he exploits all the knowledge he has of this deliciously familiar form.

It’s the expertise of slow kisses and an intrepidly delving tongue to secret places that make Ukitake squirm, the precision of firmly probing fingers and ghostly caresses that make Jyuushirou bite his knuckles in a vain attempt to halt the words that Shunsui is waiting for.

Ukitake doesn’t want to give in and cry out because he thinks it’s an unnecessary requisite that Kyouraku places on their lovemaking, something of a rather childish game that the other captain insists on every time they meet like this.

But Shunsui has long ago perfected the art of patience when it comes to his hands on Jyuushirou’s body, and several masterful touches more is all it takes before the other man needs to be held up, a desperate shout successfully wrenched from Ukitake’s previously stubborn lips.

“Now,” he whimpers, out of breath and hair wild on his face and neck.

It’s exactly what Kyouraku’s been waiting for.

Smiling secretly to himself, the eighth division captain leans forward and kisses Jyuushirou’s gasping throat before murmuring, “As you wish,” in the other man’s ear. And then he lets go of that careful veneer of control and sinks down into the waiting warmth of Ukitake’s pliant body, earning another hoarse shout from his normally taciturn companion.

Kyouraku brushes away Jyuushirou’s sweat soaked hair from the back of his neck and breathes deeply, the smell of his lover’s body, allowing himself to act without any inhibitions now, Ukitake crying out breathlessly beneath him as they move together.

And when Jyuushirou arches forward and calls Kyouraku’s name loudly enough to wake the neighbors, Shunsui thinks that this was well worth every arduous minute of waiting.

Because the virtue of patience has never yielded a sweeter reward.



Title: Great Potential
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: HitsugayaxMatsumoto, but not quite.
Word Count: 754
Warning/s: No spoilers, but kind of um… strange relationship-ness.
Summary: Hitsugaya’s childishness isn’t cute anymore.
Dedication: Christine, you pedophile!
A/N: So I was watching SG-1 tonight on Sci Fi, and they played one of my favorites from the early seasons: “The Fifth Race”. And the big line in that episode is all about potential, and I decided that I needed to jack it for a title. And that’s all I have. Right now, I have absolutely no clue what I’m going to write about as I start this drabble. All I know is that I have my title, and whatever comes out of my fingertips after that is purely improvisational. Hopefully it’ll at least be a little fun. XD

She always seems to be telling him to grow up, because as mature as he can be at certain times, he can also be a little kid just as often, rolling his eyes or sticking his tongue out, making snide little comments behind people’s backs and playing pranks.

She tells him to grow up soon because most girls only like the types of guys that don’t act like children all the time, because after a certain point it just isn’t cute anymore.

Usually he rolls his eyes at her and tells her that yeah, he hears her, blah, blah, blah, whatever, before walking off, acting snide with her for the rest of the day.

After a while things like that in their relationship just become the norm to her, and years and years pass with no change in their dynamic, she constantly telling him to grow up because soon he’ll be past the age where acting like a little boy will still be cute and he rolling his eyes and walking off in response.

But after a while, after a little while longer, she begins noticing something else about the way he responds to her taunts, how he’ll saunter off instead of merely walk nowadays, a kind of swagger in his step that hadn’t been there before. And while he still rolls his eyes, while he’ll probably always roll his eyes at her, he has this wicked little smirk on his face when he does it now, far from huffy or childish. It’s a little bit sly, a little bit more mature than how she remembers him being before.

It’s like he’s teasing her from wherever it is that he’s standing right now, the place between boyhood and manhood that’s not one or the other but a little bit of both.

Matsumoto doesn’t quite know what to make of it when she sees it for herself. She knows that other women, other girls, twitter amongst themselves when they see him nowadays, faces flushed slightly pink as they comment to one another about how Hitsugaya-taichou’s gotten taller and how he looks stronger, how his voice is deeper and he’s starting to fill out in all the right places over the course of time.

And when she hears those types of things Matsumoto has to look at her captain again, more carefully this time because she’s been by his side day after day for forever now and maybe she hasn’t noticed some of the things these other girls are noticing because of that.

So the next time he makes a snide comment about her monstrous breasts, she crosses her arms under them and sticks them out at him more, telling him that he needs to grow up a little because he’s way past the age where acting like such a child is still cute.

When she says that he rolls his eyes at her like he always does, like he always will, but this time when he looks at her afterwards those same eyes are laughing, a playful little smirk on that wiseass mouth of his as he leans forward to look at her more closely, oddly no longer intimidated by her chest like he should be.

She nearly takes a step backwards then, and the first thing she thinks at their sudden proximity is that she doesn’t remember when he grew enough for his eyes to be nose level with her, because it seems like just yesterday when she could bury his face against her breasts and tease him for being so small and cute, releasing him red-faced and embarrassed and huffy at her for making fun of his size.

He’s not that small anymore all of a sudden, and she blinks incredulously at him when he leans in close after she tells him to grow up, his lips quirked upwards in that not-quite adult smile he has now as he murmurs, “I’m almost there, fukutaichou,” all low and smug and right in her ear.

She suddenly feels her cheeks grow a little bit pink.

And then he’s back in his own personal space again, turning around and swaggering off with that positively wicked expression on his face, not another word said between them.

There doesn’t need to be.

Watching him go, Matsumoto feels the corners of her lips turn reflexively upwards in an answering smirk to his, because for her, the future has suddenly revealed all kinds of potential.

She thinks to herself that next few years are going to be very, very interesting.


Lots and LOTS of editing needed, unquestionably. But I'll do it after tennis. ^^;;

kyourakuxukitake, mayuri, bleach, urahara, hitsugayaxmatsumoto, shuuheixyumichika

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