Eyeshield 21 Drabble (6-7)

Jul 16, 2006 16:42

Wheee I am totally a machine. ONE REQUEST LEFT.


Title: Faster than a Speeding Bullet
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Hiruma, Sena (but most everyone)
Word Count: 425
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Hiruma lets the Devilbats know his conditions.
Dedication: for merboo- been so long since I wrote any ES21. *dies*
A/N: The theme of the request was “ceasefire”- this should be interesting. >>

They thought he wasn’t listening because he wasn’t in the room with them, but he heard them all the same.

He had his methods.

And so he knew how Jyuumonji and Kuroki and Toganou grunted and complained about how they always got shot at even when they accomplished the crazy quarterback’s hell task of the day, whether they were pushing 400-pound blocks of ice with their foreheads or lifting Kurita up one at a time and jogging him across the field in less than a minute.

“Why the hell does he keep firing his goddamned guns at us?” one would grunt, and the other two would make like noises of discontent.

“He should be concentrating on the stupid monkey,” Kuroki added, and looked sideways at Monta. “He’s the one that needs the most work.”

“Don’t look at me!” Monta clucked, and showed off his slightly blistered palms. “I haven’t dropped a ball once!”

“Tch. Then it’s the dumbass’s fault,” Toganou grunted, and looked over at Taki.

Taki kept spinning and marveling at his abilities all to himself. No one really wanted to talk to him.

“Hiruma is encouraging us!” Kurita defended his best friend, meekly. “He just wants us to be better, ne?”

“By pissing us the hell off,” Jyuumonji muttered, though didn’t really say anything else about it because Sena was beginning to look troubled, and everyone knew he kind of hated that.

Hiruma walked into the locker room then, and everyone grew silent. He supposed it was time to at least give them some knowledge of the limits they were working within.

Sort of like letting wild horses run around in the coral until they got used to the size of the enclosed space.

So he cocked his P-90 and let it rest against his shoulder, glancing dully around the room and it’s suddenly quiet inhabitants.

Time to let them know what they were working against.

“I’ll stop shooting,” he started by way of greeting, and everyone winced, “when he,” he pointed at Sena, “can outrun my goddamned bullets.”

Silence. Not only silence, but an impressive complete lack of motion too.

Hiruma cackled and strolled out of the locker room popping bubble gum.

Slowly, everyone moved to stare at Sena.

“Well,” Monta said, and pat his friend on the back heartily. “Time to get to work then, ne?”

“We’re counting on you,” everyone agreed, and strolled casually out of the room.

Sena wasn’t sure if he was flattered at everyone’s faith or horrified at how deftly Hiruma had turned the blame on him.



Title: Lost
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Shin, Takami
Word Count: 391
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine. Lots of OOC I'll bet, though.
Summary: Machines don’t like Shin.
Dedication: for tokkitsu- THIS WAS SO HARD.
A/N: The theme of the request was “technology.” Um.

“It broke,” Shin explained simply, and held the components of the coach’s expensive handheld GPS device in his upturned palms.

Takami sighed and looked down at the pathetically buzzing pieces of technology Shin was holding out to him. “You mean you broke it,” he said, and wasn’t quite sure how to tell his teammate that this time, he probably couldn’t fix it.

“It should have been stronger,” Shin grunted, palms still cradling the gadget and waiting for the quarterback to work his mysterious scientific magic on it.

It crackled then, and Takami almost thought the GPS device sounded a little bit indignant.

“Or you should have been gentler,” he chastised, finally giving in and scooping up the little electronic bits into his own hand. He looked at it a bit mournfully. It had been really nice. Strong. Army issue. “You should probably go tell coach that you broke it.”

“He wasn’t in his office. Or on the field,” Shin said, and his tone of voice suggested that he’d been expecting to find the old man in either the locker room or the weight room here when he’d come in.

Takami looked thoughtful. “I think he might have gone to the AV room to talk to the staff about recording the next home game.”

“AV room,” Shin echoed, and cocked his head to the side.

Takami stared at him. “Audio Visual?”

“Hm,” Shin said, and eyed the failing GPS device in Takami’s hand for a moment.

Takami looked back, incredulously. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said. “The AV room. It’s on campus. It’s part of our school.” It wasn’t anything the football team often went to see of course, but Takami really thought Shin should maybe take the time to learn about things at Oujou that went beyond the field, the locker room, the weight room, the trainer’s clinic, and the coach’s office.

“Hm,” Shin grunted in like, and turned to leave. “I’ll find it.”

Takami sighed. “No, no. It’s okay. I’ll take you.”

They walked along without saying anything for a little bit, and it was only after they’d made the fifth or six turn down the stonework corridors of Oujou that a thought struck the tall quarterback. “Shin,” he started, and adjusted his glasses curiously, “how do you get to class?”

Silence for a moment.

And then, “Sakuraba.”



shin, sena, takami, hiruma, eyeshield 21

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