Ouran- "Target Demographic"

Jul 11, 2006 22:09

OMG WHAT AM I DOING I HAVE A MIDTERM TOMORROW? (though to be fair I studied all my notes already. >>)

Title: Target Demographic
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s:Vaguely KyouyaxTamaki
Word Count: 925
Warning/s: Probably OOC to the max.
Summary: The new Ouran High School Host Club expands its repertoire.
Dedication: GOD is there anyone out there who likes KyouyaxTamaki too? *rolls* Guess I’ll dedicate to Jab and Jen again since they at least like the series. >>
A/N: I suck at Ouran fic. I’ve decided. But I’m pushing on anyway for some odd reason. I’m probably out of ideas as it stands though, so at least there’s that to comfort me. XD

It started when a group of suave seniors invaded the third music room with the intent of scoping out the new club there that was beginning to gain popularity amongst the female students of Ouran. Their leader breezed through the doors smiling winningly and looked around for a moment before settling his gaze (naturally) on Tamaki and asking (in an oily sort of way), why, oh why, such good-looking young men only seemed to want to cater to female dreams.

“For shame! Don’t you know we men have dreams too?” he’d asked, and eyed the blond second-year in a way that wasn’t dream so much as fantasy.

Tamaki had paused.

Thought about it for a second.

And then exclaimed, “Senpai is absolutely RIGHT!”

Kyouya had intervened then, and adjusted his glasses just so, so they caught the glare of the sunlight and the three upperclassmen couldn’t see his eyes anymore. He was scarier that way.

“I’m sorry, senpai, but this club’s general policy is to specialize in female guests,” he’d said plainly, and watched as Mori and Honey escorted their classmates out of the room with great friendliness.

Afterwards, Tamaki had been crestfallen. “Ne, Kyouya,” he’d asked, and wibbled with his eyes, “is it unfair to start a club that ignores the dreams of men?”

Kyouya had figured that Tamaki would feel guilty about something like this. “It’s fair when their dreams are clearly aimed unfavorably at you, my lord.”

Tamaki didn’t seem to get the implications of that statement. “What if they’re lonely?”

“You’re a kind-hearted idiot,” the dark-haired boy had responded, “and would be the ultimate defenseless prey to the whims of such predators if ever left alone with them.”

Tamaki pouted. “I would not! I’m a man too, aren’t I?”

Kyouya sighed. Adjusted his glasses. Looked Tamaki straight in the eye. “Tamaki…” he began slowly, voice low in his throat.

Tamaki looked right back with those stubborn, “I’m-four-years-old-and-know-exactly-how-the-world-works-you-big-meanie” eyes of his.

Kyouya took a step forward.

Tamaki didn’t move backwards. Much.

Kyouya took another step.

Tamaki inched back. In a manly way.

And then Kyouya removed his glasses, still looking into those confused purple eyes, before very deliberately leaning forward. Held that pose for a moment.

Tamaki was transfixed.

And then Kyouya let his eyes slip ever-so-slightly to the right, over the blond’s shoulder towards the couch they’d had delivered just a few days ago. “Are those new cushions?”

Tamaki lit up, instantly distracted. “Yes! From France and…”

Kyouya kissed him.

Pulled back right away so that it was only a brush of lips on lips really, and stood up straight so that everyone (they were the only two still in the room) could see that he was completely unaffected after proving his point. He put his glasses back on.

Tamaki blinked back at him comically. Touched his mouth with his fingertips. “Kyouya…”

“See?” the dark-haired boy asked clinically, adjusting his clipboard under his arm and fiddling with the knot of his tie. “Completely defenseless.”

Tamaki looked back at him and his eyes were huge. “Really?”

“Really,” Kyouya echoed, and turned around to leave. “The matter is settled.”

The next day, when Kyouya arrived to the third music room, a big sign in Tamaki’s handwriting reading, “Ouran High School Host Club-Now Accepting Male Guests!” hung above the door.

“Kyouya!!” Tamaki greeted him, excited like this was all very normal.

Kyouya adjusted his glasses. “Yes?”

“I had a wonderful idea last night!!”

He sighed. “So it seems.”

“It would be wrong for us to ignore the hopes and dreams of an entire half of the population!” the blond exclaimed, and hugged Kyouya tight around his waist, looking so excited that the dark-haired boy couldn’t find it in him to really be very annoyed.

Even if Tamaki had ignored everything that was said to him the afternoon before.

“So what do you propose we do?” the bespectacled boy asked patiently, as the others looked silently on.

“I’m so glad you asked!” Tamaki declared, pulling back so he could put one hand on his hip in an appropriately dramatic fashion, the other arm extended in a perfect line and pointing directly at Kyouya. “You’ll teach us how to charm male guests! Defensively!”

Kyouya blinked.

He honestly hadn’t been expecting that. “Excuse me?”

Tamaki glowed. “You’ll teach us!” he repeated, like Kyouya simply hadn’t heard him the first time.

“And this idea came about…how, exactly?”

Tamaki clapped his hands together and beamed. “You’re very good at kissing boys! Naturally you’d be just as good at charming them, ne?”

Kyouya sighed again, and noted the ecstatic flush on the blond’s face while ignoring the unholy glimmer that adorned each of the twins’ as they waited for him to counterattack with some kind of cold denunciation to Tamaki’s grand plan.

Instead, Kyouya simply sighed and said, “As you wish.”

Tamaki sparkled and everyone else blinked. Kyouya smiled secretly to himself and went about preparing the accounts for the day.

He supposed the added income wasn’t something he could really complain about, after all. And he supposed that Tamaki would-without a doubt-believe him when he told the blond that the proper way for one man to charm another (of comparable size and weight of course-- he's no bully) was to punch him in the face in a very manly and emphatic fashion.

Sometime later, when Haruhi dropped by and a very happy mishap occurred under the guise of homosexual love, Kyouya realized he really couldn’t be anything but vaguely amazed at Tamaki’s rather amazingly blind foresight.


Edits needed like WOAH.

kyouyaxtamaki, ouran

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