Bleach Drabble (145-149)

Sep 05, 2005 23:08

Soooooooooo I should have been writing Skye a birthday story all day today but every time I opened a new word document the only thing that would come out was Bleach stuff and so I have a lot of Bleach stuff but NO SKYE FIC and I'm a bad, bad person for it.

But I'll keep trying! I will!! *nod*

*cough*or I'll just buy her more things to make up for it ahem...


Title: I Know a Hot Guy Who Swallowed a Fly
Rating: PG-13 (innuendo anyone?)
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, Yachiru, and background HisagixAyasekawa
Word Count: 447
Warning/s: No spoilers really, just a lot of um… crack.
Summary: Crack fic- Yumi swallows a fly. And fish, apparently (among other things).
Dedication: emoxic- thanks again for the Soi Fong fanart! I know this isn’t what you might’ve wanted, but Kenpachi’s there! Yes. I’ll do better next time, I swear.
A/N: Okay, I’m going to hell for this, but I got the idea for this little crackfest when I was flipping through channels bored out of my mind and heard the rhyme for the “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly” on Nick Jr. And apparently, that wasn’t all she swallowed and yeah, bad things just kind of grew in my mind from there. I’m SICK I tell you, SICK.

It so happened during an eleventh division roll call that, upon moving to answer his captain’s inquiry regarding whether he’d performed the essential task of restocking the headquarters’ cellar with liberal amounts of alcohol, a bug flew into Ayasekawa Yumichika’s mouth and was promptly, if accidentally, swallowed.

Yachiru had caused a big fuss about the incident because she’d heard somewhere that doing such a thing inevitably led to a lingering and painful death. She, poised atop Zaraki Kenpachi’s shoulder, leaned forward eagerly in order to witness the groundbreaking event.

Zaraki, in his best fatherly tone, had told her that Yumichika wasn’t going to die.

When she asked him why not, he responded with a snort and the declaration that, “Yumi’s swallowed all sortsa things that ain’t technically supposed to be swallowed and he’s not dead yet.”

When Yachiru asked what Ken-chan meant by that, she was directed to the ninth division vice-captain’s office and told that he could clarify.

Shuuhei, when asked by the pink-haired girl-child, turned rather red in the face and lamely declared that he’d seen Yumi swallow a whole um… fish, yeah fish… before, which was probably what Kenpachi had meant by his swallowing comment and now that that whole mess was cleared up, could Kusajika-fukutaichou please leave his office now because he had work to do?

Yachiru, only more intrigued at that point, had promptly gone to the koi pond in the middle of the court’s prized gardens and caught the biggest fish she could get between her two small hands.

Bringing the still wriggling prize to Ayasekawa, she presented it to him and declared that he had to swallow it for her so that she could see what Shuu-chan had meant.

Yumichika turned slightly red himself and told her very patiently, that it hadn’t been that sort of fish.

Disappointed, Yachiru had put her koi back in the pond (now it floated!) and returned to Kenpachi’s side, telling him of her predicament and how sad she was that she hadn’t gotten to see either death or fish swallowing.

Kenpachi, patting her on the head comfortingly, growled and declared that Shuuhei was a pantywaist and a liar. He then went on to tell the little vice-captain, very matter-of-factly, that when Hisagi had said fish, he’d meant cock.

Expecting it to end with that, Zaraki hadn’t been prepared for Yachiru’s wide-eyed declaration of delighted wonder and her supposition that watching cock-swallowing must be a hundred times more interesting than watching fish-swallowing.

She promptly evacuated her spot on his shoulder and went off with the intent of catching the nearest live rooster.

In hindsight, Kenpachi supposed that he should have stuck with the fish story.



Title: Low Tolerance
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: UkitakexShunsuixUkitake (What? Yeah, I thought the same.)
Word Count: 919
Warning/s: Um, probably some OOCness in here. Lots of it, actually.
Summary: Ukitake’s like a whole different person when he’s had a few.
Dedication: Trust me, no one wants it. O.o
A/N: Um… I hate this one, but it wouldn’t leave me alone after I heard my dad and his friend who’s visiting conversing about someone they know who’s always totally straight-laced and professional until he gets drunk. Then I just kept getting weird ideas and this was born and I AM SO SORRY. I suck for this one, I do. ^^;;

Ukitake doesn’t get drunk often, at least, not as often as Kyouraku does, though that doesn’t say much about his sobriety in the end at all, he supposes. But the fact of the matter is that he doesn’t drink often enough to have built up any sort of high tolerance for liquor, and on those rare occasions that Shunsui is able to convince him to knock back a few together, Ukitake always ends up with a painfully dry mouth and a pounding headache come morning.

He complains about it constantly when the other captain tries to get him to join him in his cups, but on a rare occasion, Shunsui will look at him with just the right expression, the one that’s warm and teasing and full of adoration and anticipation all at the same time. He looks like such an excited little kid on those nights, and when Shunsui looks at Jyuushirou in just the right way like that, the thirteenth division captain can’t help but say yes.

Jyuushirou knows that he’ll pay for it in the morning, but it’s a rare occasion anyway, and he feels that Shunsui should get something for those ridiculously well-crafted puppy dog eyes.

And so, on a rare occasion, Jyuushirou will allow himself to get good and smashed.

And he always wakes up the next day with a dry mouth, a pounding headache, and a cheerfully snoring Shunsui underneath him, the eighth division captain having fallen asleep naked and smiling, one arm draped casually over the curve of Ukitake’s back, keeping the white-haired man from moving.

At that, Ukitake can’t help but wonder if their shared drinking experiences are simply an excuse for the other man to get him into bed, given that their tolerance levels differ on such a grand scale. But that wouldn’t make any sense, because really, if Kyouraku wanted to share his bed, it was more often than not, always open to him.

Thinking about it for a while yields no answers, and so Ukitake patiently waits until the next time Shunsui invites him to drink, with the intent to ask what the purpose of getting him drunk is.

When asked, Shunsui feigns indignation at having any ulterior motive; he insists that he wants nothing more than Jyuu-chan’s fine company on certain lonely nights, as Ukitake is his first and only choice to share good alcohol and conversation with.

Ukitake looks back at him skeptically when he hears this, because they’ve known each other for far too long for Shunsui to expect that he’ll buy that load of bullshit when he’s laying it on that thick, as sweet as the sentiment may be.

Shunsui laughs sheepishly at being caught red-handed, and taking Jyuushirou’s hand in his, pulls the other captain into his lap. “I really do want your company, you know,” he whispers into Ukitake’s ear, his free hand stroking the thirteenth division leader’s long hair absently.

“I can’t imagine I’m very good company drunk,” Jyuushirou responds with a gentle snort.

Kyouraku chuckles then, a low sensual rumbling in his chest that means he knows something that his dear Jyuu-chan doesn’t, and after a moment, Ukitake grows impatient for an answer. Crossing his arms, he asks what’s so funny.

“Nothing, nothing. You’re great company when you’re drunk, really. You’re ah… you’re quite the wildcat when you’re a bit sloshed,” Shunsui explains with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

Ukitake blushes a little at the thought of that, wondering what sort of embarrassment he’s subjected himself to in the past under the combined influences of Kyouraku Shunsui and alcohol. “Am I?” he asks, frowning thoughtfully.

“Aa,” Shunsui breathes with a wistful look in his eye. “Last time, you shoved me over, crawled right on top of me and…” he trails off there, shrugging his eyebrows suggestively at a flabbergasted Jyuushirou, letting his wolfish expression explain the rest.

And then Jyuushirou gets it.

“So that’s why…”

Kyouraku, far from being embarrassed, nods. “It’s quite the experience.”

Ukitake smacks him. Hard. “Shunsui!”

“What? What? What’d I do?” the other captain asks, showing signs of surprise for the first time that night.

Ukitake, face flaming, does his best to sit up straight in Kyouraku’s lap, crossing his arms and looking very disapproving. “You…”


“You…” His pretense melts at Kyouraku’s wounded expression, and with a heavy sigh, Jyuushirou buries his face resignedly into his lover’s shoulder. “If that’s what you wanted,” he starts, ears turning pink, “…all you had to do was ask.”

Shunsui inhales sharply at that, and Jyuushirou wonders if he’d inadvertently overstepped some sort of sacred boundary that’s never supposed to be spoken of aloud.

And then, Shunsui’s arms suddenly tighten around Ukitake and very quietly, the white-haired man hears his lover say, “Ne… Jyuu-chan…tonight, you wanna…”

Ukitake’s the one who inhales this time, and after a moment of silence between them, he decisively removes his head from Shunsui’s shoulder so he can look up at the other man.

“Let’s have a few drinks first.”

A beat.

And then Shunsui bursts out laughing, not being able to help himself when he leans forward and gently kisses Jyuushirou’s forehead because it’s too cute. “I know you too well sometimes,” he gloats, eating up the delicious little blush that’s blossomed on the apples of his lover’s cheeks.

Ukitake scowls at the still laughing Kyouraku a few moments later, and he thinks to himself that tonight, after those drinks, he’s going to tie the arrogant bastard up.

And maybe gag him too.



Title: Missing You
Rating: PG-15 (to be safe? I dunno how to rate these things, really…)
Pairing/Character/s: snippets of AizenxIchimaru, some Tousen thrown in too.
Word Count: 634
Warning/s: Major spoilers for the Soul Society arc, and slight spoilers for the post-Soul Society arc.
Summary: Aizen misses Hinamori.
Dedication: My JAC buddies in CA and abroad- I’m so lonely! Oh so lonely! And my brother has gas. Like, constantly, all the time. ;_;
A/N: I really can’t explain this beyond the fact that I was sitting on my living room couch thinking about what I should write next and the first thing that popped into my head was, “I miss evil.” There is obviously something very wrong with me.

For all of Ichimaru’s loyalty and all of Tousen’s devotion, Aizen still finds himself missing his sweet little Momo-chan the most as he sits atop his throne in his palace in-between, the king of a world, the creator of a new era.

He thinks it might have something to do with the fact that Gin’s smiles are anything but innocent and that Kaname’s eyes are the farthest from wide and awe-filled as one can get. Neither of them can look up at him with the cutest, most adorable idol-worship that he’s ever seen, and they certainly don’t have cheeks so round and young and fresh that he wants to pinch them between his fingers, make them pink and embarrassed and filthy with the touch of his powerful hands.

Kaname doesn’t wrinkle his nose at Aizen and ask the older man “why, taichou?” and Gin will never fold his hands against his chest and look up at the former fifth division leader, wanting to hear some word of comfort, some promise that everything will be okay.

Rather, he feels as though his subordinates have been under his control for far too long, all innocence and naiveté having been snuffed out of them eons ago. So instead of looking to Aizen for any sort of guidance, Gin will saunter in, naked more often than not, and interrupt his former captain’s reading time by asking very wickedly, to be fucked within an inch of his life. Kaname might seek to report his latest findings shortly thereafter, the blind man walking in and wrinkling his nose only because he can smell sex and not out of any sort of wondering innocence. And then he’ll simply excuse himself before turning around and walking out the door, dignified and jaded and without even the slightest hint of embarrassment on his face at all.

It’s a little bit disappointing really, and Aizen Sousuke sometimes thinks that he misses his cute little Hinamori-chan because she really is everything these two are not.

She would recoil in shock, he thinks, if she ever were to walk in on such a scene. She would recoil and stare and gape and cry, those wonderful tears spilling onto cute pink cheeks, one after another after another all in a line.

She’d tremble and clutch her hands to her chest, looking up at him with those delicious tears on her face and ask, “why, taichou?”, her eyes huge as they sought some word of comfort from him, some promise that everything will be okay.

But she’s not here, and all he’s left with instead are Gin’s eerie smiles and Kaname’s levelheaded cool. They are indeed two men whose absolute loyalty he commands, who have and would again follow him to the ends of the universe. And while Aizen is pleased with that aspect of it all, he can’t help but feel as if they do it in a rather boring manner.

Really, neither of them cries at all, ever. Not even when he makes them bleed.

It makes him miss Hinamori all the more.

And so he sits in his extravagant court sipping wine and blood from Ichimaru’s tongue, feeling rather bored with it all as he witnesses another experimental demi-hollow torn in half by an overwhelming surge of power, Tousen dispassionately attempting to yank its mask off with his bare hands. The hollow screams and implodes on itself, crying for help from Aizen-sama as it does. Frowning as the shouts die away, all Aizen Sousuke can think is that he would trade all the luxuries of his station here for just a half-dozen of little Momo-chan’s tears.

Sighing, he rolls off of a panting, bleeding Ichimaru, supposing rather philosophically that what they say in the mortal realm is true after all.

It’s lonely at the top.



Title: The Next Step
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou
Word Count: 709
Warning/s: No spoilers that I can think of. ^^;;
Summary: Companion drabble to #141 (“Study” Buddies)- Ganjyu wants to take the next logical step in their relationship.
Dedication: Beck-senpai. XD NOW DO YOU FEEL DIRTY? :P
A/N: It was bound to happen sometime, right? I couldn’t just keep writing them and not have them get anywhere. So…here they are, finally at this one very special place in their relationship. I hope I don’t get killed for it. ^^;;

He thinks that given everything he’s already done with the little guy, this shouldn’t be so nerve-wracking, but it is anyway because he’s never done it before and he doesn’t know where to start.

But he’s determined to push forward with his proposal because he thinks it’s a crucial next-step in their relationship and the two of them need to do more than sit in each other’s rooms and make out under the guise of studying together. There’s more to how he feels about Hanatarou than that he thinks, though he’s never felt this way before so he can’t be sure about anything. All he does know is that he wants them to do this, as anxious as it makes him, as nervous and ill-prepared as he feels for what the next step entails.

So the next time he goes to visit Yamada, he, freshly bathed and in his nicest clothes, surprises the little shinigami by taking his hand in front of everybody and asking with slightly red cheeks, if he can talk to him alone for a moment.

Amidst many hoots and whistles from the other death gods, Hanatarou turns pink around the ears at Ganjyu’s request and instinctively looks down at his feet, fidgeting for a nervous moment before looking back up shyly and nodding, squeezing Ganjyu’s hand in his and letting the taller man escort him back to his room.

Ganjyu’s palms are sweaty but Hanatarou doesn’t seem to mind, holding on to his hand loyally as they walk side-by-side down the hallways towards Yamada’s quarters, silent and anxious and not looking at one another at all.

Ganjyu’s heart is pounding in his chest and he doesn’t trust himself not to chicken out last minute as they get closer and closer to their destination. He thinks that maybe he’s rushing this, that maybe there should be more time just staying how they are right now before they move on to what he’s got in mind.


Hanatarou’s voice pulls him back from his self-doubt and he looks down at Yamada’s wide eyes, the little shinigami’s hand still firmly in his own.

And he’s reminded again of why he wants what he wants. Taking a deep breath, Ganjyu nods at Hanatarou and they proceed into his room, where fortified, the larger man takes a seat on the shinigami’s bed.

“Is everything okay?” Hanatarou asks, picking up on Ganjyu’s nervousness and becoming in turn, anxious himself. “I um…didn’t expect to get to see you today…” the shinigami starts, laughing awkwardly as he sits down beside Ganjyu, their hips a hairsbreadth away from touching.

“Uh yeah…everything’s fine, don’t worry,” Ganjyu responds with a watery smile, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he looks at Yamada’s profile next to him, noting that the other boy might be even more nervous than him given how sensitive Hanatarou always is to Ganjyu’s moods.

“Ah… look,” he starts, feeling guilty for suddenly appearing in front of the little guy and making him all anxious without telling him why. “I uh… I came around today ‘cuz I um, I wanted to ask you somethin’,” he explains, looking down at his hands in front of him.

Hanatarou blinks. “Eh?”

“Now… you don’t have to answer right away,” Ganjyu adds hastily, mentally kicking himself for sounding so stupid. “It’s just lately… you know, with you and me and the uh… well, the… you know…”

Yamada’s cheeks flush crimson and that lets Ganjyu know that they’re on the same page, which is a good sign. Clearing his throat, he pushes intrepidly onward. “Um anyway… it’s like I said, you don’t haveta answer right away, I just um… I uh…”

He pauses when he feels the small shinigami lean against him, and with Yamada’s shoulder bumping the larger man’s arm, Hanatarou looks up at Ganjyu and offers an encouraging smile. “Just ask,” he urges shyly, resting his head on Shiba’s shoulder.

Feeling sheepish when it’s shaky little Yamada that has to comfort him, Ganjyu smiles self-deprecatingly and drapes an arm over the little death god’s shoulder, feeling slightly more confident when he does. He takes a deep breath and takes the plunge.

“So… uh… you wanna maybe, go out for dinner with me sometime?”



Title: Fan Mail
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ByakuyaxRenji, but teasingly.
Word Count: 717
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society Arc.
Summary: Renji learns why he shouldn’t keep making fun of his captain.
Dedication: Skye, because I’m going to be late with your birthday presents and I’m a BAD FRIEND BECAUSE OF IT.
A/N: It’s been a while since I’ve written these two, right? Sure… so here they are! Honestly though, I think I just like messing with Renji a little bit, since he’s such a loveable idiot. XD

Byakuya didn’t expect to become Soul Society’s most eligible bachelor by any merit other than his family connections, but here he is anyway, slightly bewildered that he’s suddenly so popular with the court’s women, and for reasons other than the fact that he has money.

Well, that may be part of it.

But he thinks the news of a wealthy prince's unrequited love story appeals more to the hearts of others than cash alone, and he has unwittingly, won the love of seireitei after his battlefield confession to his sister of her true origins and her connection to his much beloved, long deceased wife.

Word apparently, gets out around the court, and the sixth division captain, upon being released from the infirmary, returns to work only to find his office constantly being inundated with gifts of food and homemade clothing, letters from admirers and prospective mates almost covering the entirety of the floor.

Renji thinks it’s all rather hysterical, citing as raucously as possible, that he is now vice-captain to seireitei’s newest and most popular idol (next to Hisagi), the redhead’s voice carrying loud and clear through the office door he has a habit of leaving carelessly open.

Byakuya, in response to the teasing, tells Renji rather stiffly to please shut the door and assigns his noisy vice-captain some extra paperwork to keep him busy and hopefully, quiet. Abarai scowls and tells Byakuya that this would be a lot more fun for both of them if his captain would allow himself to have a sense of humor. And, he adds, Byakuya should just eat some of the mochi his fans were bringing while he was at it, ‘cuz it was pretty damn good.

Byakuya tells him to continue helping himself to the goodies so long as he’ll just shut the door and please finish his paperwork without having to speak any more on the whole fiasco.

Renji however, seems to like talking more than he should, and constantly finds the need to pester his captain, doing things such as reading his superior’s love-notes out loud with the office door open, rating them on a scale from one to ten. Or on particularly heavy gift days, Abarai likes to notify Byakuya as to which food offerings are best and thus, which girl he should marry such that the sixth division can always stay well-stocked with such goods.

Byakuya does his best to ignore his vice-captain by assigning more and more paperwork.

Renji grumbles about the extra labor but keeps a running point count on his favorite candidates for bride-hood anyway.

After a month of enduring the redhead’s licentious teasing, Byakuya decides to put an end to it and the letters once and for all.

“So, Renji, which lady is in the lead this week according to your scores?” he asks one afternoon, appearing behind the snickering redhead as he’s reading his captain’s letters and munching good-naturedly on a handful of cookies.

“Eh? Seriously?” Renji pauses at the inquiry, looking up at the sixth division captain for some signs of menace, things like more paperwork or his drawn zanpakutou.

When he sees none, he swallows and wipes any excess crumbs from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. “Um… well,” he begins warily, “this one girl roasts some good nuts and this other one seems ta like sendin’ homegrown fruit and…”

“How are the cookies you’re eating?” Kuchiki interrupts, leaning forward slightly to place himself into Renji’s personal space.

“T-the um, the cookies? They’re pretty good, uh… they’re…”

“May I have a taste?”

“Sure, there’s still a couple left and…”

Byakuya kisses him.

Renji is so stunned that he can’t move, and Byakuya, out of the corner of his eye, spies that his vice-captain has once again, very carelessly left the door open. And as he tastes those cinnamon cookies on Abarai’s lips, the sixth division captain wonders with a rather wicked little smile, if this is one of the ways in which word gets around seireitei so quickly.

He counts on it.

One week later, when Byakuya ceases receiving fan letters at about the same time that Renji begins to get hate mail in droves, it’s the first inundation of deliveries to the sixth division headquarters that Byakuya can say he fully approves of.


As always, editing help needed. ^^

ganjyuxhanatarou, kenpachi, kyourakuxukitake, bleach, renjixbyakuya, shuuheixyumichika, yachiru, tousen, aizenxgin

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