Bleach Drabble (444-445)

Jun 23, 2006 19:54

Nnnnrgh. I SUCK.


Title: Peace Between Nations
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou
Word Count: 999
Warning/s: No spoilers, but some OOC I guess. XD
Summary: A study in diplomacy between warring nations
Dedication: sherrymarie- C’MON YOU KNOW YOU WANNA PLAY.
A/N: Right. Four hundred-and-forty-four, for the record. BUT it’s not like I need an excuse, right? Right. XD

For all the time eleventh division shinigami seem to spend in the fourth division headquarters, one would think the two divisions would be better friends.

Ganjyu sighs as he comes to check on some of his men who’d gotten into a nasty fight (with each other) earlier, something over one maybe having slept with the other’s sister. Ugly business.

He smiles and greets the fourth divisioners he sees as he passes, though most of them still eye him suspiciously when he does and he supposes it’s not like they don’t have a good reason to do as such, given their track record with members of the eleventh.

Still, you’d think that with the whole thing involving he and Hanatarou they’d at least try to be a bit friendlier with him.

But now’s not the time, and when he finds the room he’d been directed to when he’d inquired at the front desk he steps inside without knocking, just in time to duck a flying container of tongue swabs as it crashes and shatters by the doorway by his head.

“Aaah!! P-please don’t throw things!”

Hanatarou sounding distressed is always the first thing to set the new eleventh division shinigami off, and before he knows what he’s doing he’s got either fist in either of his men’s faces.

“The hell is going on here?” he demands.

“G-ganjyu-san, don’t hit them, they’re injured!” Hanatarou chastises, though he looks vaguely grateful for the chaos to have been partially subdued by the larger man’s entrance.

“Sir!” the two eleventh division thugs shout, and wipe the blood from their noses.

Ganjyu cuffs them both upside the head. “You better go’n clean that up, ya no good, trouble-makin’ bastards.”

“I-it’s okay, Ganjyu-san!” Hanatarou assures him, and goes back to examining his patients before another brawl can start. “I’m almost done with um, Hamada-san, and Shibata-san doesn’t seem to be very injured….” Pause. “Though I guess now I should check your noses.”

Ganjyu sighs, but refrains from smacking them again for fear of making Hanatarou more work. “Che. Someone else’s damn house,” he mutters, just because he feels like he ought to. “Show some respect.”

“Don’t respect no fourth division,” Shibata mutters defiantly. “Don’t got any fer people who can’t fight.”

Ganjyu can’t help himself when he cuffs the idiot again. “You can’t fight a lick yerself if you’re lettin’ a weakling like Hamada beat ya up,” he tells him matter-of-factly. “Be grateful they’re still willin’ ta look after your sorry asses after such an’ amazin’ spectacle of stupidity.”

Both of them glower but know better than to challenge Shiba-san after he’d battled his way to a seated position after just a week in the eleventh, causing an impressive amount of damage during Zaraki’s last standings brawl.

“Sides,” Ganjyu continues, feeling like he needs to pound the fact in, “This is their damned house, fucker. Would you tolerate some random asshole comin’ into Zaraki-taichou’s headquarters ‘n demandin’ attention an’ time, eatin’ the food, usin’ our shit, and generally disrespectin’ on everybody while they was?”

The two look vaguely cowed at the thought. “No, sir.”

Hanatarou pauses momentarily in his work to beam at Ganjyu. “That’s nice.”

Ganjyu, like he’s got a switch on him somewhere, goes from scowling to beaming back at the small healer. “What, really?”

Hana blushes a bit and nods before going back to work.

Ganjyu grins, goofily.

Hamada and Shibata roll their eyes.

Ganjyu catches it and goes right back to glaring. “You payin’ attention to me, assholes?”

“Er, yessir!”

“Anyway, don’t have the right to make you two idiots change your world views or nothin’, but I just want ya to know. I’m still the boss of ya both and while yer under this roof you’re gonna at least act like respectable idiots if ya can’t get past the whole bein’ idiots part.” He pauses when a sudden burst of inspiration hits him. “In fact, on your way outta here I want ya to thank all the fourth division people ya see. Best kinda penance for bein’ rude.”

The two look stricken. “But!”

Ganjyu crosses his arms and menaces at them both. “Oi. Who here’s the boss, huh?”

They sigh. “You are.”

Neither of them is in the standing to challenge him for his seat, after all.

“That’s right. I’m the damned boss right now. So ya both’re gonna do it, hear me?”


Hanatarou, absently working to heal the cut on Hamada’s lip, turns to Ganjyu then, suddenly remembering something. “Ne, Ganjyu-san, can you run to the store later?”

“Whuzzat now, Hana?”

The fourth division shinigami looks thoughtful. “We’re out of soba at home, and I was thinking that we could have that for dinner since it’s so hot!”

Ganjyu grins. “Sounds good!”

Hanatarou smiles back. “So could you go pick some up on your way home? You get back earlier than I do.”

“Sure, sure!” Ganjyu agrees, readily. “It’s not a problem. Anythin’ else you want while I’m there?”


“Hehe, I’ll get soma those chocolates ya like, howzat?”

Hana laughs a bit, and Ganjyu practically glows at it.

Hamada and Shibata look at each other.


“Yamada-san!” Shibata exclaims, suddenly. “We’re very sorry for causing you so much trouble!”

“We’ll clean up the mess!” Hamada quickly agrees, and the two bow in apology.

Hanatarou blinks at them. “Um… it’s…it’s no problem!”

The eleventh divisioners grin and look back up at Yamada in an overly-friendly manner.

“From now on, let’s get along!”

“Yeah, let’s be friends!”

It should be heartwarming sight or something, this whole foundation for future peace between nations that Ganjyu’s witnessing, but as he looks at it, he can’t quite figure out why he feels just the slightest bit uneasy about the whole thing.

As far as Hamada and Shibata are concerned, making friends with Yamada Hanatarou suddenly seems like a pretty good idea, even if he is a wimpy fourth division runt.

Can’t be too bad being in with the boss’s boss, after all.



Title: Mistress of the House
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Rukia, lightly Byakuya+Ichigo
Word Count: 768
Warning/s: Um, light spoilers for Byakuya back story.
Summary: Ichigo stays at the Kuchiki Manor.
Dedication: ignipotent- thanks again for the donations!
A/N: Rounding out the last Bleach request I owe from my list with this one. The request was: “ByakuyaxIchigo- Marriage”. VERY CRACKY.

“Hey,” Ichigo starts, staring at the portrait of a woman that looks a lot like Rukia except tame. “That the good twin or something?”

She scowls at him, kicks him in the shin. “Niisama’s wife, Hisana-sama. My sister,” she tells him matter-of-factly. “Show some respect.”

He rubs at his leg absently. “Ow. Sorry. Just…” he eyes Byakuya then, who’s leading them through the Kuchiki household with all the enthusiasm of a casket bearer. “I guess I just can’t imagine him ever being married.”

“Echoes, Kurosaki-kun,” Byakuya’s voice starts from up ahead, sounding vaguely amused. “The halls echo quite nicely.”

Ichigo blushes. “Er! I mean… well.” He sighs. “Right, sorry.”

“Hmm,” Byakuya responds, but doesn’t change his pace a bit. “This is the dojo-attached to the house and free for your use should you wish it. Please clean up after yourself.”

They pass the immaculate training facility-Ichigo sneaks a look inside as they pass and whistles-before continuing on towards the living quarters.

“My quarters,” Byakuya recites, gesturing with one hand to a surprisingly simple set of sliding doors. “Rukia’s quarters,” he continues, pointing to the room on other side of the hallway.

“Your quarters are here,” he states then, stopping in front of the set of rooms located directly beside his own. “Guest rooms. For the time that you’re here, the staff has been instructed to treat you as a member of the household.”

Rukia, right behind Ichigo, whispers, “Hisana-sama’s old rooms,” into his ear to clarify. Byakuya hears her anyway.

“Yes. Well, no one was using them. It’s rude to whisper, Rukia.”

“Sorry, niisama.”

Ichigo blinks and wonders if he should decline the honor, mostly because.


Those are the mistress of the house’s rooms and…

… well, what does that say about him, exactly? Right?


“Hey, it’s real nice of you guys to be putting me up while I’m here for the summer but you don’t gotta go all the way and…”

Rukia elbows him in the stomach.

“Thanks, niisama. I’ll help him get settled.”

Byakuya nods. “Very well. Dinner in two hours.”

“Right!” she says, and waits for him to turn and leave before grabbing Ichigo’s arm and pulling him into his special quarters.

“The hell is wrong with you, woman?!” he demands as she slides the door closed behind them, clutching his middle and glowering at her.

Despite the glaring, she seems as full of…evil and conniving as ever. “I think niisama likes you!” she declares, putting her hands on her hips and looking superior to everyone else in the universe.

“What? Why?” Ichigo chokes, and momentarily forgets about tossing her through the nearest window in retaliation for the blow to his stomach.

She grins. “Because you’re here and not in the guest house.”

“There's a guest house?!”

She nods, like it’s a normal thing. “He definitely likes you! He put you right next door to him!”

“Well maybe he’s just loosening up?” Ichigo offers, not liking that glow in her eyes and what she might (she better not be) insinuating there.

She looks at him, thoughtful. “Yes, well, he would have to if he wanted to catch you, I suppose.”

He slaps a hand to his face. “The hell are you on? He was married. There’s no way…”

“Was!!” she says, pointing at him in an “A-ha!” sort of matter with her index finger. “And this was where he first brought his bride when she came into his home!” she spins, and it might be with something like unholy glee. It’s definitely an unholy something.

Ichigo thinks he really is going to throw her out the window, bad guest behavior or no. He clenches his teeth. “Rukia…”

She stops, pats his arm. “And did you notice? Did you?”

“Notice what?” he demands, feeling completely baffled as to where any of this is even coming from now. “What? What is wrong with you?”

She snickers. “His hair.”

He blinks. “Are you on drugs?”

She smacks him again. “His hair!” she repeats. “It was parted differently. Surely you must have noticed.”

“No…no, can’t say that I did.”

She pokes at him, excitedly. “He hasn’t changed how he styles his hair for a century.”

Ichigo feels his eye twitch. “Are you suggesting…”

She leans back then, and that dominatrix look is back in her eye, the one where she sees right through him to some bizarre alternate universe that could only occur in her twisted little head.

“It’s like you’re niisama’s new bride!!”



“You heard me!”

He promptly throws her out the window.

And wishes they weren’t on the ground floor.



Also, more drabs over on mercystreetnote

Title: Evolutionarily Superior
Characters: MayurixAkon
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Mayuri is a far superior intellect.

Evolutionarily Superior

Title: Work to Do
Characters: MayuxAkon
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Life as a doctor isn’t easy.
A/N: Um. No comment. *dies*

Work to Do

byakuya, ganjyuxhanatarou, rukia, bleach, ichigo, mercy street

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