Bleach Drabble (436)

Jun 16, 2006 17:19


Whether it's any good remains to be seen.


Title: Absolution
Rating: PG-13 for the inter-cutting of religious philosophizing and a blow job? XD
Pairing/Character/s: AizenxGrimmjaw
Word Count: 658
Warning/s: Spoilers for the current Arrankar arc.
Summary: Grimmjaw’s penitence.
Dedication: Reki! Happy (late) birthday! ^^
A/N: For Reki’s b-day request: “AizenxGrimm- Sin”. LIKE I COULD RESIST THAT ONE. Though this came out a bit weirder than I’d imagined. XD

“That was a bit harsh of him, wasn’t it?” Aizen asks in a mild tone when he sees Grimmjaw skulking about the halls, still infuriatingly proud despite the punishment he’s forced to wear about his physical body, the stigma of imperfection amongst Aizen’s chosen children.

It’s tragic for one so young really-- his very own dead albatross.

“I’ll speak with him later,” the former shinigami captain adds, feeling like he ought to offer what comfort he may despite Grimmjaw’s earlier folly. “Tousen’s righteousness sometimes makes it difficult for him to grasp the bigger picture. He rather fancies himself an angel of justice, I suppose, and doesn’t know that the very young don’t always do as they’re told.” And Aizen chuckles there, warm and rich that it makes Grimmjaw’s skin crawl like the shinigami’s physical touch.

“Che. Doesn’t matter to me either way,”” the Arrankar grunts, shaking off the feeling of fatherly fingers wrapped around his throat. “Tousen can do as he pleases.”

“Ah, forgiveness is an admirable quality. Those who have done wrong themselves and forgive are more likely to be forgiven in turn, after all.”

Aizen’s voice winds around him then, low tones mixed with high speech and Grimmjaw knows that it’s not just talk then, that his lord has something more important to impart upon him today than lines read from his little mental book of psalms.

“So I’m gonna be forgiven?” Grimmjaw asks, and can’t quite keep the bark of skepticism from his voice as he does.

“Is there something you need to ask forgiveness for?” Aizen returns just as easily, pausing beside the young creature he so painstakingly helped to bring into this dark bright world.

Made from his image, shaped with his own two hands and flawed just beautifully.

“How about for things I haven’t done yet?” Grimmjaw poses, smirking like the devil when he does because he knows he’s asking for his punishment now.

Bring it on.

Aizen appears unmoved however, smile still warm as he leans back and looks at the black hole sky philosophically. “I suppose that particular way of going about things is a bit of a puzzle to me,” he starts, slowly. “But if that’s the path you’re going to choose, I suppose there’s nothing you can do but ask and see, hmmm? Can’t hurt, can it? Maybe if you do it just right, you’ll be forgiven either way.”

“Huh,” Grimmjaw grunts, and feels like he’s tired of this friendly-façade, this pussyfooting around. The arm was one thing, but then again, being excommunicated by the church and being damned by god himself are two different things altogether.

Time to face the music. “I guess I’d better start askin’ for that forgiveness, then, huh?” he says then, and steels himself for whatever it is that’s about to befall him.

He watches, muscles tense, as Aizen raises his hand.

Aizen however, simply chuckles to himself in awe and wonder for this particular creation’s brilliant, ugly pride, moving to run his raised hand through his hair once before letting it rest gently upon Grimmjaw’s shoulder. “If you’re ready, fall to your knees then, little one, and ask for absolution,” he murmurs, fingers squeezing companionably. “God only hears the pleas of those who swallow their pride first, after all.”

“Yeah,” Grimmjaw murmurs with a smirk that’s all too sly, all too knowing to be properly repentant.

All the same, feels the grip of his father’s hand tighten almost painfully against his skin.

It pushes him down, forces him to his knees and makes him bow his head with the weight of whatever personal justice it is that Aizen abides by.

And as Grimmjaw begins to work for his forgiveness, he can’t help but think that for those whose pride can’t be bent as easily as their bodies may, a war against heaven is the only option left to them.

Besides, absolution is for those who contemplate eternity.

Grimmjaw lives for the moment.



AND, for mercy_street_rp over on mercystreetnote

Title: Karmic
Characters: AkonxMayu
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mayuri daydreams.
A/N: For Sid! I’m so out of practice, I’m sorry. ;_;


aizenxgrimmjaw, akonxmayuri, bleach, mercystreet

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