Bleach Drabble (433-434)

Jun 13, 2006 21:17

HA! Successfully fought off urge to write random Mayuri story and did one request that I owe. XD I'm going to get these done I SWEAR.


Title: And In This Corner, the Challenger
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IkkakuxKira, hints of GinxKira
Word Count: 825
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for the SS arc. And OOCness, but whatever. ^^;;
Summary: The Eleventh Division doesn’t tolerate losers.
Dedication: sw_inku- You are such a busy bunny! ;_; *sends kisses*
A/N: I dunnooo I’m just uninspired lately. -_-;;

Maybe he hates that nostalgic look in Izuru’s eye more than he lets on. It annoys the shit out of him sometimes, to walk into a room and see the blond staring out the window-- half sad and half wondering-- because that means he’s thinking about Ichimaru again-what taichou’s doing, what he’s thinking, is everything really okay like this?- and it’s not something Ikkaku can physically fight.

Can’t wrap his hands around it or pound a fist into it like he wants, like he’s used to when confronted with something that pisses him the hell off.

Nobody’s neck to wrangle save his own, maybe.


“Hey, whatcha thinkin’ bout??” is all he can do by way of battle, and sometimes he wins-when Kira turns and that lost look in his eye dissipates and he smiles instead, says, “Hey,” back and lets Ikkaku wrap around him like a blanket. Sometimes Madarame loses though, and when he does, Kira still smiles, but it’s like Ikkaku can see through the other man when he does, and all that he can do about it is squeeze Izuru’s shoulder maybe, or knuckle his temple.

Going in, he never knows if he’s going to come out on top when he’s in one of those battles, and that’s not a feeling he’s ever had before.

Every fight he’s been in, live or die, Ikkaku knew upon going in, that he’d come out on top one way or another. Even if it killed him.

Now the pain isn’t physical exactly, isn’t anything caused by a fist in the gut but feels just about the same.

He’s never felt so thoroughly pummeled before. Not even after that first fight with Zaraki.

Whenever Yumichika sees the hang-dog expression on Ikkaku’s face that lets the pretty shinigami know that his friend has lost the last battle, he twitters obnoxiously and counts Madarame’s internal wounds as absolutely nothing. “Time to even the score, ne?” the shorter man suggests today, sweeping through Ikkaku’s brooding like it’s of little consequence beyond the fact that it makes the room a bit dirty. “We can’t let you keep a losing record in this division, after all.”

“Yeah,” Ikkaku replies after a minute of thought.

And then he forgets about being despondent.

Brush himself off and pick up the challenge again-he can’t sit there being defeated and feeling sorry about it. Ain’t the way of the eleventh.

Important things are at stake here after all, and Ikkaku’s always been an all or nothing kind of guy.

So he squares his jaw and marches right up to that sad-eyed blond looking out the window, an eleventh divisioner through and through, intent on kicking some serious ass or go down trying.

“Hey,” he says (or barks rather, because if he tries it any other way it sounds awkward and horrible).

And Kira blinks at him when his sad thoughts are interrupted, even smiles a bit. “Hey,” Izuru echoes, and while the sadness that had been on his face just now fades just a little bit at seeing the other shinigami, Ikkaku can still see remnants in big blue eyes.

Like a punch in the face.

Fine, he’s gone through worse. One hit isn’t going to down him-no way.

He wraps his arms around the smaller man then, rests his chin on a delicate, vaguely slumped shoulder. “What’re you up to?”

“Just…thinking, I guess,” Kira murmurs, and lets Ikkaku hug him though he doesn’t do anything in response to it.

“’bout what?”

“Nothing important.”

A kick to the stomach now, and though Ikkaku cringes, he remains standing through a spectacular show of determination. “Ichimaru?” he pushes, and congratulates himself when his voice comes out rock steady.

Kira blinks a bit in surprise at that, feels his cheeks turn pink and his eyes turn downward. “Yeah.”

A direct hit the chest on that count, and the bald shinigami bites his bottom lip to keep from grunting out loud. “Thinkin’ what about Ichimaru?”

A furrowed brow then, full of thought, and Ikkaku braces himself for some sort of finishing blow.

“I just… I guess I…”

The muscles in the third chair’s arms and legs tense in unhappy anticipation at that, but he doesn’t dare avert his eyes, determined to face this hit head on.

“Well, I guess I just don’t miss him as much as I used to.”


“What, really?”

His vaguely incredulous tone earns him a smile that encompasses big blue eyes and everything else on that beautiful face. “Really.”


Ikkaku kisses the other man then-because he can’t not- grinning victoriously into it the whole time.

Maybe he’s a little beaten from it, a little bloody and achy, but damn it all, he can’t help but feel like he kicked some serious ass.

And really, he should have expected it all along.

The eleventh division isn’t in the habit of losing fights after all.

Especially not ones this important.



Title: Ideas of Fun
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 400
Warning/s: THE OOC BURNS?
Summary: Kyouraku-taichou is bored.
Dedication: mei_yanohi- sorry it took so long ^^;;
A/N: Finally, a request I owe. Um. The prompt was “ShunxJyuu- Fun Sex” as requested by Mei. ^^

“Let’s do something fun.”

Jyuushirou sighed at Shunsui’s telling tone. “This isn’t fun?” he posed innocently, knowing that in doing so, he was asking for some sort of violent rebuttal on the other captain’s part.

“Fun? How is this fun? Jyuu-chan, I don’t believe you,” Kyouraku decried, looking as though the other captain had just sounded some sort of death knell for them both with his callous words.

Jyuushirou simply chuckled to himself and kept working. “Maa, it was always our goal to become captains, wasn’t it? We always talked about how much fun it would be.”

Shunsui groaned. “We were obviously young and naïve,” the eighth division leader murmured, looking up from his spot stretched out on the floor to eye his companion. “Tell me, Jyuu-chan, tell me that we’re not so old that we’ve lost the concept of what real fun is.”

Ukitake’s eyes sparkled just so in response to the question and that look alone was really enough to comfort Shunsui into believing that no, they weren’t so old yet.

“What fun thing do you suggest we do then, hmmm?” the white-haired captain asked innocently after a second, not pausing a moment in his paperwork as he did. Years of dealing with Kyouraku’s fantastically dramatic whims led him to develop an admirable ability in multitasking.

“What fun thing? Must you really ask?” Kyouraku murmured, low in his throat like he’d been waiting for that very question so he could break out that very voice.

Why, if Ukitake didn’t know any better he would think that he was being solicited.

Managing not to roll his eyes at the other man’s suggestive tone, he finished one pile of papers and stacked them neatly before bothering to respond. “Why, Shun! How could you possibly think that something like that is… fun?”

Kyouraku’s face fell at that, and he looked positively wounded. “Jyuu-chan… you aren’t saying…”

“Na, Shun…”

The dark-haired captain blinked at being interrupted in the middle of what was going to be a particularly magnificent snit. “Um, yes?”

“Ask me if I want to do something amazing.”




Jyuushirou counted backwards from five in his head (just enough time to finish one more set of signatures) before Shunsui’s smile was back full force.

Counted another five seconds before the eighth division captain would do anything about it.

And then, right on cue, “Ne Jyuu-chan….let’s do something amazing.”



yumichika, kyourakuxukitake, ikkakuxkira, bleach

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