Bleach Drabble (428-430)

Jun 11, 2006 12:36

Just crack. With mostly dialogue. Because apparently I can't write anything that requires thought today. o.o Apologies to Chad fans. XD;;


Title: Everyday Thing
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: vaguely ChadxIshida, vaguely IchixRuki
Word Count: 513
Warning/s: No spoilers, just rampant OOCness.
Summary: There are different ways of being overprotective of someone.
Dedication: sherrymarie- I suuuuck for making you wait so long! BUT JOIN US ANYWAY? WE NEED GAN FOR GANxHANA AND CHAD AND ISHI…
A/N: Oh man, SO OUT OF PRACTICE with this pairing. ^^;; The prompt was: “ChadxIshida- Overprotective”. Yeaaaah. XD

Chad blinks as his yakisoba pan is yanked unceremoniously from between his hands the moment it’s taken out of the white convenience store bag he’d brought it to school in.

“This again?” Ishida asks, and Chad wonders about having heard a figurative sniff at the end of that question.

He briefly wonders how one can hear a figurative sniff exactly, but if it’s at all possible, he’s sure he’s just been privy to the phenomenon.

But perhaps it’s not something he ought to bring up. “Lunch?” he asks, instead.

Ishida sighs and pushes his glasses up on his nose. “Really, Sado… this isn’t healthy at all. Every day?”

Chad blinks again. “Lunch isn’t healthy every day?”

Ishida gives him a look that clearly states he doesn’t appreciate the other boy’s deliberate obtuseness. “Not something that may or may not have been sitting in that convenience store refrigerator for who knows now long.”

“Shelf,” Sado corrects, and Ishida looks ten degrees more horrified than he’d been just a moment ago.

The taller boy wonders if the Quincy is in a strong enough state of shock that he might be able to get his lunch back, as that particular kind of yakisoba pan is his favorite. Feeling daring perhaps, he takes the gamble and moves to reach for it, but before he can lay even a finger on it, he finds himself bopped quite thoroughly over the head by the piece in contention itself.

He blinks. Again.

Ishida is clearly still horrified, but apparently not to the point of being unable to control his motor functions.

“Huh,” Chad says, and looks mournfully at his bread as Ishida examines it, finds it inedible, and tosses it thoughtlessly at Keigo.

“Woo, thanks, Sado!” Asano whoops when it hits him in the back of the head. He turns and flashes a thumbs up at his taller friend before picking the now limp bread up from the concrete by his side and going back to eating.

Ichigo rolls his eyes. “So what’s Chad supposed to eat now, eh?” he inquires deftly around a mouthful of rice.

Ishida’s glasses gleam and he moves closer to Chad with his own lunch before moving to unwrap it. “We’ll share,” he declares haughtily at Ichigo.

Kurosaki makes a disgusted face but doesn’t feel like arguing it since it had been his own damned fault for getting involved. “That was his favorite kind,” he points out though, for his friend’s sake.

Uryuu doesn’t seem to really care a whit if it is or isn’t Sado’s favorite kind of yakisoba pan.

“I’ll make him lunch tomorrow.” Then, to Chad, “Won’t that be nice?”

“Huh.” Chad supposes that it doesn’t sound very bad as he’s allowed to take a bite of one of Uryuu’s fried shrimp.

“Way to be whipped,” Ichigo snorts in Sado’s direction before pausing to set his own lunch down and help Rukia stick the straw into her juice box, the petite shinigami having been shaking the drink at him rather impatiently for a good ten seconds now.

Chad chews his shrimp.




Title: White Lies
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Kira, Renji, Shuuhei (vaguely ShuuxYumi)
Word Count: 643
Warning/s: Again, vague spoilers for the crack-ass OVA ending, but nothing else I can really imagine.
Summary: Vaguely related to #425 (Victimization)- Shuuhei’s friends are beacons of warmth and comfort. Really.
Dedication: pyrefly- I are slow and retarded! Sorry!
A/N: Woo, whittling down this request list! This one was: “369- Honesty is overrated”.

“Uh yeah. Lookin’ good there, Hisagi.”

“Yes. Very nice, senpai.” Kira laughed then, and it sounded awkward and horrible.

Renji elbowed him surreptitiously in the side, all the while keeping his smile plastered on his face. “You’ll ah, you’ll be nice’n cool durin’ the trip, I s’pose.”

“I’m um. I’m sure Yumichika-san only picked out the best sort of outfit for you, senpai. He’s got very good taste. Aheheh…”

Shuuhei looked at his shirt skeptically. “I don’t know, it doesn’t…”

“Suits ya fine. Hear it’s hot over on the other side anyway.”

Hisagi blinked. “Yeah?”

Kira nodded vigorously, though he knew nothing particular about the subject himself. “I um, I’m sure it’s fine! B-besides, if Yumichika-san picked it out for you, you’d best um, well… you know. You’d best…”

“Put it on with a smile,” Renji finished with something akin to a teasing grin. “Don’t wanna be in the dog house, do ya?”

Hisagi’s countenance fell very slightly at the thought. “No, I guess not. I just… I don’t feel…” Uncomfortably, he reached up and scratched absently at his chest. “It kind of itches,” he murmured, in low tones so that only his two friends could hear.

Not that anyone else was around or anything, but it was best to be discreet about these types of things.

Kira leaned forward too, perhaps caught up in the mood of conspiracy. “Maybe you just have to get used to it?” he offered, finally being able to tear his eyes away from the awkward monstrosity draped over his senpai’s chest. “I mean…”

“Oi, fer the sake of fashion, right?” Renji added, decidedly less caught up in the mood and refusing to lower his voice any. “’Sides, don’t want him sulkin’ atcha durin’ the whole vacation ‘cuz you were callin’ his taste into question. You know he hates that.”

Point, Shuuhei supposed. This was supposed to be a relaxing trip. “I just…this doesn’t seem like the sort of thing he’d normally pick out,” the dark-haired vice-captain murmured, genuinely perplexed.

“Maybe it’s a new fad,” Renji shrugged.

“Maybe.” Hisagi’s brow furrowed. “So it really looks alright?”

“Yeah, looks fine, senpai.”

“Yes… it’s um… it looks quite light. And um…airy!” Kira echoed, and it sounded choked in the sort of way that suggested maybe he’d had to force the words out very diligently. “I’m sure once you get used to it, it will be very comfortable.”

Shuuhei scratched absently at his chest again. “Yeah er, I guess so.” After a moment, he shot his friends a relieved smile. “Well, as long as it doesn’t look stupid, right?”

This time, it was Renji’s turn to make a sort of startled wheezing sound out of his nose. “Oh, er…s’cuse me… allergies.” Pause. Deep breath. “But uh. Yeah. Don’t look too stupid there, senpai.”

“Right,” Kira echoed quickly. “Um. Weren’t you going to go help Yumichika-san get his bags?”

Shuuhei blinked. “Shit. Right!” and then he was off, with only a “thanks guys!” tossed over his shoulder as he hurried back to the temperamental fifth chair’s side.

Admirably, Renji and Kira managed to hold back for a good ten seconds before bursting out into raucous peals of laughter.

Kira, tears in his eyes, was the first to be able to speak again as the two helped to hold each other up.

“I…Renji, I know you wanted…Ahahaha…but instead can I…I mean, I just…I have to…”

Renji, sighed, wiping at his eyes with the backs of his hands mirthfully. “No, I understand. Go sightseein’ with ‘em instead. Ehehehe…but ya gotta… you gotta bring me back…ahaha…bring me back pictures.”

Kira, still giggling nodded. “Pictures!”

Luckily for Shuuhei, it wasn’t until the group was already boarded and moving on the shinkansen that Izuru was recovered enough to think to ask what a picture was, exactly.

Unluckily for Shuuhei, Matsumoto had it all taken care of already.



Title: Collapsed
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: lightly, but-not-really ChadxIshida
Word Count: 375
Warning/s: Just OOCness… don’t think there are any actual plot spoilers to warn for. XD
Summary: It’s a faulty recipe.
Dedication: for Christine- because bribing me is easy. XD
A/N: The request was: “ChadxIshida- Cooking Incident,” in honor of my roommate’s incredible collapsing cake. XD My Chad voice is obviously weird and my Ishida voice has suddenly gone uber-dorky. O.o

“What is it?”

“Cake,” Sado responds, and when he says it, it’s so flat Ishida isn’t sure if his companion is being terribly ironic or completely serious.

“Cake?” he echoes, adjusting his glasses and squinting more deliberately at the pile of what appears to be collapsed packing foam. He takes his glasses off after a moment to clean them with his shirt-maybe some smudges had been impairing his vision. “Are you sure?”

As if it explains everything, Chad motions to the empty box on the counter next to the unfortunate steaming mound. “Cake,” he reiterates.

Uryuu supposes that the box does indeed say “Vanilla cake” on it; in fact, it has the Betty Crocker logo quite convincingly printed across the top.

“Hmmm,” the Quincy says, and can’t really move to say much else.

“I think it went wrong,” Sado muses aloud after a very long moment of silence between them.

Ishida, relieved at having been given an outlet, agrees. “Clearly the recipe is faulty,” he declares, and pats Chad comfortingly on one shoulder.

Chad pauses. “By the way…” he says, slowly, “what’s the difference between baking powder and baking soda?”

Ishida adjusts his glasses again. “A faulty recipe,” he repeats, and pats Chad again on the shoulder like a confirmation.

“Hmm,” Chad murmurs, but doesn’t press the issue.

After a moment, Chad puts his hand on top of Uryuu’s hair and ruffles it a bit. “I made it for you,” he says, simply.

Ishida sighs (albeit fondly) at him and doesn’t even mind that his hair is getting quite disheveled. “I’ll write Betty Crocker an angry letter,” he promises. “Faulty recipe.”

“Hmmm,” Chad grunts again, though there’s a hint of a smile on the larger boy’s face that Uryuu may or may not be imagining. That done, the Quincy pushes his glasses up one last time before stepping forward and very innocently tipping the empty cake mix box into the trashcan. The unfortunate result-of-a-faulty-recipe soon follows.

“We’ll go to a coffee shop for tonight,” Ishida recommends. “I’ll treat.”

Chad’s almost-smile broadens into something that is akin to a grin (for him) at the sage suggestion. “Happy birthday.”

Ishida smiles back and with his foot, discretely nudges the trashcan more towards the wall. “Thank you.”



kira, bleach, chadxishida, renji, shuuheixyumichika, ichigoxrukia

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