Bleach Drabble (423)

May 15, 2006 17:55


Title: Love Story
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IsshinxRyuuken
Word Count: 876
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Isshin and Ryuuken had different philosophies.
Dedication: seca- her request over at my lj! Also for sw_inku Because I luffs and misses you truly. XD
A/N: The prompt was “first date” though that kind of ran away from me in this one, I think. O.o

He grew up believing that love stories had a certain amount of romance to them.

He abided by that belief too-- as best he could anyway-- though he never really considered himself romantic. He showed up at her door with flowers and shook her father’s hand and had her home five minutes before curfew. He asked her to marry him on bended knee during a moonlit walk and when she’d laughed at him and said yes, he thought it was the most romantic thing in his life.

His very own love story, he supposed.

Some love stories end tragically-he knew that now too.

When she died he had Uryuu left and comforted himself with the fact that she lived on in the son she’d brought into the world. Sometimes he thought she lived on in their child a little too much though, when he looked at Uryuu and saw him dreaming with big wide eyes and being everything but sensible and pragmatic.

Uryuu had her idealism and his single-mindedness, and sometimes that wasn’t always a good thing.

Ryuuken had figured at that point, that that was simply the end of his love story. Romance, tragedy, and a son who perhaps loathed him (or perhaps didn’t care about him either way), but who definitely didn’t understand him.

The end.

Isshin didn’t believe in endings.

He grew up believing that all stories had parts of them that went on after the credits rolled but that were just never told to the general public.

He definitely abided by that belief too-with all of his heart-and didn’t let other people get away with being close-minded about the topic either.

One evening he showed up at Ryuuken’s door with flowers and flung his arms around him in enthusiastic greeting. He brought the other doctor home at the end of the night but it wasn’t his home, and Ryuuken will never forget the looks on Karin and Yuzu’s faces when they’d woken up in the morning to find Ryuuken trying to locate his belt and creep out of the Kurosaki household as discretely as possible.

They’d had breakfast together-the five of them-- and it was possibly the most awkward thing in his entire life. Isshin had been grinning (leering) at him from the other side of the table while he tried to very politely eat Yuzu’s wonderful breakfast as quickly as possible before dashing off to work. Karin seemed nonplussed and Ichigo had only given everyone strange looks before grabbing his bag and heading to school with a dazed look in his eye.

Isshin had driven him to work afterwards, and he’d had a bento lunchbox specially made by Yuzu to take to the office with him.

At that point, Ryuuken supposed that his story hadn’t ended quite like he thought it had.

The idea left him vaguely horrified every time he pondered it, especially given that he considered himself much too old for this.

He ignored Isshin for weeks afterwards as best he could-the first date had been an inadvertent agreement made on his part in a desperate attempt to shut the singing Kurosaki up in the middle of a medical conference’s exhibition hall- but regardless, Isshin didn’t believe in endings and absolutely didn’t let other people get away with being close-minded about the topic either.

His office was inundated with flowers and his answering machine subject to the constant harassment of cheesy recited poems and shrieked exclamations of Ryuuken’s name for some time thereafter.

Ryuuken used to believe that love stories involved romance.

He supposed his world view might have been a bit constrained back then.

Because now he knew-courtesy of Kurosaki-- that love stories also involved a certain amount of insanity, chaos, distaste, and rampant mortification.

As well as badly written poems and the constant irritation of his sensitive pollen allergies.

In short, he was beginning to learn that sometimes, love stories were just ridiculous. Plain as that.

These shifting paradigms in philosophy could all be written off as caused by Isshin’s greatly exaggerated sense of idealism and single-mindedness perhaps, but even still, Ryuuken was-as much as he didn’t want to be sometimes-- the type of person who learned with each passing experience.The inevitably practical side of his personality, maybe.

And the experiences of the past few months were telling him that he’d been a little bit wrong before perhaps, in thinking that love stories just ended.

There was still romance of course, still tragedy in many. And in his case, there was still the son who may or may not loathe him but who definitely didn’t understand him.

But, he supposed, he could admit that not all love stories just ended there.

There were parts that went on after the credits rolled, ones that just weren’t ever told to the general public.

And while he could admit that maybe Isshin had been right about that fact, he comforted himself with the knowledge that he was sure those other parts weren’t told for a reason.

He was fairly certain Tristan and Isolde would have been a much less moving love story if it had involved some of the more lewd poems Isshin insisted on reciting to him in bed, after all.


Edits plz!

Also, because I forgot last night:

mercy_street_rp fics over on mercystreetnote

Title: Three Hundred and Sixty Five Days
Characters: AkonxMayu
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-13
A/N: For Shini’s second (or first, technically) request on my lj! ^^ Prompt was: “Occasion.” I SUCK because the OOC BURNS.

Three Hundred and Sixty Five Days

Title: Ambitious
Characters: TetsuxYumi
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-13
A/N: For Tsuki’s request for the lj drab meme! ^^ Request was: “study habits.” AGAIN I SUCK SO MUCH I FAIL.


bleach, isshinxryuuken, mercy street

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