Eyeshield 21 Drabble (5)

Apr 28, 2006 15:29

Um...corny. But I started this right when I got back from a horrible day at cinematography, so don't expect much. XD


Title: Blocker
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: lightly JyuumonjixSena, Hiruma
Word Count: 662
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Hiruma’s drills are always imaginative.
Dedication: for anikka_baka, who requested this over on my lj.
A/N: The theme of the request was “first times”- I dunno, I’m still all about making them cutely oblivious.

The first time Jyuumonji tackles Sena it’s during practice at Hiruma’s behest, because “the damned wimp” needs to learn how to take real hits.

The quarterback had fired at the blonde’s feet later for holding back, and Jyuumonji had frowned at that, because he didn’t think he’d been holding back at all.

But knowing better than to argue, he’d simply snorted and said, “What’s the point of hurting him during practice when no one else is fast enough to tackle him that hard anyway?”

Hiruma had grinned and the sunlight had glinted of his teeth, making them look like razors. “Because he has to know what he’s trying to avoid. Because there will always be someone fast enough to tackle him. Because if it does happen he’ll know how to fall and not break his damned skinny legs. Take your pick.”

And maybe Hiruma had just been baiting him or something, but for some reason the idea of Sena being tackled hard enough to break something made him clench his teeth.

Because as he’d heard those words come out of Hiruma’s mouth, his first thought had been, “he won’t ever get hit that hard, because it’s my job to protect him.”

He’d chalked it up to Hiruma offending his sentiment as a lineman and a blocker at first, and that philosophy lasts him for at least a day. Jyuumonji realizes it might be his pride as something else altogether after the second time he’s made to tackle Sena (at practice the following afternoon), because as he grabs the tense runningback around the waist at a dead run, intent on proving to that damned shitty quarterback that he doesn’t hold back on anything, something inside him cringes and right before they hit the ground he twists in the air reflexively, arms snug around Sena’s waist as he makes sure to land so that his back hits the ground before any part of the smaller boy does.

There’s a moment of silence as the rest of the team witnesses this, and even Sena turns to look down at Jyuumonji, eyes wide with surprise, his expression just barely visible to the blonde from under the glint of his green visor.


The blonde blinks, and a rather dumbfounded, “Er…” is all he manages to croak out by way of explanation before a bright explosion of automatic-rifle bullets breaks the spell.

“The hell are you doing, you damned idiotic lineman?!” Hiruma demands, though there’s a glint in his eye that Jyuumonji is learning to associate with the gears in the quarterback’s head turning, working quick and evil to find a way to use this new development to his advantage (if he hasn’t already).

And then Sena, trying to divert the quarterback’s anger, turns back to Hiruma quickly and blurts a pathetic, “I’m sure it was my fault, Hiruma-san! I probably fell wrong again and Jyuumonji-san saw it and so before I hit the ground he…”

The gunfire stops then, prompting Sena to trail off, and Jyuumonji vaguely realizes that he’s still on the ground holding the little brown-haired boy by the waist while everyone else continues to sort of look dumbly at them.

Well, everyone except for Hiruma, who’s suddenly smirking like he’s got an idea.

“New drill,” he declares abruptly, turning to Toganou and Kuroki off to the side. “You two.”



The blonde’s fangs flash. “Your objective for this drill…” he turns mid-sentence to point dramatically at Sena, “is to corner and tackle Eyeshield!”

Toga and Kuro blink.

Sena visibly winces in Jyuumonji’s arms.

“As for you…” Hiruma continues, turning to the last of the Ha-ha kyoudai with a flourish that can only be described as demonic, “…your job is to make sure these two don’t get him.”


And by the light of Hiruma’s smile, Jyuumonji can’t help but feel like he’s being taken advantage of, somehow.

But he stands and does his damndest to defend Sena from Toga and Kuro anyway.



jyuumonjixsena, hiruma, eyeshield 21

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