Bleach Drabble (413-414)

Apr 20, 2006 17:01

I R Lazy.


Title: Invisible Leash
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake, Sentarou, Kiyone
Word Count: 972
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Jyuushirou doesn’t worry about Shunsui’s wandering eyes.
Dedication: mei_yanohi and shinigamikender- conversations in MS chat late at night inspire fic? Also for sw_inku, because she is our pet now. XD
A/N: Me still trying to incorporate characters I don’t like so much into larger rolls. Here we go!

Kiyone doesn’t like Kyouraku-taichou very much, knows that he’s not the type of man who deserves her taichou’s affections.

It’s one thing she and Sentarou agree on-Kyouraku Shunsui is definitely no good for sweet, kind Ukitake-taichou.

He drinks all the time and lazes about, doesn’t do his work. He infuriates his vice-captain and flirts with every pretty girl he sees. Then he tells stories about it afterwards, sitting in Ukitake’s office like he belongs there and drinking wine while dreamily sighing about the beautiful young thing he ran into earlier, the one who didn’t mind so much, when he’d asked her what color her panties were.

Things like that burn Kiyone up and she gets indignant on her taichou’s behalf, because Ukitake-taichou is too kind, too gentle to act angry upon hearing of Kyouraku’s dalliances.

Sentarou says that maybe Kyouraku-taichou doesn’t know of Ukitake-taichou’s affections for him, since such a thing isn’t something to be publicly discussed.

But Kiyone knows otherwise, has seen soft kisses exchanged between the two when she’d burst into taichou’s office abruptly, forgetting to knock.

Kyouraku-taichou always simply smiles and greets his kawaii Kiyone-chan at that, while Ukitake-taichou clears his throat and does his best to pretend that Kiyone hadn’t seen what she’d just seen.

She’s convinced that Kyouraku-taichou is a shameless, shameless man. Even going so far as to flirt with her right in front of Ukitake-taichou!

It eventually gets to the point where both she and Sentarou can’t take any more, and one day, right after Kyouraku-taichou has gone, they go to Ukitake-taichou’s office.

“Is something the matter, you two?” he asks, mildly.

“Taichou!” Kiyone bursts, “why do you stay with Kyouraku-taichou?”

Ukitake blinks, sets his brush down when he hears how distressed the young girl is. “Why, what do you mean, Kiyone?”

“She means that Kyouraku-taichou is a dirty cheater!” Sentarou says, eyes burning.

Ukitake frowns slightly. “Maa, you shouldn’t talk about people like that if you haven’t the proof you two,’” he says, calm as ever.

“B-but, taichou!” Kiyone pouts, “he’s always chasing women and flirting and…”

Ukitake smiles a bit at that, reaches out to ruffle her hair gently. “Well. I suppose you two won’t let this go until I’ve shown you how this works, will you?”

They both blink at him, and laughing a bit, he shoos them out of his office with the instructions to come see him tomorrow evening.

The next night they go out with Ukitake-taichou as scheduled, heading to a nice little restaurant with a cozy bar. There they find Kyouraku-taichou drinking heartily and flirting with two pretty women on either side of him.

Kiyone and Sentarou are about to protest but Ukitake shushes them with a finger to his lips and ushers them to a table where they’ll be able to see.

The minute he enters the premises, something changes in the air.

Kyouraku, sensing it perhaps, straightens and turns suddenly, eyes finding the white-haired captain instinctively. “Naa, Jyuu-chan!” he greets, waving the other captain over. “Ladies, this is Jyuushirou,” he tells the girls. “The one I’ve been telling you about. Good looking, ne?”

The girls twitter. “Quite so, Kyouraku-taichou.”

Shunsui grins smarmily then, hooking an arm around each of them. “You two are lovely enough yourselves, I think,” he murmurs, “that the four of us could get along rather well, na?”

Jyuushirou smiles calmly and bows, uttering a pleasant “Pleased to meet you,” before settling down beside Kyouraku and ordering a warm cup of sake.

The night goes on in very much that manner, though the two girls begin to realize that Shunsui’s attentions are elsewhere.

“Naa, Jyuu-chan, isn’t Mizuki-chan so cute? I think I’m in love with her.”

Jyuushirou sips his sake. “That’s nice, Shun.”

Pout. Pause. “Jyuu-chan… which of the two do you like best, ne? I’ll let you have first pick, since I know you only like certain types.”

“That’s fine, Shun. Take both of them, if you’d like.”

Frown. “Na, Jyuu-chan…”


Shunsui sighs, lets a little crooked smile play at the corners of his mouth. “It’s getting late, ne?”

The girls pout. “It’s not so late, Kyouraku-taichou!” Mizuki-chan protests. She’s right.

But Shunsui just laughs, reaches out and fondly chucks her chin with his index finger. “Ah, to be young again,” he murmurs. “But I suppose Jyuu-chan and I aren’t up to speed anymore. Old bones, ne?”

Jyuushirou laughs a little, rich and warm. “Don’t call it an early night on my behalf, Shun,” he tells his friend, winking as he stands from the bar. “I can walk myself back after all, and I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of your fun. You’ve always had more energy than me.”

Shunsui looks absolutely wounded at that. “Jyuu-chan…”

The white-haired captain, eyes twinkling, moves to go. “Have a wonderful evening, you three. Ladies, it was nice to meet you. Good night.”

And then Jyuushirou is leaving, Kiyone and Sentarou on his heels as Kyouraku looks after them sorrowfully.

They’re two steps outside of the bar when Kiyone can’t take it anymore. “What was that, taichou?!” she demands. “That didn’t prove anything!”


Jyuushirou looks at them both fondly. “Let’s head back to the division, ne?”

Both of them pout at that, but know better than to argue with that specific tone when taichou uses it.

They get back twenty minutes or so later and are just pouring some hot tea when Kyouraku-taichou bursts into the office.


“Shun… I thought you’d be busy right now.”

The other man grins and plops down next to Ukitake. “The girls were lovely,” he says, and leaves it at that. “Ooh, is that tea?”

Jyuushirou nods. “Aa. Would you like some?”


Kiyone and Sentarou look at each other, dumbfounded.

Kyouraku-taichou very obviously doesn’t plan on leaving until morning.

Ukitake-taichou is nothing but amused.



Title: No Regrets
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuheixYumichika
Word Count: 257
Warning/s: Spoilers for the post SS arc.
Summary: Shuuhei watches him leave.
Dedication: tsukishine and shinigamikender for writing me fic at like, 3 am the other night. XD
A/N: No idea where this came from. My ShuuxYumi feels a bit angsty lately. Maybe MS’s fault. XD

He’d made a joke- a horrible one- in an effort to disguise his worry, to let Yumichika go on and do the mission without him, to let the smaller man leave without having any regrets. Because regrets in battle are dangerous.

He’d said, “Guess I get to relive the old bachelor days for a little while, eh? Shouldn’t be too bad,” and laughed nervously, trying to play it cool and hearing his voice crack a little bit all the same.

Yumi simply rolled his eyes and yanked Shuuhei forward, kissed him hard so he’d remember his non-bachelor days instead, even while Yumichika was gone.

He’d found himself kissing back with matching force, felt that stupid joke die, forgotten, somewhere in the back of his mind as his hands had fisted his lover’s uniform up tight enough that he’d had to mentally will each individual muscle to uncurl later, to let Yumi go.

Yumichika pulled back first, licking his lips and smiling a little, sighing fondly at Shuuhei. Moved to leave all the same though, because he had to. Because as much as he loved Shuuhei he wasn’t going to let Ikkaku go alone. Wasn’t how things worked between the two of them. “Be good,” he’d murmured to the vice-captain, before turning towards the doorway.

“Be amazing,” Shuuhei called after him, just before the door closed between them.

He still doesn’t quite know why he’d had to say it just then, why he’d felt the need to put it out there verbally.

They both know Yumi already is.



sentarou, kiyone, kyourakuxukitake, bleach, shuuheixyumichika

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