Bleach Drabble (412)

Apr 17, 2006 15:52

Still trying to write the characters I don't like... ^^;;


Title: Patriarch
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Mayuri, Nemu
Word Count: 741
Warning/s: Maybe spoilers for Urahara and Mayuri and Ururu and Nemu? I dunno. Probably OOC like whoa though, in either case.
Summary: Mayuri is a man of science, and Nemu is his tool.
Dedication: shinigamikender and tsukishine- UM. I’m still trying to understand, but this is a small step forward, maybe? I dunno. O.o

All he asks of her is that she serves her purpose.

People frown at him, simpletons sometimes even speak aloud in protest when he chastises her in public, and he scowls back at them because they are too stupid to understand that she isn’t a person.

She is a creation (his) and thus she thinks and feels as such a creation should-to serve a purpose.

What that purpose is, he hasn’t clearly defined, but keeping the thought in mind helps him remember that she is not his child, not his daughter, not flesh of his flesh or blood of his blood.

She is something, yet not anything, and remembering that, as imprecise a measurement as it is, is key for Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

Perhaps it is cruel of him, to want so strongly for the world to know that she is not a real being, that she is his property, to be treated as he so chooses, fairly or unfairly.

It is perhaps, excessively harsh of him to be so adamant that everyone should know this.

But at the same time, it is necessary.

He does everything in his power to not grow attached to her, though she longs for it with those pathetic eyes of hers. He knows she does.

Sometimes, when he looks at her, he thinks that she might give him cause for fondness one day, and that only strengthens his resolve to make sure it does not. A reminder.

Because he refuses to fall prey to the same mistakes as his predecessor. He won’t end up like Urahara Kisuke, so attached to a mere creation of his that he would sacrifice his own future for it, that he would take the creature he had made and treat it as a child of his own flesh, protect it as one.

Because no matter how brilliant a man, when such emotions-manufactured or no-become involved, one’s ability for greater judgment is inevitably compromised.

Urahara Kisuke should have destroyed that abomination he’d created the first time he’d fallen in love with it, that despicable thing he had called his “sweet little Ururu.” He should have struck her down the moment she’d opened her eyes. It had been ordered after all, by the higher powers of the court. Such a being, such a creation, went against all laws of seireitei and its higher god. Ururu’s creation had been one of the greatest blasphemies the Court of Pure Souls had experienced in eons.

Because only god can create life as such.

When Mayuri made Nemu, he made sure to make it clear to all that she is not a life. She is not a person. She is a creation, a thing of science much as the gigai are, as the mod souls are. A temporary housing to an essentially soulless, artificial object.

He makes sure they see him treat her as such, so that in his eyes as well as everyone else’s, Mayuri cannot be accused of having sinned against the court, nor against god, because he did not create a child for himself, as his heretic of a predecessor had. Mayuri had simply created a tool. A weapon.

A weapon he can shape to his will. Can enhance or destroy as he sees fit.

Nemu is not a person, and he is determined that the world knows it.

His purpose for doing as such would be clearer maybe, if those simpletons and idiots who judged him could look past their own indignation for a moment, if they could see the bigger picture like he does.

If he called her daughter, if he loved her and coddled her and pet her as Urahara Kisuke had his sad-eyed creation, then he and Nemu both would surely be driven from Soul Society (or destroyed) as a result.

By the judgment of god and law.

However, if he calls her thing, if he sneers at her and uses her as an object of his studies, as a subject of research, then he has not blasphemed. He has not played god.

It’s just science.

Those idiots that call him monster when they see how he treats her, the ones who say he is unfit to be a father refusing-or perhaps unable- to see the bigger picture here.

To see what’s at stake if he were to do otherwise.

He treats her this way because it's the only way he knows to keep her alive.


Gawd that was bad. Definitely, definitely edits.

nemu, mayuri, bleach

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