Eyeshield 21- "Aptitude"

Apr 15, 2006 14:59


Title: Aptitude
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: JyuumonjixSena
Word Count: 817
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine…
Summary: Jyuumonji has the ability. He just needs the motivation.
Dedication: seca- she requested some more JyuuxSen from me, and since she’s like, one of the three people besides me who OTP them, I guess I just have to do my part! XD
A/N: Haha um… the prompt was Jyuumonji trying to get Sena’s attention in class. This is what I managed to come up with?

He’d noticed how Sena’s eyes lit up with a sort of surprised awe whenever Yukimitsu-senpai said something, whenever the older boy showed off that intelligence of his unwittingly and managed to amaze the little runningback as easy as one-two-three.

Wide-eyed smiles and impressed laughter, a kind of fond respect-all that for a few measly minutes of homework help? For answering a question or two?

Jyuumonji snorts to himself and thinks that he could do the same thing just as easily, if he put his mind to it.

Wouldn’t be very hard at all, really.

Doesn’t mean he’s gonna stoop that far, of course. Doesn’t mean he’s going to go further than bare-minimum-passing in his studies just for an extra smile or two from the twerp, for some happily surprised laughter or even that wide-eyed, fond respect Sena likes to dish out to Yukimitsu.

It's not his style. Not his…

“It’s a bit of a trick question, but you guys will need to know this next year or the year after anyway. Can anyone tell me what the derivative of this equation is?”

He blinks at the teacher’s almost sly question, and to his horror, the blonde lineman feels his hand lifting of-seemingly-its own accord.

On either side of him, Kuroki and Toganou look on incredulously.



Ironically enough, it’s their sensei who tacks on the final, “Huh?”

And then the whole class is staring at him like the bastards never expected this type of behavior from Kazuki- to be honest, neither did he- and trying not to feel like a complete moron, the blonde grits his teeth and holds his hand up just a little higher.

Might as well go out like a man.

The teacher, recovering himself just a bit, adjusts his glasses. “Um, Jyuumonji-kun…do…do you need to go to the restroom?”

The blonde scowls. “Er…I was gonna answer the question.”


And then. “Um…well, haha don’t worry about it, it’s really a trick question. You see we haven’t gone over that sort of stuff yet…you probably won’t even see it again until at least the first week or so of calculus your third year and…”

“For linear equations the derivative’s the same as the slope. A derivative of a function ‘s just another function that measures the rate the original function’s changin’ at. It’s uh… just 2x in this case, like we figured earlier, solvin’ for slope. But um… the way you find derivatives changes with different sorts of functions.”


Jyuumonji takes a deep breath and lowers his hand, leans back into his chair.

Kuroki and Toganou gape on either side of him. Not so much because they hadn’t expected him to know the answer, but mostly because he’d actually stood up and participated in class so he could relay it.

Everyone else however, is waiting for sensei to say something about how wrong the blonde had been. That he couldn’t possibly be…

“Erm…that’s…well. That’s very good, Jyuumonji-kun. Ah…thank you.”

Something like incredulous murmuring breaks out across the classroom after sensei says that, and embarrassed, Kazuki crosses his arms and looks down at his desk as the teacher tries to get everyone to stop acting as shocked as they are in a valiant attempt to continue the math lesson as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.

Jyuumonji scowls to himself and thinks that he shouldn’t have done that. Doesn’t know what possessed him to even try, really. Definitely not his style.

A familiar voice is suddenly addressing him though, not very loudly, but somehow, coming out over the din the rest of the class is making and into the lineman’s ears all the same. “Wow, Jyuumonji-kun! That was really amazing.”

He blinks and looks up from his desk then, feeling something like a blush suffuse his cheeks when he realizes who exactly, is talking to him.

Sena’s looking at him from his seat further up in the row, turned around and smiling at the taller boy with an awed kind of delighted surprise.

Kazuki swallows. “Erm…well. Che. Stuff I thought everybody knew,” he murmurs in response, trying not to sound as pleased as he is with his smaller teammate’s praise.

Sena beams all the same. “Still… that was pretty um, cool,” the runningback manages, blushing a bit as well and chuckling to himself a bit sheepishly before turning back around to pay attention to the lesson again.

Jyuumonji watches him, feeling oddly warm when he thinks about the brown-haired boy’s smile just now.

After a moment, he settles more comfortably in his chair and starts jotting down notes from the algebra lesson. The first ones he’s taken all year.

And as he does, he can’t help but think to himself that maybe what all those adults are always saying is true-if you really want something, all you have to do is apply yourself a little bit.


Definitely needs lots of edits. ^^;;

eyeshield 21 jyuumonjixsena

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