Just one, just pron. o.o
Title: Head
Rating: R
Pairing/Character/s: IkkakuxKira, mentions of GinxKira
Word Count: 925
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for the SS arc.
Summary: Ikkaku has some reservations… but they don’t last.
sw_inku- TAICHOU LOVES YOU. <33
A/N: DIRTY. I like my skillz with titles too. Yeah. O.o
He’d been anxious about it the first time Kira had wanted to get his mouth on him, the bald shinigami maybe nervous about it, maybe guiltily thrilled about it too, both of those things all at once and a thousand other thoughts and feelings he hadn’t been able to name off the top of his head as well.
Izuru had been amazing, to say the least.
Best damn blow Ikkaku had ever gotten and he hadn’t been sure whether that was good or not, whether it was something that bastard Ichimaru had drilled into Izuru time and time again back in the day to get him that good at it. Made Ikkaku wonder if the fucker had made Izuru feel obligated to do it, like it was his job to get down there and give his all and not expect anything in return.
He’d swallowed anxiously when Kira had started moving down his body that first time; feather kisses on Madarame’s stomach making his muscles twitch anticipatorily, making them tighten with excited heat though the still-functioning part of his brain had told him that maybe it wasn’t a good idea. That maybe it’d set the wrong kind of precedent.
“Babe… you don’t gotta…nnngh, you don’t gotta…”
Kira had paused right down at his bellybutton then, had furrowed his brow at Ikkaku’s reluctant tone. “You…don’t want me to?”
Ikkaku had stared at him like was crazy. “Are you kidding me? I have wet dreams about you sucking….” Pause. Cough. Look Sheepish. “Erm… what I mean is… don’t uh, don’t feel like you gotta… um…” he’d begun to blush as he’d said it, but had barreled forward anyway, because that’s just how he was, how he’d always been. “Don’t feel obligated, to uh, do anything you don’t want to do on my acco….HOLY GOD!!”
All of him in one go. Of course he’d shouted.
Promptly forgot what he’d been planning to say at that point too, because Kira’d suddenly taken him to the hilt just like that, and all the blood that had still been in his brain up ‘til that point (not very much, granted) had rushed straight down to his cock and it’d been all he could do not to start thrusting up into that hot little mouth like his hips were screaming at him to hurry up and do.
Kira’d smiled into it then-smug little bastard-enjoyed every minute of Ikkaku making indignant grunting and groaning noises through his nose as the taller man had tried to regain some sort of control over himself.
He’d tried, it hadn’t worked, and he gave up not long after. That point on, he’d just gone with the flow, fingers threading into soft blonde hair as Kira’d gone at him, the smaller shinigami pushing his lover’s hips down into the mattress and doing the types of things a man couldn’t recover from once he’d felt ‘em, that he didn’t wanna recover from anyway.
And while part of Ikkaku might’ve been a bit disconcerted with how good his lover was at what he’d been doing, most of him didn’t give a good goddamn anymore.
Kira’d looked up at him afterwards, surprisingly smug and content with himself, licking the corners of his lips like he’d been eating gourmet candy this whole time or something, chuckling to himself as Ikkaku had tried to catch his breath, tried to get his heart back in his chest ‘stead of in his throat where it’d jumped up into when he’d come his brains out a second earlier.
“Holy…god,” Ikkaku’d managed again after a moment, causing Izuru to snicker a little when the bald shinigami had tugged at the blonde’s shoulder, pulling him up against him and burying his nose into silk-soft hair as he’d shuddered in disbelief.
“Glad you liked it,” the vice-captain had told him, gently stroking the heaving chest under his with his fingertips in a soothing type of manner.
“God,” Ikkaku said-- third time for good luck-- before wrapping his arm around that sleek frame and thanking whatever diety was looking out for him that Kira was in his bed now. “Fuck, baby,” he’d murmured, eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
He’d come back to himself after a moment like that, pulled back to look into Izuru’s eyes and let him know-‘cuz he had to-what was what. “Amazing,” he’d started, swallowing. “But I uh…you don’t gotta, not if you don’t…”
“You taste good,” Kira‘d purred then, nipping at Madarame’s throat and once more, sending all his blood straight back to his cock like it was the only place it belonged on him. “I wanted to.”
Well. Fuck that then.
Ikkaku’d grinned then, mentally giving Ichimaru Gin the finger for willingly giving Izuru up.
His gain.
Smiling, the bald death god had bent down to kiss Kira then, right on the mouth and yeah, the taste wasn’t that bad, considering Izuru had swallowed most of it and all Ikkaku really cared about after a second or two of that was making sure the other man was being kissed as thoroughly as possible.
They pulled back after a moment, panting and happily flushed. “Hey,” Ikkaku started after a moment, licking the sides of Kira’s petal soft lips in-between words. “That thing you did with your tongue…”
Kira’d laughed at that, cheeks pink, but not with embarrassment. “Yeah?”
Smirking, Ikkaku’d rolled them over then, lining them up so that the other man’s pale, perfect body was right under his. “Pretty damn amazing. You think maybe I could give it a try next?”
Edits severely needed. o.o
Also, because I have been writing insane amounts of
mercy_street_rp fics lately:
MS!GrimmjawxUrquiola- First Impression MS! AkonxMayuri- Smug MS!HisagixIkkaku- Coming to an Understanding MS!AkonxMayuri- Pointy-haired Bastard! MS!TetsuxIzuru- Be Agreesive! MS!TetsuxIzuru- Be Quiet!