Bleach Drabble (137-138)

Aug 30, 2005 21:24

Wow, an update before midnight for once in a long time! Um, I don't know, these two drabbles just kind of came really easily to me, which explains the earliness I suppose. But anyway, I find Hitsugaya and Matsumoto beginning to be as fun and easy to write as Kenpachi and the 11th div, so we'll probably see more of them in the future too, because I'm having a blast with exploring their dynamic a little more. ^^

Blah, blah, blah, I know, you don't care. Anyway...


Title: Flair for the Dramatic
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 599
Warning/s: Sort-of spoilers for the Kyouraku and Ukitake part of the Soul Society Arc.
Summary: Shunsui doesn’t change much over the years.
Dedication: laliho- dude, write your UkitakexKaien, FUN TIMES THERE. XD
A/N: As I said in my previous post, people complaining about my OTPs to me for some reason, just makes me wanna write ‘em more. Sure, I get that you don’t like my OTP, but dude, I don’t care that you don’t so I don’t wanna sit through your long rant about how the canon doesn’t support what I’m writing. So yeah, just for the record. ^^y

He never ever had to do it, but Ukitake suspects Kyouraku of always getting a kick out of sneaking around like he’s doing something he shouldn’t be.

It’s been a habit of his since they were young and at the academy together, late nights when Shunsui would be unable to sleep and Jyuushirou would wake up to the sound of a rock hitting the outside of his window.

He remembers hearing the sound in middle of the night and sighing to himself as he got out of bed to peer out to the ground below, where Shunsui waited with a crooked smile and a handful of pebbles.

“Ne…Jyuu-chan… I couldn’t sleep,” he would say, and Jyuushirou would smile back exasperatedly and ask him why he didn’t just get out of his bed and walk two feet down the dormitory hallway to knock on his door.

Shunsui would frown and chastise him for being so pragmatic, when true love was all about the aggrandizement of the dramatic.

Ukitake still suspects to this very day, that Shunsui said that simply because he wanted to use the word “aggrandizement”.

But he’d always humored his classmate on those nights anyway, letting him recite poetry to him from his window or even serenade him until he was chased away by angry dormitory disciplinarians for making a ruckus so late after curfew.

Sometimes Shunsui would ask to be let up, and Ukitake would roll his eyes because that meant he’d have to let down a rope and wait for the big idiot to climb up, where Kyouraku expected to be rewarded for his daunting trials of love with a kiss.

But despite Ukitake’s reservations about the whole affair, it seemed that Shunsui always got his coveted reward, as well as Jyuushirou’s exasperated laughter as an added bonus, which made every three-story climb well worth the effort.

Those were in their academy days, and Ukitake would like nothing better than to blame his lover’s antics on the vibrancy and hotheadedness of his youth, except he can’t. Because suddenly, he can hear the distinct clack of rocks against his windowsill tonight, even though it’s been nearly a lifetime since they’ve been young and in the academy.

He shakes his head and with a fond chuckle, rises from his bed and opens the window, where Kyouraku’s smiling face greets him, pebbles in hand.

“Ne…Jyuu-chan… I couldn’t sleep,” he says lazily, letting the leftover rocks fall from his palm and back onto the ground. “Will you spend some time with me until I can?”

Ukitake sighs, but can’t help but smile back anyway. “Why didn’t you just come in the front door?” he asks, more out of habit than out of any serious curiosity regarding Shunsui’s motives.

Shunsui grins and leans forward until their noses touch. “Because love is all about the aggrandizement of the dramatic, silly,” he murmurs, before stealing a kiss.

When he pulls away, his eyes are sparkling like he’s eighteen again, and slyly he asks, “Now, can I come in before someone catches us?”

The thirteenth division captain laughs and moves out of the way to let Shunsui climb in, glad that his bedroom is on the first floor now instead of the third, like it was in the dorm.

Because while nothing about Kyouraku’s personality has changed that much over the years, at their age, Ukitake just doesn’t trust the other captain’s ability to climb up three stories by way of knotted-sheet rope like he used to.

Either way, Shunsui still gets the same reward in the end.

And a couple of bonuses too.



Title: Point, Counterpoint
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Hitsugaya, Matsumoto
Word Count: 343
Warning/s: Sort-of spoilery for the Soul Society arc, but in a vague, vague way.
Summary: Hitsugaya and Matsumoto tell it like it is.
Dedication: tomomichi- because I agree, there should be more Hitsugaya and Matsumoto LURVE.
A/N: I dunno, I just wanted to write some sniping and this was the best I could do at one in the morning. Aheh.

She teases him because his first crush was on his babysitter and that’s just so damn cute.

He shoots back that Hinamori was never his babysitter but rather, a friend who would visit to play sometimes when he was small.

In retaliation, he reminds her that her first crush was on a slit-eyed psychopath with a fetish for emo-glasses.

She scowls, because that means it’s time to play dirty.

And so she reminds him that he should be nice to her because she’s been so good to him and never once complained about being the only vice-captain in seireitei who had to do paperwork and explain the birds and the bees to her child-captain.

He tells her that sneaking him pornographic magazines doesn’t count as explaining anything and only served to garner him weird, disapproving looks from the assistants who were in charge of cleaning his office.

He reminds her that she nearly suffocated him in her breasts once, and that he’s probably the only captain in seireitei who has that constant threat of death looming over him in addition to the Hollows.

She tells him he would only be so lucky to die that way. Men dream of dying that way.

He replies that men who dream of dying like that are probably better off being dead anyway.

She tells him that he’s very un-cute, which is probably why his babysitter never liked him back.

He says that her crazy childhood friend probably never liked her back because she didn’t have the equipment he was looking for down below. Or emo-glasses.

She would have smacked him upside the head for that one, except he’s made a crucial misstep in their verbal sparring, and she can’t let him get away with it this far into the game.

Smirking, she tells him, “See? I knew those dirty magazines taught you something ‘bout the birds and the bees after all, little liar!”

She smiles triumphantly.

He shoots back with, “Yeah. It taught me why some bees prefer other bees.”

This time, she does smack him.


Sooooooo typo help? *puppy eyes*

kyourakuxukitake, matsumoto, bleach, hitsugaya

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