Bleach Drabble (387)

Mar 25, 2006 22:13

ARGH I SUCK. -_-;;


Title: Stronger Than One
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 478
Warning/s: Spoilers for Kyouraku and Ukitake’s backstories, I suppose. ^^;;
Summary: Ukitake Jyuushirou is strong.
Dedication: sw_inku- MISS YOU.
A/N: My brain seems dead whenever I want to write lately. Haha I blame it on MS eating my brain? XD

Sometimes he has to remind himself that Jyuushirou isn’t weak.

He knows it, deep in his heart of hearts. Should know it, more importantly. He’s seen the other man’s strength a million times for a hundred centuries after all, has seen enemies crumble in front of him and armies destroyed as easily as breathing.

Funny how sometimes, it’s the breathing that Ukitake has problems with.

At the thought, Shunsui grits his teeth just a little bit and holds Jyuushirou’s hand more tightly in his own, the grip in his strong one faint and exhausted as the breath rattles in the white-haired captain’s chest.

Shunsui watches over him and remembers days when Ukitake’s strength has bowled him over before, when the other man has looked at him with eyes intense enough to make him feel like one of his victims-- shot through the heart.

He remembers those instances with a kind of anxiety, tries to hold onto them even as he looks down at the sick man before him now, the one who’s weak and exhausted and definitely not up to destroying anyone’s army today.

The eighth division captain thinks back on those times Jyuushirou has been strong and makes himself superimpose them over the image of the other man he sees now, because he has to keep believing in Ukitake, has to stay 100% assured that this isn’t the big one.

That this isn’t the end of the universe.

He does this a lot, he supposes, tries to block out anything bad with heartening images. The first time Jyuushirou coughed up blood, Kyouraku thought instead, of the first time he’d seen the other man-then boy-blow away every single target without breaking a sweat in kidoh class. The first time Jyuushirou collapsed, coughing into his arms, he held the other man’s hand all night-just like this-- and recalled the first time Jyuushirou pushed his way into Kyouraku’s arms, pink-faced with alcohol, a demanding, warm fondness in his eyes as he’d wrapped around Shunsui and overwhelmed him from every angle.

Shunsui reminds himself of how strong Jyuushirou is with those memories, squeezing the other man’s hand and telling himself that that strength, that amazing power this man has, will not be snuffed out tonight.

He just has to be strong himself.

He has to believe it.

And sure enough, as the hours pass and dawn begins to break, Shunsui eventually feels the hand in his squeeze back ever so slightly.

He breathes a sigh of relief at that, smiles down at Ukitake because it’s another victory for them, another day when the universe can keep on existing.

“Thank you, Jyuu-chan,” he murmurs, bringing their joined hands up to brush his lips across Ukitake’s knuckles, “for lending me your strength.”

It’s moments like these when Shunsui is reminded that Jyuushirou is strong enough for the both of them.


Edits please!

kyourakuxukitake, bleach

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