Bleach Drabble (366-368)

Feb 27, 2006 21:15

Speed Drabblage ahoy! Haha I hope they don't suck. -_-;;

ARGH and my back hurts. -_-;;


Title: Eleventh Division- Adventures in Babysitting Part 4: Renji
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Renji, Iba, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Yachiru
Word Count: 836
Warning/s: No spoilers of any importance.
Summary: Sequel to #359 (“Eleventh Division- Adventures in Babysitting Part 3: Iba”)- Renji’s turn to baby sit doesn’t go as planned.
A/N: Yeah, still writing thugs. Guess I can’t help it. ^^;;

He runs into the bar he knows they’re at, half out of his mind.

“I lost her!” he yells, bursting into the room and disrupting a perfectly good brawl with his hysteria. “I fuckin’ lost her!”

Iba pauses, his fist inches from someone’s face. “Ya what?”

“I said, I lost fukutaichou!” Renji repeats, looking as though ten years of his life are being shaved off of him as he stands there panicking.

Ikkaku, slamming his opponent’s head into a table repeatedly, sighs. “Well good job there, Abarai. What the hell happened?”

“He probably got distracted by something shiny,” Yumichika poses snootily, sitting cross-legged atop his fallen adversary and resting his elbow on the unconscious man’s head.

“Seriously man,” Ikkaku chides, letting his opponent go and shaking his head. “I knew you was dumb, but I didn’t think you was irresponsible too. What’s taichou gonna say when he gets back tomorrow mornin’ and he don’t see her there?”

Yumichika pouts. “He’ll be absolutely heartbroken.”

“And make us run suicides,” Iba adds, forgoing the punch to his quivering opponent and kneeing him in the stomach instead. “I hate suicides.”

Renji swallows. “You uh… you guys really think we won’t be able ta find her ‘fore then?” he asks, wary. “I mean um…if all of us…I mean, that is… if you guys’d help me out, I’m sure we’d be able ta find her. Taichou don’t gotta know nothin’.”

Ikkaku snorts. “We’re kinda busy here, asshole, in case ya didn’t notice.” He emphasizes his point by digging his sandal into his moaning opponent’s kidneys. “We can’t just run off every time you go’n make a damned idiotic rookie mistake.”

“Really,” Yumi agrees, smiling charmingly and motioning to the barkeep for another drink.

“I am so fuckin’ disappointed in you, Abarai, really,” Iba adds, to rub salt in the wound.

Renji stares at them. “But…”

“You’d better go find her, newbie, or there’ll be hell to pay. And not just from taichou,” Ikkaku prompts, eyes sliding towards the door. “She moves fast too, could be miles gone if you don’t start runnin’.”

Renji glares. “Aw c’mon, assholes, just gimme a hand here, will ya? You’re done fightin’ anyway!”

Iba snorts. “Tch… you know that’s against the rules. Seated officers take turns babysittin’ fukutaichou when taichou’s gotta go. We’ve all done our fair share. Just ‘cuz you’re the noob don’t mean we’re gonna take pity on ya and hold yer hand the whole damn way.”

“’S right,” Ikkaku chimes in, grabbing his drink from the table and sloshing a good half of it down. “Ain’t no pansies here in the eleventh, who need their business taken care of for ‘em. We don’t operate like that.”

Yumichika twitters. “Well maybe Renji-kun just isn’t cut out for toughing it with the likes of us, hmm? Did you two ever think of that? We have to take into account that some people just don’t have what it takes to be strong.”

The redhead fumes. “Fine. Forget it, assholes, I’m gonna find her myself. Che. How hard can it be, right? Fuckin’…”

They watch him until he’s out the door, and then burst out laughing all at once.

“Oh man, memories,” Iba grins, leaning up against the bar. “Barkeep! Beer!”

“Ah, yes sir!”

Ikkaku, snickering, looks up into the rafters of the building. “Oi…Yachiru. Ya can come down now, he’s gone.”

“Waaaa, really?” the little girl asks, peeking out from around a thick beam. “Stripey-head really is no good at this game,” she giggles, bounding down from her vantage point to rest on Ikkaku’s shoulders.

“Maybe you’re just a real good hider,” the bald death god suggests with a fond smile. “Oi, Barkeep! Cup of warm milk please!”

“O-of course, sir!”

Yachiru giggles. “I am the world’s bestest hider ever!”

“Bestest isn’t a word, dear,” Yumichika corrects. “It’s just best.” Standing, the pretty shinigami plucks her off of Ikkaku’s shoulder and sits her down properly at one of the few remaining upright tables as Iba brings over his beer and Yachiru’s warm milk.

Ikkaku tucks a napkin into the front of her uniform and the three of them take seats around her.

“Drink it all now, ya hear? Growin’ girls need their calcium,” Iba urges.

“But don’t be messy,” Yumichika reminds her.

“Ahhh, lemme make sure it ain’t too hot,” Ikkaku adds, taking the mug in his hands.

After a while, as Yachiru sips her perfect-temperature beverage, the eleventh division shinigami all sigh and relax a little.

“Did you have fun with Abarai-kun this afternoon, fukutaichou?” Yumichika asks, the fifth chair winding down happily from his fighting-high.

“Yup!” Yachiru responds, before turning to Ikkaku briefly so he can wipe her mouth for her. “Hide and seek was the bestest…er… best suggestion you ever gave me, Yumi!”

Yumichika’s eyes glitter. “Well, I just knew Abarai-kun would like it too, you see. It’s very important to be courteous to everyone with this sort of thing, after all.”

Ikkaku and Iba grin, toasting their mugs at that. “Here, here.”



Title: With Time
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: vaguely, sort-of Histsugaya+Matsumoto ish.
Word Count: 676
Warning/s: Spoilers for the SS arc.
Summary: Hitsugaya is young.
Dedication: Urm… how about everyone out there writing HitsuxMatsu lately? As thanks for buoying me. ^^
A/N: Mostly because it’s just been a while. XD Though I’m wary of the title because I’m getting to the point where I don’t’ remember the titles of all the other drabbles and I might start doubling up or something, given my limited um, vocabulary. So if there was already a drabble with this title, well. Someone let me know? ^^;; Um. Also, I don’t know if this makes a lick of sense. --;;

He may be young and inexperienced in these sorts of things, but he knows enough, he thinks, to know when she is sad, even when she insists on putting a strong face forward and act like nothing is wrong at all.

He’s still just a kid really, but he’s known her long enough that he can tell when she’s thinking about that guy, that friend of hers who abandoned her, who betrayed them all.

His vice-captain misses the man she grew up with, her childhood companion who she watched grow stronger, day after day for a long time. The one who she stood next to for many, many years.

Hitsugaya is young, so he doesn’t have the same frame of reference she does when they talk about what that means, those long years at Ichimaru’s side. He’s known Hinamori for most of his life, and the connection he feels with her, the friendship he feels towards her, is a very big part of him, and so he understands at least, that part of it.

But he’s much younger than Rangiku, so he can only imagine what it was like to be with Gin for so long, for longer than he’s even been alive.

He wonders if her pain is proportional to that, if it’s even greater for her, having lost Gin in such a way, after all those years together. Far longer than he or Hinamori have known one another.

He can’t wrap his mind around it completely, but he takes it as a cue, as a sign of his responsibilities in the years to come.

He’ll grow up with that time, and if he can keep it like this, Matsumoto will be at his side the whole way. Maybe then, after that period spent growing up next to her, he’ll be able to realize the fullness of what it is she’s feeling now, after he experiences for himself, what it’s like to have a connection with another person for that long.

It’s both frightening and exciting, and as he looks at her and the sadness in her eyes when she thinks of Gin, he tells himself that he’ll make it different. He doesn’t know much about the other stuff, but he’ll make it different for her the second time around.

He doesn’t know what he wants to become in the future or what the years have in store for him. He doesn’t know if he’ll learn to be stern and admirable like Kuchiki-taichou or well-liked and charming like Kyouraku-taichou. And he’s not sure if he can always be as honorable as Komamura-taichou, or as calm as Unohana-taichou, or as resourceful (if creepy) as Kurotsuchi-taichou. He’s pretty certain he won’t be able to have as much fun with life as Zaraki-taichou, and he’s not sure really, if he wants to in the long run. He admires Soi Fong-taichou’s determination and Yamamoto-soutaichou’s wisdom, and he thinks maybe it would be nice to be as friendly as Ukitake-taichou one day, though his patience isn’t anywhere near the thirteenth division captain’s.

There are a lot of possibilities for him, because he is young, and he knows this. He tries not to think too much about it right now though, because in the end he can only be Hitsugaya-taichou and no one else.

The only thing he does know for certain is that he wants to grow into a man who Matsumoto can stand beside for many, many years.

He wants to be someone who can replace that sadness in her eyes with something new.

It won’t happen all at once right away, he knows that. But day by day, he’ll be able to take a little bit of that sadness from her he thinks. And he’ll do it for however long it takes as he growing up there beside her through the years.

He can’t make her happy right away, because he knows it’s not that easy.

So all he can be is patient for now.

Because if it’s time, he’s got plenty of it.

He’s young, after all.



Title: Patience
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 237
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Kyouraku waits for Ukitake.
Dedication: My sense of memory has been shot to hell lately, so I don’t know if I’ve responded in thanks for your fic, kouriarashi. But if I haven’t, this is for you. If I have, well, this is for you again anyway. XD
A/N: I just felt silly. Haha and trying to get over my unproductive feeling as of late, as school eats my brains. -_-;; I will get back to writing stuff on my check list once I don’t feel too dead. Until then, more pointless drabbleage abounds, I suppose. O.o

He grins.

Ukitake ignores him.

He starts humming then, softly in the back of his throat. He’s unperturbed by Jyuushirou’s coldness.

The other captain sighs and concentrates more intensely on his paperwork, brow furrowing stubbornly.

Kyouraku begins to gently tap his fingers on the floor, in time with the beat of the song in his heart.

Ukitake presses harder on his brush in an attempt to drown out the noise with some of his own.

Shunsui’s eyes glimmer then, and he doesn’t take them off the white-haired man for even a second. He drinks the sight of Jyuushirou in.

Ukitake doesn’t have to look up from his documents to know which expression is on his old friend’s face right now. He feels himself blushing.

At that telling sign, Shunsui shifts, anticipatorily.




Kyouraku stands up just as Ukitake puts his brush down, the thirteenth division captain looking plainly exasperated, but thankfully, not irate.

“Fine,” Jyuushirou murmurs, standing up as well. He throws his arms in the air resignedly. “Fine. You win.”

Shunsui grins at the declaration of his victory. “Yay!” And reaching out, he takes the other man’s hand in his own, tugging him to the side of the desk and towards the door. “It’s a lovely day for a picnic, Jyuu-chan.”

Ukitake sighs, though there is a small upward turning at the corner of his lips anyway. Bemused, he says, “I suppose it is.”




ShuuxYumi headcount on lj interests: 20
IkkakuxKira headcount: 9
IbaxIsane headcount: 2 (omg! haha)
GanxHana headcount: 5(WAI!)
Computer Fund Donation Total: $20
Sanity: ZERO
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