One Piece- "Extended Family Cycle"

Jan 17, 2006 00:25

Wow this was hard to write. o.o

Title: Extended Family Cycle
Author: Celeste
Feedback: (yes!)
Theme: exactly 200 word (each) drabbles in a ten drabble cycle
Universe: One Piece
Pairing: ZoSan
Rating: PG-13
Time: DAYS
Word Count: N/A (though technically it should be 2000)
Summary: Companion Cycle to “Parenthood Cycle”- Everyone else.
Dedication: sherrymarie- I hope this will in some way inspire you to finish your stories too. WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED SHAME? XD Also, for meallanmouse for all the great OP dedications I AM SO SPOILED ♥
A/N: So, I have been prompted by Sherry because she wants to see Zeff meeting Zoro. Well. I tried, which means something right? But yeah, totally out of practice, because this cycle FAILS. I just can’t bring myself to like it at all. O.o
Disclaimer: Not mine or I would be rich! Filthy rich!! Yeeah.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

1. Vivi

She’s only ever thought of princesses as tragic fairytale damsels in far-off lands, the kind who always need to be saved by a prince.

They’d all been like that after all, in the stories her mother had told her.

She never imagined it would be like this, and when she meets Vivi for the first time, she thinks that this princess is just like another one of their friends and not at all like the helpless girls from the books her mother used to read to her.

She loves how smart and strong and kind Vivi is, and admires how much Igaram and the king both love her. Vivi tells her that those two have always been there for her, no matter what.

Before long, she decides that if this is how Vivi turned out without her mother being around all the time, then maybe it’s okay.

Upon their exit from Arabasta, she goes up to Zoro and Sanji and tells them that she’s decided.

She’d been worried about it a little bit before, but after meeting Vivi, all her fears have been assuaged.

She smiles and lets them know that she thinks it’ll be okay to have two dads.

2. Usopp

Usopp is the one who’d given him his first slingshot.

And as such, Usopp is also the one responsible-if indirectly-for his first broken window and consequently, his first instance of having to save up his allowance for months to replace something he’d destroyed.

Usopp is also the one who, for a while, made him believe that there really were goldfish poops the size of continents and that if he or his sister ever ate too much sugar on any one day when Usopp was babysitting, they would both shake and bounce so hard from the sugary energy that they would both eventually explode in a shower of gumdrops and chocolate bars and red licorice (but inexplicably, not black).

Usopp is also the one who builds model ships with him and who still likes him even after he tried out that candy thing, only to throw up in the canoneer’s hammock as a result.

So in return, he supposes he can’t really resent his habit-of-lying uncle when one day, his father returns to the kitchen to find all of the pistachios eaten and Usopp quickly points to him, saying, “The kid ate them!”

Honestly, he doesn’t even like pistachios.

3. Zeff

Zoro looks absolutely smug as they prepare to meet “grandpa” for the first time, and when he asks Sanji why, the blonde simply says, “The first time I brought the idiot back to meet your grandpa he gave your dad a hard time about never being able to give him grand-children.”

He asks if proving grandpa wrong makes dad happy. “Do they hate each other?”

Sanji assures him that the two really respect each other a lot, and that while their behavior towards one another might seem strange at first, he and his sister would both be able to recognize it (eventually) as fondness and not anything like animosity.

The moment they enter the Baratie, Zoro gets kicked in the head by an old man with a beard.

“The hell are you doing here, ya damned failure? I thought I told you not to come back until you found some ovaries!”

Zoro clutches his head. “You shitty old bastard! Don’t cuss in front of the kids!”

The man pauses. “Kids?”

He kicks Zoro across the restaurant before turning to Sanji. “Kids?”

The chef nods. “Kids, say hello to your grandpa.” He gently pushes the children forward.

Grandpa smiles. “Hi kids.”

4. Chopper

The first time he gets sick, Chopper sits at his bedside all day and night while his dads are banned from being in the room for prolonged periods of time.

Truth be told, he thinks he prefers Chopper there anyway, because the reindeer speaks gently and always says nice things like, “you’re getting better really fast!”

His dads on the other hand, kind of frown and seem worried a lot and don’t really speak much when they’re there, like they’re holding their breaths waiting for something important to happen.

Sure, they say things like, “hey there, kiddo, how’re you feeling?” and “I brought you your favorite soup!” but there’s always a tone in their voices that makes it sound like it hurts when they speak.

Chopper is different though. The doctor always sounds confident that everything is going to be okay.

Even when he’s throwing up or it hurts to breathe or he can’t see his sister for weeks because she might get sick as well.

His dads sound afraid. Like they’re sick too.

But Chopper tells him everything’s going to be fine, and there’s something about the way the little reindeer says it that makes him really believe it.

5. Luffy

Uncle Luffy likes to throw her so high into the air that she doesn’t come down for a whole minute.

Her dad isn’t too happy about that, and he kicks Zoro in the head for letting Luffy do it.

She doesn’t understand why he’s mad, because for as long as she’s known him, Uncle Luffy has never dropped her once before.

So as high as he’d thrown her, she’d known he would be there to catch her again.

She tries to explain that to Sanji, who’s looking her over for booboos.

“He won’t drop me, dad!” she says confidently, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly with one small hand.

“I know he won’t drop you on purpose, sweetheart,” he assures her, tweaking her nose gently.

“Then why fuss?” Zoro grunts, rubbing his head.

“Because,” Sanji begins matter-of-factly, “one day he might throw her so high that by the time she comes back, he’ll have forgotten he threw her at all.”

She blinks.

Turning towards Uncle Luffy, she finds him clapping his feet together and happily celebrating the shiny piece of foil he just found in his pocket.

Vaguely horrified, Zoro mutters, “I never thought of that.”

Honestly, she hadn’t either.

6. Ace

She tells her dads that when she grows up, she’s going to marry her Uncle Ace. She even holds up her finger, proudly displaying the engagement ring he gave her earlier today.

Sanji recognizes it as one of the twisty ties he uses to keep the bread fresh, and vaguely amused by the idea, tells her that he’s proud of her for setting high standards. Unlike him.

Zoro bristles and tells her she can’t marry a dead man because he’ll be dead. Besides, someone who’s only ten can’t marry anyone. Especially not an old pervert like Ace, who is not a higher standard than him.

Patting him on the shoulder, Sanji assures him that he’d been kidding. Except not.

“Che. Bastard doesn’t even like girls anyway,” Zoro pushes, sounding sore.

Upon hearing this new information, she immediately turns to Sanji. “Does that mean Uncle Ace really wants to marry niisan?”

“Of course not, sweetheart. Why would he agree to marry you otherwise?”

“It might be a scam,” she starts. “Aunt Nami says people do this all the time for the insurance benefits.”

Sanji laughs.

Zoro rolls onto his side, muttering, “I told you that woman would be a bad influence.”

7. Robin

It’s on shore leave in a small town where he meets some local boys his age, and they get to talking.

When he tells them he’s spent most his life on a pirate ship, they stare at him, disbelieving.

“Man, you ever even seen a woman, always being at sea like that?”

“Of course.”

“Sure, butt-pirate-bait. I know why pirate ships keep young boys like you around,” one kid taunts, snickering.

He’s not sure he knows what the asshole means by that, but he doesn’t like it.

“Look here,” he starts, frowning.

The boy scoffs belligerently. “What?”

“I don’t like whatever it is you’re…”

“Ah, there you are!”

He turns at the sound of Robin’s familiar voice, and she smiles back, but not in the way she normally does when she sees him.

Sauntering over, she reaches out and touches his cheek, winking. “I’ve been looking for you.”


“Naa, don’t play coy, cutie,” she coos invitingly. “Let’s go, ne?” Hooking their arms together, she pulls him away, pausing only to say, “Good night, gentlemen,” to the gaping youths behind them.

The last thing he hears as they round the corner together is someone exclaiming, “Holy shit! She was hot!”

8. Johnny and Yosaku

When they present him with his first Wanted poster he feels like it’s his coming of age.

They’re apparently equally as moved, because they both burst into tears and hug each other when he takes it from them, crying, “It’s the exact same as Zoro-aniki’s first bounty!”

Awed, he clutches the worn piece of paper in-between his hands and turns to his father. “Is it really?”

The swordsman beams and ruffles his hair. “Yup!”

That’s all it takes for Johnny and Yosaku’s tears to amplify. “It’s such a beautiful moment!! Young-aniki is growing up!” they wail, clutching each other as snot rolls down their noses.

Still grinning, Zoro takes the Wanted poster from him and admires it more thoroughly. “It’s a good picture,” his father says, pushing the paper back towards the boy. “Best go give that to the stupid love-cook, he’ll put it up on the wall.”

“Sure, dad,” he agrees, excusing himself to the galley.

“Oh, the wall!!! Young-aniki’s poster is going on the wall next to Zoro-aniki and Sanji-aniki’s pictures!”

As he leaves, he can’t help but wonder how good those two really are at their jobs.

One thing’s for sure, they’re the weirdest pirate hunters ever.

9. Nami

Zoro thinks she’s dying when he bursts into the room and sees the bloodstained cloth.

His eyes bug out and much to her horror, she watches her father turn to scream for Chopper, because something is making his baby girl bleed and he doesn’t know what it is.

He doesn’t see any apparent threat in the room.

Nami sighs and gets up to shove him outside, muttering that his daughter is fine and that the situation is under control.

At that moment, she has never been gladder for Nami.

“Sorry about that,” the navigator murmurs. “There’s nothing to be scared about, okay? His reaction was just stupid.”

She offers a watery smile back. “Okay.”

Zoro is pounding in worried outrage on the other side of the door. “Are you okay!? What the hell is going on in there!? Did Nami bite you or something?!”

“This is where you learn how to ignore your dad,” the older woman says, glaring at the door.

She laughs nervously at her aunt. “I’ve never really done that before.”

Nami’s expression turns wry and she winks. “Welcome to womanhood.”

Later, a red-faced Chopper has to very carefully explain to Zoro what, exactly, is going on.

10. ????

When he says, “I love her,” the little vein on sensei’s forehead immediately pops out.

“Ah, I’ll go get your swords, dad,” her brother offers, once the revelation is made.

He glares after his best friend and thinks that the bastard is never any help.


“I was just kidding, sis. Sort of.”

Zoro turns to her then, as if her voice has stirred him from a bad, dark, angry place. “Do you really like this idiot?” he asks, sounding disbelieving.

“Yes!” she assures her father. “And dad already knows too!”

Zoro turns back to his student and studies him intently. “That would explain the bruises, I suppose.”

“Sensei… I…”


His jaw snaps shut.

Zoro turns back to her, pointing at her intended. “Are you sure you like this idiot?”


“Son, go get my swords.”

“Sure, dad!”


Zoro turns to his daughter and waves reassuringly. “I’ll just beat him up this once, okay? ‘Sides, it’s not fair if that no-good love-cook got to and I don’t.”

She sighs. “Fine.”

“Sweetie! That’s not…”

“Don’t worry, sweetie! He won’t kill you!”

Zoro-sensei smiles at him. “Yeah, I won’t kill you.”

But you’d be surprised what you can live through.



vivi, sanji, robin, yosaku, nami, zoroxsanji, usopp, chopper, luffy, johnny, one piece, zoro, zeff, ace

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