Bleach Drabble (322-324)

Jan 06, 2006 01:05

Some random, sort of oddly written crack from me tonight. I honestly don't know where it came from. Call me out of practice, or something. ^^;;


Title: Gambling Man
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: RenjixByakuya
Word Count: 308
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: Renji takes his chances.
Dedication: antiparallel- I will probably be making you draw these two next. YES. XD
A/N: I don’t know where this came from, I just felt like some RenxBya. ^^;;

He asked himself if he was feeling lucky over dinner, and when the check came, he took a deep breath and tried it, picking the paper up before Byakuya could. The readhead’s fingers brushed over the other man’s briefly as he snatched the bill to safety.

“Er… my treat,” he explained, looking tentatively across the table at the older man.

Byakuya’s eyebrow shot up at that, but after a moment he leaned back in his chair. “Alright.”

Renji grinned.

Later, he asked himself if he was feeling lucky again as they walked side-by-side through one of the little paths running through the park. When the breeze he was waiting for blew past them, he closed his eyes, counted backwards from ten, and leaned his shoulder against Byakuya’s as casually as possible.

“Er…bit chilly,” he explained, looking sideways at the other man.

Byakuya’s eyebrow arched again, but it dropped more quickly than it had earlier, and before long, Renji felt just the slightest return pressure against his shoulder.

He beamed.

When they returned to headquarters later into the night and Renji was walking his captain back to his quarters, the redhead looked at the other man and wondered how his luck was holding up now. They stopped in front of Byakuya’s door, where the sixth division captain turned and looked at his subordinate.

Renji, not quite able to meet the other man’s eyes, stared at his throat instead.

“Um…so… I uh… that was a real nice time, taichou,” he began, swallowing as he found himself unintentionally mesmerized by that milk-white neck.

Byakuya’s eyebrow shot up again at Renji’s awkward stuttering, and before the redhead could continue, the older man leaned forward and very calmly kissed him.

When they pulled apart, Byakuya’s eyes were glittering. “Do you feel lucky now, Renji?”

Renji, breath stolen from his lungs, managed a smile.



Title: Substitution
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GinxIl Forte, Aizen, mentions of GinxKira
Word Count: 436
Warning/s: Minor spoilers for the Arrankar Arc as it is…
Summary: Gin always liked the pretty ones.
Dedication: tokkitsu for catering to me like, woah today. Love for you!
A/N: Dude, I don’t know where the hell this came from, it just kind of hit me that damn, Il Forte is pretty. And since we all know Aizen is banging Urquiola, so… well. Gin hasn’t been doing anything lately…sooo. XD

Aizen knows Gin has been missing his cute little vice-captain for a long time now, ever since they’d left Soul Society and all its comforts behind.

He also knows that Gin likes the pretty ones best, the ones with soft hair and smooth, pale skin. He likes sharp cheekbones and gentle eyes, thick lashes and long, graceful necks.

Aizen knows all of the things Ichimaru likes best in his toys, just like he knows that the silver-haired shinigami misses playing with little Kira Izuru now that they’re so far away from the lovely young vice-captain. So with the benevolence of a loving father, the elder captain decides that the least he can do is help Gin forget about the sweet little blonde crying for him at home.

He makes Il Forte with all those things Gin likes best in mind, chooses to make this new young one not as a step forward in his search of ultimate power like the others, but instead, as a gift of gratitude to someone who has been willing to sacrifice everything he loves best to be here by Aizen’s side. And so, on the day of his gift’s completion, Aizen presents the young bull to Ichimaru, asking the younger man, “Well? What do you think of this one, Gin?”

Gin smiles as he looks at the newborn Arrankar, the young one glaring up at him defiantly because he knows that he is this man’s present and that hard looks are all the protest he will be allowed.

“He’s very pretty, taichou,” Ichimaru responds appreciatively, reaching out and gently taking a strand of long white hair between his fingers, rolling it back and forth between the digits as he speaks. “But… too defiant still, I think. In his eyes, ne?”

Aizen laughs, deep and rich, and pats the other death god on the back in a friendly, familiar way. “Well, I figured it would be no fun if he was already broken for you, Gin.”

At that, Ichimaru’s smile grows more sinister somehow, and he flips his wrist, releasing Il Forte’s hair and wrapping his hand around the underside of the bull’s jaw so quickly that the Arrankar’s eyes can’t follow it.

With the strength of just one arm, he drags Il Forte up towards him with unexpected cruelty.

Surprised at the smiling man’s strength, the Arrankar chokes as he is forced to his knees, his head tilted upwards submissively as Ichimaru smiles down.

“You know, taichou,” the silver-haired man starts conversationally, “he kind of reminds me of Kira-chan. The cheeks, I think.”

Aizen’s voice is full of warmth. “I know.”



Title: Capability
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Hitsugaya, Matsumoto
Word Count: 240
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of that matter, though if you don’t know what Toushirou’s zanpakutou abilities are this’ll spoil that. ^^;;
Summary: Histugaya can handle most things.
Dedication: for meallanmouse for letting me bug her for my OTP. XD Also, for nelmaki_antix for the kick ass cross-over icon love. YAY!
A/N: I just find the thought of dignified Toushirou chittering very amusing. ^^;; But I’m not sure if this turned out very well. It’s like I didn’t write for a few days and I totally got thrown out of whack (or practice, I guess) in that short span of time. O.o

He was a genius in all shinigami arts of combat and ki manipulation.

He’d passed every one of his written and physical examinations with highest marks, earning the unadulterated praise and awe of his peers and teachers in the process.

He graduated in a quarter of the normal instruction time required at the academy.

He became a captain-class shinigami, mastering his bankai technique in a mere handful of decades.

So Matsumoto argued that it definitely wasn’t her fault for thinking that if he could handle all those things, he could handle a little thing called coffee as well.

In her book, it was hardly more severe a concept than manipulation of water molecules in the atmosphere, after all, and he’d complained about not being able to stay awake to get all of his necessary work done.

On his fifth night in a row awake after that first taste, when he was downing pot after pot of the dark liquid like it was nothing while chittering happily -if nonsensically- away to himself the entire time, the tenth division vice-captain decided that maybe she’d been wrong about his ability to cope.

Hitsugaya Toushirou might have been able to control the weather on a humid day as easily as his own breathing, but even so, it seemed that there were still some things a kid like him just wasn’t ready for yet.

Matsumoto made a mental note that caffeine was one of them.


Edits loved, especially since I'm too lazy to do them myself!
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