Title: Wildlife Rehabilitation (and Other Conservation Stories)
Universe: Teen Wolf
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: the Sheriff, Derek (and Stiles and Isaac by proxy)
Spoilers/Warnings: Through S2
Word Count: 5,820
Summary: Companion piece to “
Rewired”- the Sheriff has an idea named Derek and he deals with it.
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I just found these short stories tonight - because I do not now read, and never have read, on LJ more than I can help it ... but there is a DeviantArt post by Artmetica (NaSyu) which links to a longer, recced (Destiel) fic of yours (which I have not not YET read, but I managed to find a working link to grab the all-in-one PDF 👍), and, well, I browsed further, and here I am. 🤷🎉💗
HOWEVER, I seem to have read them all out of sequence. "Wildlife Rehabilitation" must be all the way back at #2, right? (Your Author's Note here misled me.) I *was* wondering when the sheriff learned their wolfy secret! Is there any MASTERPOST for the ~series~?
Anyway, thanks for these enjoyable reads, and for others I've yet to get to. 👏👏👏
EDIT: Oh, I found the series as "Strays" (🎯) by peroxidepest17 on AO3 👍 with a 6th piece 🎉 (though no Spn at all), but it's apparently in publication order, not plot-chronological, which I guess is what your A/N referenced, too. Okay.
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