JE/NEWS- "The Boy Who Leapt Through Time"

Dec 27, 2011 19:29

Title: The Boy Who Leapt Through Time
Universe: JE/NEWS
Theme/Topic: “Tegoshi with some kind of magical powers.”
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS
Spoilers/Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,315
Summary: Sometimes all you want is a do-over.
Dedication: ryogrande’s request on my holiday request meme!
A/N: Last one! Once this is done, I am totally concentrating full steam on SPN RR. Because I should. Since I’m a procrastinator.
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement intended.

The interview is one of those cute, gimmicky ones where the four of them have to sit in a circle eating lunch and talk about whatever happens to cross their minds next. Every so often, the interviewer from the magazine will chime in with a question they all have to answer, just for the sake of keeping the conversation from devolving into a slew of mindless giggling and sly looks while each of them is secretly throwing food items into the others’ bowls when they think one is looking.

“If you could go back in time, what would you do?” the interviewer asks on this round, because this interview is in preparation for January's, New Year’s themed issue and that means time is what’s on everyone’s minds these days.

“I’d want to see the construction of the pyramids,” Koyama says, completely forgetting about the fact that watching that would have probably been horrible and painful for his deeply empathetic humanitarian heart.

“I’d go back and find the socks I lost at the Laundromat last week,” Massu answers, slightly more sensibly. “They were really warm.”

Shige is the more reasonable one of the four members. “I wouldn’t go back in time,” he says, staunchly. “I’ve read about the Butterfly Effect. What if I did some horrible damage in the past and threw the future of the world into chaos by accident?”

“Ooh, that’s true,” Massu and Koyama realize, belatedly. “Shige is so responsible.”

Everyone looks at Tegoshi expectantly next.

“It’s not really all it’s cracked up to be,” he says automatically and without thinking. It is also around a mouthful of curry.

They all stare at him.

“Oops,” he says.

He snaps his fingers.


Tegoshi blinks blearily as sound and light suddenly come back in focus for him after his trip. He’s just in time to hear the question, but also just in time to see Koyama looking imploringly at him from out of the corner of his eye, very obviously begging Tegoshi with his gaze to pay attention. Apparently his tired-from-time-travel face is the same as his bored-now-want-to-go-play-outside face.

“If you could go back in time, what would you do?” the interviewer asks in the meantime, just as chipper as ever.

“I’d want to see the construction of the pyramids,” Koyama says quickly, response thoughtless and tinged with a nervous kind of laughter, like he’s hoping the magazine people won’t notice Tegoshi gazing off into the middle distance blankly from his left.

“I’d go back and find the socks I lost at the Laundromat last week,” Massu answers, and gives Koyama a weird look for the weird way he’d said his answer. “They were really warm.”

Shige looks at Koyama and then at Massu and then at Tegoshi . His very quick mind very quickly puts together why Koyama is answering things so stupidly all of a sudden. His eyes are full of blame for Tegoshi on the matter. Eventually, Shige clears his throat, flashes that half-superior, half-deprecating smile of his at the woman sitting across from them, and says something profound to distract her while his groupmates fix themselves. “I wouldn’t go back in time,” he says. “I’ve read about the Butterfly Effect. What if I did some horrible damage in the past and threw the future of the world into chaos by accident? I definitely wouldn’t want to be responsible for something like chaos.” The last sentence is punctuated with a telling look at Tegoshi, who frowns back and wonders if Shige knows more than he lets on.

“Ooh, that’s true,” Massu and Koyama realize, belatedly. “Shige is so smart.”

Everyone looks at Tegoshi expectantly next. Maybe some of them more expectantly than others.

“Uh,” Tegoshi begins, feeling the sudden pressure of being the only one who can’t reiterate his first answer.

The interviewer chuckles, misinterpreting his pause completely. “Even though Tegoshi-san is going last, he hasn’t thought about the question at all while the others were talking, has he?”

“I would go back in time and fix how I was going to answer this question,” Tegoshi says truthfully after a beat, looking vaguely sheepish at his groupmates for getting caught not thinking.

Before anyone can respond regarding how weird an answer that is, he snaps his fingers again.


This time, Tegoshi shakes his head once to clear it from the rush of time around his ears. It’s draining doing all this time travel, after all, and sometimes he’s a little disoriented when it happens. He tells himself not to be this time, and then very deliberately puts down his curry bowl and focuses politely on the conversation.

“If you could go back in time, what would you do?” the interviewer asks, right on cue.

“I’d want to see the construction of the pyramids,” Koyama says, and Tegoshi nods to himself, figuring that if it’s the same answer every time, then Koyama must really like the pyramids. He should probably follow his new group leader’s lead and come up with an honest answer for himself, as well.

“Oi, Tegoshi, why are you nodding along like you know all about the pyramids?” Shige demands of him suddenly, throwing off the rhythm of his thoughts. “Don’t act so superior.”

Tegoshi blinks. “Huh?”

Koyama laughs. “Tegoshi-san is just sitting there, not paying any mind to the things we’re saying, isn’t he? He’s just nodding so we’ll think we’ve got his attention.”

Tegoshi blinks. “But I am paying attention this time,” he says passionately. He really is. Time traveling is just kind of tiring, is all.

Shige snorts. “This time? What about all the other times?”

Tegoshi pouts, feeling a flare of temper start to spark inside of him at all the sudden judgment. “Kei-chan wants to see the pyramids, Massu wants to go back to last week and find his socks, and Shige doesn’t want to go back in time because of the Butterfly Effect.” He crosses his arms triumphantly. “See? I was paying attention every time!”


Everyone stares at him.

Then, Massu asks, very slowly, “Tegoshi, how did you know that was my answer?”

The other three start to look really freaked out. The interviewer looks confused.

Tegoshi scowls and snaps his fingers again.


The fourth time this happens, Tegoshi gets dizzy and accidentally knocks his bowl of curry all over the interviewer’s smart pencil skirt.

The fifth time it happens, Tegoshi can’t help but yawn really loudly in the middle of the question. He gets disbelieving looks for his rudeness from the other NEWS members.

The sixth time, Tegoshi’s phone goes off loudly and in the middle of Massu’s answer because he’d forgotten to silence it when they’d arrived at the restaurant.

So understandably, by about the seventh time they’ve been through this question, Tegoshi is too tired to care anymore.

He leans against Koyama’s shoulder sleepily and waits for some of the calories from their meal to metabolize into energy so that he can feel alive again.

Koyama sighs and pats his head and looks apologetically to the interviewer at his unexplained and unashamed actions. “It looks like Tegoshi-san is in off-mode suddenly,” he says to her, and shrugs his free shoulder in a helpless, what can you do? sort of way.

Shige scowls and adds, “No one can figure out how his on and off switch work, you know. It’s really inconsistent! Just now he was perfectly fine, but now he’s suddenly all spaced out and droopy like this.”

Massu doesn’t say anything about it; he just cheerfully offers to finish the rest of Tegoshi’s portions for him, like a pal.

“I wish he’d explain it to us,” Koyama and Shige both declare at the exact same time, with their special BFF ESP.

Tegoshi sighs at the judgmental-if fond- way they both say it and figures he’ll take it.

At this point, it’s not worth taking the time to explain.


BOOM and with that, all my (current) Holiday requests are done, baby!

news, tegoshi, shige, koyama, je, massu

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