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artmetica November 1 2011, 15:11:02 UTC
Just finished reading this again! You already know my reaction, but I'll just say it again :p

The concept you have for this is brilliant, the law of conservation of energy! And Sam thought of that, yaaay!
The story(ies) you developed here really makes it feel like a collection of true SPN episodes! ♥ Every shard affects its surroundings in unique ways, from heroic pets to a very creepy cult! And hey, Dean watches hentai, you nailed it since you wrote this! XD
I love Dean getting attached to mini Cas, and finally realizing that he and Cas love each other ^^ Also, Balthazar the snarky angel/loyal brother, it's exactly how I like to see him :p Cas changing slowly was very worrying... And when he was "reborn" as an archangel and referred to Dean as "the Michael sword", it broke my heart! T-T    I was so relieved that you wrote a happy ending for them! Dean and Cas together (nobody gets blown up or mindwiped!), Cas ruling Heaven, and Death is his acquaintance! XP I love it, and this work of yours has gotten me through the hard times during the wait for S7!

On another note, I am also very impressed that you wrote 80k draft in only 2 months, plus the 28k Impala fic, in your first Big Bang experience ever! "Awesome" doesn't even begin to cover it! ^^

Fantastic work sweetie, and it has been a real pleasure to work with you! ^^ ♥


peroxidepest17 November 3 2011, 22:07:00 UTC
Ugh you are the best artist to have ever, I don't think I could have gotten through this without all your help. ;_; You made this experience really great because you're so easy to talk to and responsive. <33 You have no idea how much I squealed and freaked out and generally had conniptions everytime you sent me a WIP! LOL mclachlan could totally tell you bout it; we spent a lot of time in gchat marveling at how you can even be real. <3 I hope everyone is giving you the proper praise and worship for the amazing art you did for this! I know it GREATLY enhances the story, and seeing it as you drew it definitely made me want to make this story worthy of it. Your encouragement and help with all the extra stuff was completely amazing too. <333



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