NEWS Drabble Dump #37

Sep 07, 2011 13:16

SORRY FOR THE SPAM, there will be some today, as I am finishing up on my commentfic battle meme!

Title: Critical Studies in Film
Theme/Topic: Tegoshi becomes a movie critic
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Ryo, Tegoshi
Warnings/Spoilers: Vague spoilers for Chronmage Purin!
Word Count: 530
Summary: In which Ryo apparently saves his movie by being in it.
Dedication: elizajet’s request on my commentfic battle meme!

"So, what'd you think?" Ryo asks casually over the phone one afternoon, after he reads on Tegoshi's nikki that he'd seen Chronmage Purin on DVD last weekend.

"B-," Tegoshi chirps back without hesitating, and makes Ryo blink.


"Un," Tegoshi answers. "Tomoya-kun was cute," he says by way of explanation, in that blase way of his that makes Ryo's eye start to tick instinctively at how carelessly he throws out his words. "Ryo-kun's acting was good too!" he adds after a beat of mindless chatter, which soothes Ryo's wounded ego a little bit. But only a little.

"So...why a B-?" he asks in forcibly calm tones, despite the rising anger he feels building in his heart. "Not enough soccer playing to keep you interested?"

Tegoshi laughs like he has no idea what Ryo's talking about when he says that. "Well," he begins, and Ryo can hear the phone shifting on the other end, like his groupmate is deftly switching hands so he can hit with his strong arm next. "I thought when Yasubei-dono found himself suddenly working for a single mother in a contemporary world the writer would play more strongly on how it foreshadowed how he would have to adapt from being Edo-era samurai to Meiji-era samurai, ne."

Ryo blinks, because that is not what he'd expected. "Uh..."

Tegoshi pushes on absently. "Plus, I felt that the movie had the potential to run some sort of meaningful social commentary on modern day gender roles in Japan given the fact that Hiroko-san apparently divorced her husband for being an unreformed male but found her ideal replacement in a samurai, which is the embodiment of the country's past patriarchal ideals, ne. The fact that she had to go backwards in our history to get the kind of man who she could accept could have been an interesting way to shine a spotlight on how our society is in this day and age with regards to working women, don't you think?"

Ryo very cleverly says, "...sure?" in response.

"But you know, the movie didn't pick up on any of those themes that I thought it was setting up, and while the contest was a cute idea as a final challenge I feel the story lacked the impact it could have had in the second half if it had explored those themes more thoroughly. It felt like the first half had been full of potential with the subject matter but that it just didn't pay off in the end."

Okay, so maybe more thought goes into Tegoshi's grading system than Ryo had first thought. "I see."

"But getting to see Ryo-kun's face so often made me happy, so I gave it a B- instead of a D, ne," Tegoshi finishes, magnanimously.

Ryo turns thoughtful.

Eventually he sighs and says, "Thanks, Tegoshi," because he can't be angry at the little twerp when he puts it like that. That's nearly 2 full grade levels of improvement for his face alone, after all.

Though, a thought occurs to the older NEWS member belatedly, and he crosses his arms. "What’d you think of Ashita no Joe?" he demands.

"A+," Tegoshi sighs dreamily.

Ryo hangs up on him.


Title: Gonna Catch it All!
Theme/Topic: Pokemon
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Koyama, Pi, Massu, Ryo (Jin mentioned)
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: for je100’s pokemon challenge!
Dedication: mousapelli, who told me to do this. Kind of. LOL
A/N: IDK I am so out of practice. What is this crack.

Nurse Joy-yama loves working at the Pokemon Center, but sometimes, seeing the things trainers do to their pokemon breaks his heart.

This week, Ash-anishi-kun brings Pi-kachu in again; this time, Pi-kachu needs burn treatment after a few epic weekend battles.

“It’s okay, Pi-chan,” Joy-yama soothes gently. “Remember last time, when Ash-anishi-kun got you infected with Krabbies? We fixed that, right? This burning from the cute Ponyta-chan he introduced you to yesterday will be gone soon.”

“Pi,” Pi-chan says, miserably.

On the other side of the center, Slo-Ryo and Massu-champ watch Pi-kachu sympathetically.

Joy-yama sighs and goes to get the ointment.


GASP no Shige this post. o.o

jin, koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, ryo

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