JE/NEWS- "Dude Looks Like a Lady (But Porns Like a Gentleman)"

Dec 04, 2010 00:10

Title: Dude Looks Like a Lady (But Porns Like a Gentleman)
Universe: JE/NEWS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-15?
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS, RyoTego (RyoxYuuko?)
Spoilers/Warnings: UHM Cross-dressing I guess. Questionable gay crisis?
Word Count: 2,750
Summary: Ryo is bothered by how no one else seems bothered by all of Tegoshi’s cross-dressing.
Dedication: The first of juin’s requests! IDEK where this came from LOL.
A/N: Crown Royale thank you fic number two! Slowly getting back into the swing of things. >> Also this is fresh off the presses and not edited in any way by me because I’m lame. Apologies for all the mistakes that are inevitably going to be in here, but when I get close to writing anything kind of like porn I tend to chicken out of editing it in the worst ways. XD Anyway, Reborn next!
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement intended.

So the first time it happens it’s because some of the staff members (for God knows what reason) just happen to have a high school girl’s uniform lying around with the rest of the J&A costume stuff; Ryo simply writes it off as most of the people working for Johnny’s being perverts and leaves it at that, even though he does have to admit that the whole thing makes him strangely uncomfortable after Tegoshi dons the plaid skirt and the wig and that cute tan blazer, all of which remind Ryo of puberty and first love and long, cold showers spent rubbing one out as quickly as possible, before his mom knocked on the bathroom door to ask if anything was wrong or if he needed more soap.

He supposes these things just happen sometimes in the world of Johnny’s Entertainment; cross-dressing for a joke just because you happen to have the tools lying around is probably a Johny’s Fandom Trope or something, and as Ryo watches Tegoshi dance to the boob-song with Koyama and Shige in their ridiculous sequined outfits he figures it’s just a onetime thing and that he’ll be able to forget about every bit of it immediately afterwards, because it’s just another part of the job.

As it turns out, he doesn’t forget about it immediately afterwards so much as after another one of those nostalgic cold showers and some quality time with righty. He might also entertain some seriously irritated thoughts about what disgusting perverts KoyaShige are as he wonders how the hell they can encourage this kind of depravity. There are kids in the audience for fuck’s sake.

He steps out of the shower shivering a little bit and scowling; as he towels himself off he tells himself he’s going to get a solid eight hours and forget anything and everything he’d just done to Tegoshi-in-a-skirt in his mind under the water. It’s done, a distant, slightly foggy memory. It will never happen again. He’s going to find that fucking seifuku and burn it.

These thoughts give him a weird sense of comfort as he crawls into bed for the night; he falls asleep dreaming up pleasant ideas about how he’s going to bully Koyama and Shige the next time he sees those idiots.


This plan of action however, does not account for the internet; the internet is full of Johnny’s fans (who are apparently as perverted as the people working for Johnny’s) and they name that Tegoshi-faced thigh-high wonder Yuuko-chan, while flailing and fangirling and wanting more, more, more.

Tegoshi is an entertainer; Tegoshi gives the fans what they want. It’s the number one lesson in all of J&A, and those who learn that lesson best are the ones who get to see their faces up on TV and movies and print ads later.

Tegoshi hears what the internet says, and so Tegoshi decides that he needs to deliver more, more, more, because that’s just what Johnnies do. After so many years, it comes to them as naturally as breathing.

In that respect Ryo knows the whole cross-dressing mania thing that Tegoshi has going for him shouldn’t be weird when you follow that line of logic. They do what their audience wants them to do because that’s what keeps them popular, what keeps them in demand. If the girls want Yuuko-chan, then Yuuko-chan they’ll get, in all her adorable, terrifying, enviable glory.

The rest of NEWS just kind of laughs and understands this intrinsically; Yamapi plays along and hits on Yuuko-chan’s Mrs. Claus version, becoming the gallant knight to the perverts who obviously want to flip her skirt up and slide between her thighs in search of a Merry Christmas all their own.

Ryo might have been one of those perverts, on stage even, and afterwards, when everyone else is laughing about it and the staff are still filming it, Ryo goes and hides in the shower and jerks off, feeling the same mixture of turned on and terrified that he hasn’t felt since he’d been fourteen and clumsily groping his first real girlfriend in the back of the movie theater on a Friday night.

He may buy an extra copy of their calendar too, because Yuuko-chan’s Fashion Show version looks like she can do deplorable things with her tongue. It’s also at that point when Ryo thinks that maybe he has a problem.

“I was thinking maybe Alice in Wonderland this year,” Tegoshi chirps at the concert planning sessions, while Koyama looks delighted and Shige asks why he’s going for such a niche audience with that.

“I like the ruffles,” Tegoshi shrugs, and the others figure that’s okay. Koyama even offers to help him look for an outfit the next time they go out, and Yamapi declares that he’ll dress up as Yuuko-Alice’s boyfriend, while Massu wonders if that means Princess Yuuko and Prince Massu from their last tour are officially broken up now.

Ryo sits on the sidelines gritting his teeth and trying to not be annoyed, but it doesn’t work because then Tegoshi is examining his legs and saying he’ll need to shave for an Alice skirt, and before Ryo knows what he’s doing he’s standing up, slamming his hands on the table and declaring, “That shit just isn’t natural!”

The other members immediately cease all conversation to stare at him. Koyama looks nervous. “Ryo-chan, is something the matter?” he asks after a beat, cautiously.

Ryo glowers. “You’re a man, aren’t you?” he tells Tegoshi sharply, and might be telling himself this as much as he is addressing the younger idol.

Tegoshi blinks, obviously failing to read the atmosphere or the sharpness of Ryo’s tone. “Yup!” he answers, head cocked slightly sideways. “Nishikido-kun, are you feeling okay?”

“You need to stop this,” Ryo declares. “Whatever it is you’re doing. People are going to think you’re trying to change for real or something.”

Shige snorts. “No they won’t. Everyone knows he’s just doing it because it’s his new gimmick.”

“Besides, it’s cute,” Koyama pipes up, courageously. “I think Tego-nyan looks cute in costumes.”

“The fans like it,” Yamapi adds.

“At least he’s not an ugly girl, like Koyama is,” Massu agrees, even though sometimes he thinks it’s weird too.

Ryo glares at them all. “Why am I the only one freaking out about this?!” he asks them. “We should all be more concerned about the image we’re projecting, you idiots!”

Shige studies him curiously. “Why are you the only one freaking out about this?” he reiterates, all thoughtful and student-y as he says it. It makes Ryo feel like a frog that’s about to be dissected, so he automatically punches Shige in the arm to make it stop.

“Ow!” Shige complains, rubbing at his arm. “I was just asking!”

“You shouldn’t even have to ask,” Ryo grounds out. “It’s just not normal. It gives people weird ideas. I don’t like it.”

“But you’re acting like it personally offends you or something,” Shige answers, still holding his arm. “It has nothing to do with your image, so why are you so angry that Tegoshi wants to wear a frilly blue dress?”

Ryo punches him again. “Just shut up. This has everything to do with me, okay?! We’re all one group, right?”

It’s as convincing an argument as you can get, but when Ryo looks around the table, he realizes that all of his groupmates are now giving him these strange, appraising looks.

Well, all of his groupmates except for Tegoshi, who is just beaming at Ryo like he’s got it all figured out already. Ryo swallows and does not like that look at all, especially because Tegoshi probably does have it all figured out already, because he hears fucking Waseda has a pretty decent psychology program or some shit like that.

After that, Ryo quickly backs out of the room and tells the rest of NEWS that he’s getting dinner; they can talk to him again when they’ve stopped being insane.

Shige makes a snide comment after him about how only the really insane people think everyone else is crazy.

Ryo thinks that Shige is a little shit sometimes.


In retrospect, Ryo’s first sign that something’s up should have been the fact that when he got back from eating his bento all by himself like a creeper in the back of the studio, no one had tried to talk to him about his feelings again. The rest of the members had just moved on from there with concert planning like nothing odd or wrong had occurred earlier, and Ryo had figured (incorrectly) that the whole Alice-in-Wonderland fetish cosplay idea had been moved off of the table, because he’s the back-boss of NEWS dammit, and as such they should still fear him and listen to his opinions.

Ryo’s second sign that something was up should have been Yamapi very politely asking him if he was going directly home after they’d finished the meeting, and if he’d be in later, say, just before eleven. Ryo had just snorted and said, “Of course I’m going home, I’m fucking tired.” Yamapi had seemed satisfied with that, and it’s not like Ryo is a fucking psychic detective or anything, how the hell was he supposed to know that his idiot groupmates had been plotting something while he’d been busy eating his bento all by himself like a creeper in the back of the studio?

Of course he realizes all of this later, when it all comes to head promptly at ten-thirty pm, right after Ryo gets back to his apartment, plays his phone messages on the answering machine, and is planning to take a shower.

The buzzer rings to his apartment; it’s Yamapi, he says he brought Ryo a present, to make up for the argument they’d had at the meeting earlier.

“I don’t want your fucking present. Let your present be leaving me alone to get some sleep,” Ryo snarls into the intercom.

Yamapi clears his throat, and says, again, “Ryo-chan, I brought you a present!”

It’s indefatigable and cheerful and all those other words that mean Yamapi is not going to fucking go away. Ryo sighs and buzzes him in, fully prepared to call Yamapi names to his face and explain why giving him a present in the middle of the night isn’t so much a present as it is a punishment, especially after the day they’d all had working out fucking concert logistics.

When the doorbell rings a second later though, Ryo opens the door and discovers that it is not Yamapi.

It is just the present.

Which is, apparently, Tegoshi in a slinky, strappy little black number and a pair of elegant heels, complete with smoky eye makeup, stockings, and shiny lip gloss that make it look like he’s been making out with someone for the last fifteen minutes. He smells like jasmine.

Ryo stares.

Tegoshi just smiles brightly and says, “Hi, Nishikido-kun!” in sweet, normal greeting, even as he steps through the door and into Ryo’s apartment on a stiletto heel that must take a great deal of balance to navigate properly (and that makes his ass pop like a 3D movie).

Ryo stares through the threshold of the door a little longer and wonders if this is some sort of sick prank. He may also have to tell his body that that is an inappropriate erection, goddammit.

Meanwhile, Tegoshi toes off his heels, sets his purse down, and looks at Ryo expectantly.

Ryo finally regains the wherewithal to close the door before one of his neighbors peeks out and thinks he’s entertaining hookers tonight or something. It’s happened before, and it was Jin’s fault then. Apparently Yamapi is taking the initiative to make up for Akanishi’s absence.

Ryo fucking needs better friends.

“Why,” Ryo begins, once the door is closed, “are you wearing that?” His voice only quavers a little bit, and he finds himself thinking that maybe Tegoshi missed it.

Tegoshi beams and tucks some of the hair from tonight’s wig (long and wavy and black) behind his ear. “Testing a theory,” he explains, pink lips quirking upward in a way that tells Ryo he hadn’t missed anything.

Ryo swallows, takes a deep breath, counts backwards slowly from five. When he speaks again, his voice is a little bit steadier. “And?”

Tegoshi steps forward, toe-to-toe with Ryo like he’s preparing for some kind of fight. Jasmine assaults Ryo’s nostrils again and he finds himself involuntarily taking a step backwards. His ass hits the door, Tegoshi’s smile broadens, and before Ryo can make a case regarding how wrong, sick, weird, and inappropriate this is, Tegoshi reaches out, takes Ryo by a fistful of shirt, and yanks him towards the bedroom.

Ryo sputters at the sudden force being exerted on his designer clothes and puts up a feeble attempt at struggling without stretching out the fabric irreparably as he tries to figure out what the fuck is going on here. But Tegoshi is surprisingly strong for such a scrawny looking guy; it must be the whole being a ridiculous jock all the time, and the fact that constantly getting a lot of physical exercise means that Tegoshi’s forearms are currently about the same size as Ryo’s calves.

By the time Tegoshi flings him onto his own bed and straddles his thighs, Ryo finally manages to find his voice again.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Ryo shrieks from the bed, and despite the fact that Tegoshi is the one currently wearing the dress, Ryo's voice is the one that comes out high-pitched and girly.

Tegoshi absently starts to slide the dress’s thin black straps off of his shoulders, thighs firmly clamped around Ryo’s waist and weight pinning the older idol to the mattress. “Proving that even if I’m like this, I’m still definitely a guy, ne,” he explains simply, and starts to wiggle out of the dress with professional enthusiasm. His expression turns sly. “We don’t want Nishikido-kun to worry about that anymore, after all.”

Ryo wants to respond to that with a very appropriate “What the fuck?!” but ends up staring with his mouth wide open instead, as inches of smooth skin and fine muscle are slowly revealed with each disappearing inch of the slinky black material. He feels his breath catch in his throat and the familiar sensation of needing a cold shower rising along the inside of his pants. A moment later, the soft rustling sound of the dress hitting his bedroom floor ends up being the thing that stirs him from thoughts involving whether or not he has any more condoms in the nightstand and if hand lotion actually works as lube.

“I’m serious,” he manages eventually, with Tegoshi’s ridiculously smoky eyes looking down at him as he rolls his hips forward once. Ryo groans and feels his own fingers automatically close tight around the bedspread, fisting it into thick bundles against his palms. “Get off!”

To his surprise, Tegoshi complies with the request, rocking backwards and sideways abruptly, sidling off of the older idol and onto the mattress beside him instead. The weight off of Ryo’s hips does not provide the relief he had been hoping for when he asked for it. In fact, his dick is pretty seriously pissed off at the sudden halt in the proceedings.

Which is ridiculous, so instead of doing anything about it, Ryo forces himself to breathe shallowly through his mouth while his mind tries to process what the hell is actually going on right now.

Meanwhile, Tegoshi reaches for his toes and methodically starts to take off his stockings.

“What,” Ryo starts dumbly, brain still on standby mode and tongue not able to find the right words all on its own. “No. Stop doing th…”

Tegoshi smiles indulgently at him and slides easily out of the first stocking. “Shut up and take off your pants,” he says, and licks the gloss right off his own bottom lip in a way that can only be described as predatory anticipation.

Ryo suddenly finds himself completely useless for anything that isn’t the act of shutting up and taking off his pants.


Hours later, Ryo is grudgingly forced to concede the point that no matter what Tegoshi happens to be wearing at any one given time (the dress is Wang, the shoes are Choo, and the lip gloss is cherry flavored, as he eventually discovers), Tegoshi is still definitely, unquestionably, still a boy underneath it all.

Ryo isn’t sure if that’s comforting or not.


yuuko, koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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