Bleach Drabble (113-114)

Aug 13, 2005 00:11

Yeah, I've been lazy over the past few days, haven't I? ^^;;

Title: Practical Examination
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou (vaguely)
Word Count: 748
Warning/s: Spoilers by proxy? Dunno. O.o
Summary: Companion Drabble to the chain of drabbles that began with #46 (Please State Your Reason for Applying)- Ganjyu helps Hanatarou out this time.
Dedication: Shirong- I LOVED your package, thank you so much! ^^
A/N: Yes, I’ve been horribly lazy lately. I think the absence of having anything I HAVE to do has taken away the drabble frenzy and now I just nap a lot or write all leisurely-like on whatever I want. A sentence here, a word there, some editing there, and nothing really gets completely done. Except for this, I guess. O.o Oh, and as for the bi-annual exam, um, totally made that up, so excuse the huge amounts of B/S. ^^;;


Ganjyu looked away at the pleased, if somewhat baffled expression Hanatarou was throwing at him as he came out of the fourth division headquarters, arms full of large, archaic looking textbooks.

“Yo,” the shinigami-in-training greeted in return, taking his hands out of his pockets to relieve Yamada of his load.

“Aaa… you don’t have to carry it all, Ganjyu-san! I…”

“Cool it, huh? It’s easier this way… I can see you better and ya won’t trip all over yourself like that.”

“Oh…okay…” Hanatarou smiled sheepishly, fiddling with the strap to his medical bag. “Sorry for the trouble!” he apologized after a second, looking at the ground.

“Why’re you always apologizing? Tako…” Ganjyu sighed, bumping the little shinigami with his shoulder since both arms were occupied.

“Sorry! Um… I mean…I’m… not sorry?”

Ganjyu chuckled to himself a little. “Just…never mind.”

“Ah…okay… heh.” Hanatarou looked back up at his companion with large eyes. “Um… not that I’m er, not happy to see you or anything, but uh…”

“Why’d I come pick you up?”


Ganjyu shrugged one shoulder. “You’ve got that exam in a coupla days, yeah?” the academy student asked nonchalantly. “I figured you’d have a lotta stuff you’d want to look at tonight, and I wasn’t sure if…”

“Of course I was still coming to dinner!” Hanatarou hastily assured him. “It’s always my favorite part of the week, to eat with Ganjyu-san and Kuukaku-san. I um, would have said something if I weren’t…”

“I know that!” Ganjyu responded just as quickly. “I just figured you’d want to study after dinner…’s all. I know I’m not much help…but since you uh, always help me out before tests, I figure I could you know, help you this time.”

Hanatarou blinked up at him. “Eh? Really?”

“Che, don’t gotta look so surprised, runt.”

The little shinigami smiled brilliantly at Ganjyu. “Sorry! I’m just… so…you’ll really help me?”

“I said so, didn’t I?”

“Waah, thank you, Ganjyu-san!!!”

“Oi… ‘s not that big a deal, ya know… don’t gotta be so loud. You’ll probably do fine either way, yeah?”

“Sorry! I just… I’ve been nervous about this exam for a while,” Hanatarou admitted with a small chuckle.

“Yeah, I could tell,” Ganjyu replied with a little frown. “I uh, think you’ll do fine, for the record,” he added, knowing that most of the fourth division had been worked up lately over their bi-annual exam.

He could see how having to do a two-part, written and practical exam that tested each shinigami’s medical knowledge and spiritual power to determine seats could be nerve-wracking. The other divisions just had battle challenges to determine those sorts of things. These guys had a lot more expected of them than just winning a fight, he supposed. They had to know a million different ways to get someone to stop hurting.

But knowing Hanatarou and having gotten used to the little death god’s study habits over the entire time Ganjyu had been enrolled in the academy, he didn’t think the runt should worry at all.

“Ne…Ganjyu-san… you really don’t mind…”

“I already said so, didn’t I? Yeesh, ya act like you’ve never helped me out with nothin’ before or something. I mean, it, whatever ya need to study, I’ll help you. Isn’t it always the same for you when you’re helping me?” Ganjyu grumbled, shifting the books to one arm so he could reach out and poke Hana in the shoulder, nearly tipping him over. “You must think I’m pretty flaky or something to not return the favor, huh?”

“No, no, that’s not it!” Hanatarou quickly assured him, regaining his balance. “I just… um…” he looked down at the ground, his cheeks cutely pink. “I just um…”

Ganjyu smirked a little to himself upon seeing that blush and moved his hand to rest atop Yamada’s head. “Yeah? You just what?” he urged with surprising gentleness.

“I just um… didn’t think Ganjyu-san would be willing to um, let me touch him when he didn’t have any clothes on,” Hanatarou stammered, cheeks turning even redder as he spoke.

Ganjyu sighed. “Look, I already said I’d… wait, what?”

Hanatarou looked up at him hopefully.

Ganjyu blinked and with a sinking feeling in his stomach, looked down at one of the textbooks he was carrying. It, much to his chagrin, read exactly as he feared.

“Practical Anatomy- Reiatsu and Healing by Feeling.”

The larger man swallowed and smiled nervously at a happy, adorably flushed Hanatarou.

So… it was that kind of practical.



Title: Breadwinner
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Ryuuken, Uryuu
Word Count: 600
Warning/s: Spoilers for um, I guess episode 44 of the anime and I don’t remember what chapter of the manga. ^^;;
Summary: Ishida Ryuuken has a job to do.
Dedication: My Dad- he works hi ass off too, and I’m grateful for every second of it.
A/N: Okay, so I watched part of episode 44 today and OMG Ryuuken love. There’s something too heartbreakingly sweet about his motives, I think, that I couldn’t help myself in writing something for him. I don’t think it’s a good piece myself, but I think it’s very honest to how touched I felt when I watched the scene between him and young Uryuu, so I don’t want to rework it for any sort of flair or even stylistic coherency. It’s just my spontaneous overflow of emotion at having been moved by that scene, I suppose. So bear with me, okay? I tend to get stupid when I get emotional, and that sequence just made me very emotional. ^^;;

Today is Uryuu’s middle school graduation ceremony and Ryuuken wonders how his son must look, standing at the top of the class as his school’s number one student, there with his grandfather watching him as tears and laughter are exchanged, as an important part of a young person’s life is commemorated and the children look towards the next step of growing up.

Today is Uryuu’s graduation and Ryuuken wonders how it must be for his son as he sits in his dark office and studies a series of X-rays from one of this morning’s patients. His secretary asks him if he doesn’t want anything to eat as the lunch hour has come and gone, and he tells her not to bother him because the list of patients is long and the work is barely done. He tells her to please just settle the bills for the cases he has already seen to and to make sure the payments are cleared promptly.

Today is his only son’s important day, a once-in-a-lifetime passing from one age of life to another.

Ryuuken sits in his office and pores over forms and charts and numbers and has no regrets for not going.

His father is undoubtedly there with Uryuu, smiling and taking pictures and seeing to the boy’s supplementary needs, as the old man has always been best at attending to.

Ryuuken sits in his office and studies medical tests and documents the appropriate files and consults his specialized sources.

His father will care for Uryuu in his own way, will hug the boy and pat his head and tell him what a wonderful child he is. The forms of affection that Ryuuken has never been particularly good at.

Instead, Ryuuken will work through his hunger and his fatigue and when the bills are paid and there is a roof over his son’s head and food is on the table, he will feel absolutely no regrets.

Because even though he’s not as good as his father at telling Uryuu in so many words, Ryuuken has always cared for his son in his own way too. It’s the only way he knows how.

Today is Ishida Uryuu’s one and only middle school graduation ceremony.

Ishida Ryuuken sits in his office and tends to his patients. He examines charts and graphs and researches symptoms and prescriptions and the latest medical innovations. His stomach rumbles and his eyes ache and he knows he has not slept for over twenty-nine hours now.

He briefly looks at the picture sitting on the corner of his desk and clutches his pen tighter in his tired hand.

He goes back to work.

Today is Ishida Uryuu’s special middle school graduation ceremony.

Ryuuken clenches his teeth and works hard and comes home at the end of the day with a crick in his neck and a headache. He quietly goes up the stairs and peers into his son’s room, where Uryuu is sleeping securely in a warm bed after having a good meal and a hot bath. Ryuuken studies the peaceful expression on his son’s face for a moment in the doorway before he closes it quietly behind him and goes to his own room, where he turns on a light, opens his briefcase, and begins shifting through the files he will need for his many appointments tomorrow.

Today was Ishida Uryuu’s important middle school graduation, and his grandfather was the only one there to see him through it.

Ryuuken sits down at his desk and does his work and has no regrets.

Because he loves Uryuu in his own way too.


So, any mistakes?

ganjyuxhanatarou, bleach, ryuuken, uryuu

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