NEWS Drabble Dump #36

Jun 08, 2010 01:01

Some older stuff I forgot to post and some new stuff.

Title: Designated Driver
Theme/Topic: Yamanade Bonding
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: Uchi, Tego (background drunken Kame antics)
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 995
Summary: Some things change and some things don’t.
Dedication: Requested anonymously at a rare pair meme.
A/N: Original post was deleted I think? Pretend this is new then. ^_^

Uchi isn't sure who thought it would be an A+ idea to make Tegoshi the responsible adult for the night, but this realization comes a little bit too late to matter to anyone either way; Kame challenges Uchi to an impromptu drinking contest at the Izakaya the three idols are out eating dinner at after filming is done for the day and everything to Uchi from there on out is nothing but blurry and competitive. In a way, it's actually a lot like it was back in the good old days, when he and Kame had been the respective captains of the Johnny's East and West baseball teams and hated the thought of losing to each other (and each other in general) more than anything in the world. Back then, Uchi didn't want to lose to someone as snively and awkward as Kame and Kame had refused to lose to someone as backwater and ignorant as Uchi. A lot of the same reasons kind of hold true for their present incarnations, actually, and as Uchi sits nursing another bottle of sake (trying to stay awake) while Kame tries to pick a fight with the waitress from his seat across the table, Uchi thinks that it's good that some things never change even after so many years have passed (though honestly, he's mostly thinking about how much more he can drink before he passes out and if that will be enough to beat Kame after all).

Beside him, Tegoshi sips daintily at his drinks and laughs at the things Kame says and every once in a while, orders some food and tells them they should take a break to eat some more so that they don't get alcohol poisoning or punched in the face or both.

That's kind of new and strange to Uchi all things considered, right up there with how level-headed Tegoshi remains, despite letting Kame pour him drink after drink after drink as he keeps pace so Kame doesn't sulk or get insulted (apparently he is an irritable drunk).

"When did you get so weird?" Uchi finds himself asking his former groupmate blearily, once he can get his mouth to cooperate with his thoughts.

Tegoshi blinks. "Uchi, maybe you should slow down?" he asks, sweetly.

Uchi scowls. " not what I asked," he says. Then stops to think about it. It wasn't what he'd asked, right?

Tegoshi smiles and pushes some dried squid in his direction. "Have some more of these."

Across the table, Kame slams his hand on the table and declares, "I swear, that waitress is a man!" He makes a fist. "I will expose him!"

"Pfffft," Uchi snorts, and raises his glass to his lips again.

A hand stays him and he blinks, and sways, and scowls (all very slowly, and in that order). "Leggo," he insists, glaring at Tegoshi's hand. He purses his lips in a great imitation of a fish, trying to get the lip of his glass closer.

Tegoshi doesn't let go. "Eat more," he repeats, still cheerful. "I ordered another helping of fried shrimp too."

Uchi does not want fried shrimp; he wants to beat Kame's ass. "Nuhuh," is what he manages to say out loud, which at this point, is close enough. He tries to shrug off Tegoshi's grip on his arm.

He can’t.

Uchi starts to resent being reminded of how much stronger his former groupmate has always been than him, despite the height advantage. "Go bother Kame!" he whines, while Kame grabs the waitress and tries to rip off her hair, shouting that it's obviously a wig, baby, or something equally ridiculous.

Tegoshi eyes Kame, but still doesn't let go of Uchi's arm. "Kamenashi-kun will be fine." he says.

"I am a waaaaay better drinker than he is!" Uchi feels the need to point out, competitively. He puts his finger in the air. "Which is why I'm winning."

Tegoshi looks on indulgently. "Yes, you're doing very well," he says, in that way of his that is unintentionally superior.

"So yes. Winning. Ha," Uchi reiterates, articulately, and moves to try and finish his drink again.

Tegoshi's grip on his arm is like a vice, or a tourniquet or, Johnny's grip on Japan's collective wallet.

Uchi makes a whiny sound through his nose as the liquor remains just out of reach. "Why are you doing this?!" he demands, and gestures roundly towards Kame again, who is fighting bodily with the restaurant's security staff as the poor waitress tries to get her hair back in order. "I'm doing waaay better than him!! Why aren't you bossing him around?"

Tegoshi shrugs. "Because I promised everyone that I wouldn't let anything happen to you this time," he admits, simply.

Uchi blinks. "What do you mean this ti..."

His mind is working slowly, but it's still kind of working.

"Oh," he says, and blinks some more. "Oooh." For a moment, he forgets about his drink.

Tegoshi's smile never changes. "Fried shrimp should be here soon."

Uchi sighs and puts his glass down. "Yeah okay."

Tegoshi pats him fondly. "Eat some squid too."

Uchi grudgingly eats some squid because all of a sudden, he feels like he has to. "So..." he starts, a few minutes later, "you're my special watch dog or something now?" He looks at Kame, who has suddenly fallen unconscious over one of the Security's shoulders in the corner.

Tegoshi nods, seeming to get the unasked question. "KAT-TUN is popular enough that even if Kamenashi-kun creates another scandal, their sales will only go up, ne. Not everyone is like that yet."

"Huh," Uchi answers, around a mouthful of dried seafood jerky, and it isn't until late the next morning, amidst a pretty killer hangover and breakfast, that he's able to think about those words enough to realize what Tegoshi had been insinuating. "Hey!!!" he says when he gets it, and burns his toast.

He still ends up giving the brat a new laptop the following week anyway.


Title: Being Smart is Hard in JE (or Stuff Kato Shigeaki Should Have Known All Along)
Theme/Topic: Kiss Situations
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: ShigexNEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: N/A
Word Count: 6x100 (600)
Summary: Shige tries to study.
Dedication: mousapelli for ALL THE BTR.
A/N: From one of Mousie’s prompts over at je100. Original post here


Sure, NEWS is technically the smart group, but they’re still J&A, and that means that while Shige’s groupmates may have been more naturally blessed with an affinity for cerebral activities that some of their other coworkers have, it doesn’t mean that the jimusho is a hotbed of intellectual stimulation working towards the improvement of the minds of the young men who work there.

That is something Shige had discovered from early on; if one wants to become smarter than one naturally is in the world of Johnny’s, one must pursue that avenue on his own time.

It is very hard.


On Monday of finals week his sophomore year, Shige is hopped up on caffeine and staring nonstop at his notes during every break.

Tegoshi, who is bored, jumps on Shige’s twitching back during lunch and Shige spills coffee all over his study guide as a result.

“HATE!” Shige screams, because it’s all he’s capable of articulating.

Tegoshi blinks. “Shige is overworked,” he diagnoses, clinically. “It’s unhealthy.”

“Nargh,” Shige manages, in awesome rebuttal.

Tegoshi laughs and kisses him on the cheek like he believes that’ll make it all better. “Drink less caffeine,” he says. “It makes you incoherent.”

“Grag,” Shige answers.


On Tuesday that week, Massu drinks all of Shige’s Red Bull.

“I needed those!” Shige moans, because he has an ethics final at eight the morning after tonight’s show and he hasn’t studied. He thinks the theft of his drinks is inherently unethical.

Massu looks contrite. “I thought anyone could have them,” he admits.

“My B-vitamins,” Shige mourns.

Massu thinks. “There might be some left,” he offers.

Shige blinks; desperation sets in. “Give it here.”

He does not expect Massu to grab him and kiss him.

“RESIDUAL LIQUID ON YOUR MOUTH IS INEFFECTIVE,” Shige shouts in despair, after.

Massu shrugs.


“Let’s be quiet,” Koyama suggests on Wednesday, because Shige looks like the death of all puppies.

Koyama is his best friend for a reason.

Shige forgets it five minutes later because Koyama’s anxious stare is unsettling.

“Stop that,” Shige barks.

Koyama stops.

It lasts thirty seconds.

Eventually, Shige gives up studying and rehearses his solo instead, because Koyama’s natural state is fretting.

In their hotel room afterwards, Shige stumbles into bed groaning.

Koyama tugs the sheets up around him and Shige feels the apologetic brush of lips against his forehead sometime later.

Koyama is his best friend for a reason.


“What’s wrong?” Yamapi asks on Thursday, when Zombie Shige arrives instead of Regular Shige.

“Statistics,” Shige croaks, while repeatedly hitting his head against his open textbook in exhausted frustration.

Yamapi frowns. “Protein jelly?” he offers, and holds one out to Shige like a good leader. “For energy.”

Shige makes a face. “Can’t stand the texture.”

Yamapi frowns more and drinks his protein jelly himself.

Then he grabs Shige and kisses him.


Nearby, Massu nods knowingly. “It doesn’t.”

“I see.” Yamapi resumes thinking about it.

Shige hits his head a few more times.


“Shige’s a nerd,” Ryo croons on Friday, singing beside Shige’s ear.

“My final is at four. I don’t want to get arrested for homicide beforehand,” Shige says, reasonably.

Ryo just presses closer and sings, “Shige’s a nerd,” again.

Shige twitches. “Quit it.”

Ryo doesn’t. He gets closer still.

Just in time for the others to walk in and see.

“Shige’s getting a good luck kiss!” Tegoshi chirps immediately, because he doesn’t think sometimes.

“You’ll definitely pass now, Shige!” the others add, because they don’t either.

“Shut up,” Ryo and Shige say, automatically.

Shige does end up acing that test though.


Maybe now I will work on my homework and the billions of fic I owe. Maybe?

koyama, je, massu, uchi, kame, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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