Bleach Drabble (277-280)

Dec 12, 2005 15:02

The results/prizes thus far for some more people who stumped me on my lj line guessing meme. ^^


Title: Descriptors
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou
Word Count: 198
Warning/s: Vagueish spoilers for the Soul Society arc. VERY vaguish.
Summary: Hanatarou draws a lot of attention these days.
Dedication: jen- for that line/drabble meme thing on my lj.
A/N: The request was Hanatarou in 10 words. This is what I came up with? -_-;; IF YOU COUNT THEM, THEY ARE THERE. XD

“He’s a hero, didn’t you know?”

“He’s a cute hero.”

“Looks a bit tired though.”

“And kind of small to be a hero, don’t you think?”

“Sickly, even.”

“No, he’s adorable!”

“I mean, what a sweet smile, right?”

“Okay, maybe he is cute. But he still looks pretty damn fragile.”

“At least it’s a pretty-type fragile. Wonder who that big, ugly guy is with him though.”

Ganjyu bristles at that and slings an arm over Hanatarou’s oblivious shoulder before turning to the not-so-subtle gossipers around them, glaring hard. “He’s taken, assholes!” he announces, squeezing Yamada closer to him.

Hanatarou makes an odd squeaking noise and asks, face pressed up against the side of Ganjyu’s chest, “Ganjyu-san…what’s the matter?”

Ganjyu looks down at him, at those great big, confused eyes, and sighs, feeling his annoyance drain away at the sight. “Everyone thinks you’re cute, stupid.”

Hanatarou blushes. “Eh? R-really?”

Ganjyu feels his own cheeks turn pink in response. He looks away from the little death god. “They’re right.”

Hanatarou, still flushed, manages a smile. “As long as Ganjyu-san thinks so.”

The larger man finds himself grinning at that, and turning around again, he smirks triumphantly at the onlookers.




Title: Teamwork
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: lightly KyuorakuxUkitakexIse
Word Count: 382
Warning/s: No spoilers, but OOC weirdness.
Summary: Kyouraku’s dreams come true. Sort of.
Dedication: andrew_jp, who is very persistent. ^^
A/N: The request by andrew_jp on my lj was: Shunsui/Nanao/Ukitake OT3! Prompt..."drunk”. I think this will be hard because I just don’t believe in ShunsuixNanao myself, but it’s worth a shot. At least Ukitake’s in there. ^^;;

He’s rolling drunk right now, giggling and making eyes at them both as he says very sweetly, “I’m not drunk.”

Nanao and Ukitake share a look and sighing, they set to work.

Both are well practiced at dealing with Kyouraku as he is now, either separately or together.

Nanao smiles and bats her eyelashes at him and while he’s distracted by her unexpected flirtations, Ukitake deftly snatches his sake bottle and dish from his hands, winking seductively when Shunsui protests. “Oi…ain’t done with that yet, Jyuu-chan!”

“Maa, I think you are, Shun,” Ukitake soothes, reaching over and touching the other man’s face. “Don’t you want to be?”

“Taichou… please come with us,” Nanao murmurs sweetly.

Shunsui promptly forgets about the alcohol.

They lure him to his bed with subtle touches and inviting smiles. He grins back smarmily and thinks he’s definitely hit the jackpot tonight because two of the most beautiful creatures he’s ever seen want to spend the night with him.

The minute he is in his quarters and the door is locked behind them-

“I’ll undress him, Ise-san. Please rearrange his work schedule for tomorrow. I don’t think he’ll be up until noon,” Ukitake instructs in that very captain-like voice he has (and wasn’t using just a moment ago).

He looks at the vice-captain apologetically.

Nanao, upright and stern once more, nods and adjusts her glasses. “Yessir. Thank you for the trouble, sir.”

She turns around and marches off.

Kyouraku makes a noise of dissatisfaction when he hears the door open and close. “Oi… Nanao-chan…where’re…you…goin’?”

Jyuushirou rolls up his sleeves, looking very business-like about the whole thing. “Don’t worry about Ise-san, please, Shun.”

“Bwa? Why?”

Ukitake ties his hair up and begins to yank rather unceremoniously at Shunsui’s jacket. “Because it’s time to get you cleaned up, my friend.”

Shunsui manages a grin at that, though a part of him is able to note that Jyuushirou is no longer smiling like he was out in the hallway a second ago. “Ne… we gettin’ naked, Jyuu-chan?” Kyouraku asks anyway, waggling his eyebrows as Ukitake very professionally removes his sandals.

“No. Not… quite.”

As the white-haired man says that, something in Ukitake’s eyes manages to worry the very small part of Shunsui’s brain that is still a little bit sober.

He swallows.



Title: Late
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: implied ChadxIshidaxIchigo OT3
Word Count: 247
Warning/s: No spoilers, but you know, OT3ness.
Summary: The boys are late for class.
Dedication: requested by jadestellar.
A/N: Another result of that line/drabble meme thing. This time the request was: I'll love to see some Ishida/Ichigo/Chad. Prompt: tardiness. Hope this fulfills your request!

When Chad is late to class, the teacher doesn’t really say anything, sweat-dropping and telling the large boy to please take his seat quickly so that they can get on with the lesson. She thinks to herself that Chad probably would have been on time if he worried about things in general, and knows there was no malicious intent behind his tardiness. Chad bows and apologizes and does as he’s told.

When Ishida is late to class soon after, the teacher is surprised but supposes that Uryuu is light years ahead of everyone in his grade anyway and allows for it because it’s never happened before. Ishida very calmly adjusts his glasses and apologizes, stating that he had an urgent matter to take care of for a friend. He takes his seat, smiles at Chad, and concentrates on his lesson.

When Ichigo is late right after Ishida and Chad had been, the teacher scowls and turns around, saying, “Very nice of you to join us, Kurosaki-san. Fall asleep on the roof?”

Ichigo scowls and turns a little red. “Er… somethin’ like that.”

“Honestly,” she begins with a disapproving look. “Be more responsible, Ichigo. This is your life we’re talking about, you know. Your future.”

“Yeah, sorry,” he mutters, moving quickly to his seat. He glares at a smiling Chad and Ishida as he passes.

He finds his seat and takes out his book, thinking the hell if he lets those two smug bastards finish first next time.



Title: React
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, Unohana, Hitsugaya, Byakuya, Kurotsuchi (could be seen as slightly KenxUno?)
Word Count: 588
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society arc.
Summary: Kenpachi knows how to push everyone’s buttons just right. Almost.
Dedication: tsukishine- you got me on that Kira line! ^^
A/N: Another of those line/drabble meme results where I guessed wrong. The request was: : “KenUno + buttons”. This um, sort of works? Kind of?

“Hey Kurotsuchi… still limpin’ after that fight with the Quincy, huh? Think you’ll get demoted? Ain’t no captain of the Gotei-13 that can keep his head held high after losin’ to one of them pansy archers, I’ll bet.”

Mayuri glowered at Kenpachi but slunk off, muttering promises of vengeance once he was fully recovered.

Kenpachi grinned and thought that there was nothing better in the universe than pushing old Kuro-kookie’s buttons. Well, maybe fighting. But that wasn’t the point.

“Woah there, pretty boy, you allowed outta the hospital yet? Careful, you don’t look so good. Sure you want people seein’ you out like this? Appearances are everythin’, ain’t they?”

Byakuya scowled, huffed, and marched off down the hallway, somehow appearing regal even in his hospital gown and with his hair limp and in his face.

Zaraki watched him go, eye gleaming. Getting Kuchiki-hime’s panties in a twist was almost as good as messing with Mayuri.

Rounding the corner, he grunted as someone walked into him, and looking down, found Hitsugaya Toushirou glaring back up at him even as he limped around on a pair of crutches. “Sorry there, twelve-inches, didn’t see ya.”

The tenth division captain’s brow furrowed. “You…”

“Sorry, what’s that? Can’t hear ya. Distance is too damn far, I guess, huh? Talk to me when I don’t gotta siddown before we can speak face ta face.”

The young captain fumed.

Zaraki decided that pushing the young genius’s buttons was pretty damn fun too.

Especially since they were all too damn weak to take him on and have a chance of surviving. It gave him an air of supreme confidence as he strolled down the halls of the fourth division medical facility.

Really, those loser weaklings were no match for him. No question about it. Not than anyone really was, but not them especially.

Right now, he ruled this building. And the moment he found the exit to this damn rat maze, he’d go back out and rule the rest of seireitei too.

He rounded the next corner and felt his face split into a hugely satisfied smile. “Jackpot.”

He headed towards the door.


Inches from his goal, he paused at the sound of a quietly familiar voice and turned towards it very slowly; as if taking more time to face his new opponent would somehow make something, anything replace who he knew was standing there.

When he was fully turned, he found himself facing the calm countenance of the fourth division captain. “Erm…yeah?”

Unohana looked back at him serenely. “What are you doing out of bed?”

“Er… gettin’ a snack?”

“All you have to do is ring a bell if you’re hungry; you know that, Zaraki-taichou.”

He frowned. “Yeah… well.” He glared at her, trying to maybe intimidate her into leaving him alone.

She looked back at him levelly.

“Er… maybe I wanted to fix myself a sandwich or somethin’,” he finished lamely. “Your cooks suck,” he added just to be contrary, hoping to maybe piss her off just a little bit even though he knew exactly where this was going.

She smiled benevolently at him. “Please come with me.”

He sighed. Never a reaction. Nada. Nothing. “Yeah. Well. Do I still get my damn sandwich?”

“Of course. I’ll make it for you myself.”

He huffed but followed her back towards his room anyway. “I guess that’s okay.”

He comforted himself with the decision to maybe go and bug Kuro-kookie some more later. After he’d had that sandwich.

At least he had that bastard’s number.


Edits please!

ganjyu, nanao, ichigo, kyourakuxukitake, hanatarou, kyouraku, ganjyuxhanatarou, kenpachi, chad, unohana, chadxishidaxichigo, byakuya, mayuri, ukitake, bleach, hitsugaya, ishida

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