JE/NEWS- "Five Things in the Entertainment Industry Yamapi is Thankful For"

Mar 03, 2010 21:31

Title: Five Things in the Entertainment Industry Yamapi is Thankful For
Universe: JE/ NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS (and Jin)
Warnings/Spoilers: Randomness
Word Count: 1,830
Summary: Five things Yamapi could not do his job without.
Dedication: myxstorie, mousapelli, pipsqueaks, and annnimeee (i.e. everyone who is flailing over BTR with me now). Because going into a new fandom is the most fun when you get to bring along all of your favorite people from the last one with you. <3 And hey, you all like Yamapi, right? This makes things easier for me. LOL
A/N: So the idea for this randomly came to me while I was on the bus this morning, and Big Time Rush’s “Any Kind Of Guy” came on my iPod shuffle. I just got to thinking about how incredibly auto-tuned Logan’s sub-chorus parts were and how I felt that he didn’t really need it as much as say, a JE person. And for some reason, auto tune and JE make me think of Yamapi, because, well, you know. Thus, here we are. I’m sure actual BTR fic will be forthcoming, but for now, have JE fic inspired by BTR?
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement intended.

1. Auto Tune

Yamapi is thankful for the use of auto tune in the entertainment industry today because using auto tune means that potential hours and hours and hours spent in the recording booth get shortened down to just hours and hours instead; he’ll sing his parts as best he can into the microphone for as many takes as the producer asks him to and from there, the technicians will hold his hand the rest of the way, will fiddle with their instruments and computers and recording devices and make it all work out in the end.

Some people say it’s a cop out but Yamapi thinks of it differently; he thinks that when there are other people there with him, helping him along, it’s not just him trapped with his own weaknesses inside the recording booth anymore, instead it’s him and the producer and the sound editors and the computer all there working together, doing their best together.

So to Yamapi auto tune is not a cop out, to Yamapi it feels a lot like teamwork instead.
Yamapi likes teamwork, has always liked teamwork; he’s understood from a very young age that everyone has their own strengths and their own shortcomings and that is why you need other people and why other people need you in return. You help each other out, do the best you can, and at the end of the day, listen to the sound of your own voice playing back to you- slightly warped- but definitely on key now. At the end of the day it’s all about that and nothing else, about the producer sitting back in his chair and telling everyone, “Good work!” while nodding in satisfaction, or the technicians smiling with their headphones on and saying they’ve got everything under control, that the last take was close enough to work, that the computer will do the rest from here.

To Yamapi auto tune is a matter of not having to do anything alone, even solos.

But most of all, auto tune is about saving those extra few hours the computer shaves off of his studio time for precious, precious sleep, because while the computer may be able to go on like this all night without a hitch, Yamapi-despite the slightly robotic tinge to his voice in his latest single- is still just a human after all.

Yamapi is glad to be reminded himself sometimes too.

2. Jin

Yamapi is also thankful for Jin, because having his best friend be in the industry too makes it feel less like work sometimes and more like something almost fun.

They don’t always have schedules that mesh because of work, but even when they don’t, sometimes that can be pretty fun too.

“Now sing it while doing the cha-cha!” Yamapi yells towards the stage in front of him, where Jin is sitting, busily rehearsing for tonight’s solo concert. His voice echoes off of the walls, loud and bright and full of laughter.

Jin scowls and stops strumming his guitar so that he can give Yamapi a properly irritated expression. “You’re ruining my concentration!” he yells back.

But Jin is Yamapi’s best friend, so Yamapi knows that even if he’s trying really hard to look it right now, he’s not really annoyed at all. It helps that Jin’s acting is not very good, that it never really has been.

Jin probably knows that Yamapi knows too, and eventually he just sighs to himself and goes back to idly picking at his guitar strings. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be right now?” he asks, because Yamapi usually does.

Yamapi just grins and points to the chair he’s sitting in; front row, center. “I’ll be here all night,” he says honestly, because today is his day off, and he promised himself he’d come down and use it for something really important.

Jin just rolls his eyes when he hears that and Yamapi thinks he looks pleased.

Yamapi watches Jin on that stage for the entire rest of the rehearsal and then the concert after that; he is reminded of how exciting it is to be on the other side of those impossibly bright, shining lights.

3. Juniors

Yamapi always feels refreshed when he sees the juniors milling around various parts of the backstage areas or the hallways of the jimusho; their youth and exuberance have a lot to do with it, especially since anyone with any Japanese blood at all in them can’t say no to something cute.

But more than that, Yamapi is thankful for them on the days when he’s dragging his feet to his latest meeting because he can see them there, staring up at him with a mixture of awe and respect and envy. He doesn’t enjoy it because he likes particularly being awed or respected or envied really, but rather, because when he sees them like that, tiny and hopeful and starting out, he remembers what he used to be like many years ago, when he’d look up at his own senpai and fervently wish to be exactly where they stood.

On his most tiring, frustrating days, on the days when he’s tempted to book a one way ticket to Hawaii and live out the rest of his life in paradise as a beach bum with a metal detector, Yamapi looks at the faces of some impossibly young, hopeful junior, a junior who wants to be a superstar someday just like Yamapi is.

It reminds Yamapi that the place he is standing in right now is actually a place where he had spent many years aiming to be.

4. The Company Car

Yamapi is thankful for the company car as well (even though it’s often an ugly white van), because he remembers what it had been like when NEWS was still a group that had to travel together to their venues on the subway. That time had involved a lot of bumping and pushing and people screaming and fangirls asking for Yamapi’s autograph while Koyama, Kusano, and Shige had to hold onto the hand guards (or each other) for dear life as they got brutally shoved aside time and time again and nobody even noticed Tegoshi or Massu sitting nearby, in the background. Uchi always used to get envious of them getting to meet fangirls on the subway like that; according to him it never happened to him and Ryo because only old people ride the bullet trains during the time of day they had to travel. Yamapi is certain Koyama had explained to him how not great getting caught in the crossfire could be, and that Koyama had even tried to get the whole mess on cell phone camera once, except that it was too dangerous, and he’d nearly fallen, if not for Shige noticing and holding him up before he was trampled to death.

Yamapi remembers how his groupmates had given him a wide berth on the trains back then, even wider than they normally did in the dressing rooms and practice rooms.

Kusano had called it Yamashita-perimeter-“a three foot radius minimum!” he’d said- in retrospect some years later, and thinking about it, everyone had gotten a good laugh at how awkward they are as human beings sometimes.

Now that NEWS has been around long enough, now that they’ve had moderate enough success as a group, the jimusho has finally let them take the company vans to get to where they’re going, though mostly they still have to share between one or two for the six of them because they aren’t wildly successful, not like KAT-TUN. But it’s fine; even if it’s a tight fit Yamapi likes the quiet in those times when they’re riding together, almost as much as he likes the whole not feeling any guilt for nearly getting his groupmates mangled in a stampede of high school girls and housewives on public transportation.

Most of all he likes that if he shifts barely two inches to his left Koyama’s shoulder is there, right next to his, and if he tries to go anywhere near his right, Tegoshi will shamelessly decide to use his shoulder as a pillow.

Yamapi is thankful that within the confines of NEWS’s small, ugly white van, the Yamashita-perimeter can’t be any bigger than he is himself.


Yamapi is thankful for NEWS for all of the same reasons he is thankful for auto tune and Jin and the juniors and more.

Like auto tune, NEWS is all about teamwork, about various people’s strengths and weaknesses coming together to balance each other out, to make each of them become better as a whole.

Like Jin, NEWS is also about having people you can call friends there at your side, people who will support you and tease you and laugh with you (and in Koyama’s case, put the cap back on the mayonnaise for you when you forgot all about it and accidentally left it on the bathroom sink down the hall from your dressing room).

And like the juniors, NEWS is full of hope as well, full of dreams for the future and ambitions to become bigger and better and do more.

NEWS is what makes the ugly white van so comfortable at the end of the day, when Tegoshi’s head is on Yamapi’s shoulder or Shige’s voice is in his ear, when he can hear Koyama snoring beside him or Ryo’s video game music playing alongside the rhythmic rustle of Massu’s bag as he digs inside it for his energy drink and barbeque potato chips.

It hasn’t always been all like this but Yamapi is glad for that too; glad for the awkward start, the Yamashita-perimeter, the strange feelings of discord and nervousness that they began with together.

Because Yamapi has always thought that the things that are the most precious are never the things that are just given to you but rather, are the things that you have worked toward with all your might. He feels that every memory of their bad start has only served to lead them here to this place somehow, through their combined blood and sweat and tears and heartache.

Yamapi is thankful for NEWS because it is group that is peaceful and friendly and encouraging and gentle; he is most thankful that it is the way it is now not because they came this way and were always this way, but because it was something they had to earn first, something they had to pour every effort in their hearts toward achieving together.

It makes him think that if they somehow managed to go from how they were at the beginning to how they are now, NEWS must be a group with endless possibilities in front of it, each of which is as brilliant and welcome and warm as the last.

NEWS reminds Yamapi that even with as far as they’ve all come already, there are still many, many miles ahead to look forward to.


EDITS? That is the fastest I have written in a long time LOL. NOW TO GYM!

kusano, jin, koyama, je, massu, uchi, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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