JE/NEWS- "Encounters in Elevators (and Other JE Hook Up Clichés)"

Jan 31, 2010 16:48

Title: Encounters in Elevators (and Other JE Hook Up Clichés)
Universe: JE/ NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: YamapixUchi-ish (mentions of NEWS members)
Warnings/Spoilers: randomness
Word Count: 1,440 (drabble fail!)
Summary: Yamapi isn’t at all how Uchi remembers him.
Dedication: crystallekil’s request on my drabble meme!
A/N: Ahaha it’s funny you requested this right after I spent the night whining to Pippa about how I didn’t know how to write PiUchi interaction. Thank god for her yesterday or I would have no idea where to even start. Such is life I guess. XD
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement intended.

One day, when Uchi is absently riding the elevator to the floor of the jimusho where he is supposed to have a meeting with his manager, the car stops with a ding and the doors open when he is only halfway to his destination.

Yamapi steps in.

And, as there must be in all such situations that are anything at all like this one, there is a moment of automatic awkwardness that follows the realization that Yamapi is here, alone in the elevator with him after X amount of years without a single word of contact.

It’s only like that for a moment though, and then, just as Uchi is opening his mouth to say something to break the awkwardness (probably a comment about the cold weather and coincidences in general and how nice he thinks Pi’s shoes are), Yamapi does it first, except in a completely unexpected way.

They hug.

Well, Yamapi does the hugging. Uchi is actually kind of just standing there, wondering what is happening, his eyes trained pointedly on Yamapi’s very fashionable white shoes like he’s still planning to say something about them after all.

Then the doors ding again and it’s time to go, because Yamapi is at his floor. He smiles and says, “It’s good to see you again!” to Uchi before disappearing without any sort of explanation whatsoever.

Uchi blinks as the doors slide shut in Yamapi’s wake and wonders what that possibly could have been all about.


“He’s just learned to unclench a little more in the past few years is all,” Ryo tells him when Uchi calls during a break in his meeting to ask him about the state of Yamapi’s mental health. “It’s not like he felt you up or anything. Get over it, geezus. You’re such a girl…”

Uchi supposes Ryo is right in some respects; he hangs up on him anyway.


The following week their schedules are apparently the same as before in terms of meetings, because as Uchi is riding the elevator up, it stops halfway to his destination with a familiar ding and Yamapi steps in, in a different pair of white shoes than the ones Uchi had seen him wearing last.

Uchi starts to compliment them just like before, but then he is suddenly being hugged again, more tightly this time.

Uchi almost sputters, but because he distinctly remembers how Ryo had sneered and called him a girl on the phone the week before, Uchi forces himself to relax instead; he forces his arms up too, and hugs Yamapi back.

“Hi,” he says, after a minute of them standing there, hugging like that.

“I’m glad you’re back,” Yamapi admits after a moment, all honesty.

Uchi is admittedly touched when he hears this and moves to reply, but before he can, Yamapi’s hand is on his butt.

On his butt.

The older idol proceeds to give it a firm, friendly pat, and then, as the doors chime to signify their arrival at Yamapi’s destination, he lets Uchi go and turns to exit the car.

He waves cheerfully over his shoulder as he leaves.


“I think I was actually felt up this time!” Uchi says to Ryo in a sort of scream-whisper, right outside of his meeting room a few minutes later. He’s going to be late at this rate, but to be fair, concerns of his butt are of great consequence to him.

Ryo just snorts again, all the way from across Tokyo. “What are you, some shrinking virgin? It’s like you haven’t been back working in Johnny’s the past few years at all. Yesterday I pinched Tegoshi's nipples just because I felt like it. And what?”

Uchi hangs up on him again and goes to his meeting feeling weird.


The week after that, Uchi has pasted himself against the very back corner of the elevator and is warily watching all of the numbers on the display over the door light up as he passes each floor on his way to work.

He’s even five minutes earlier than normal today, just to be safe. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Yamapi or would even call this avoiding him, but he’s just sick of giving Ryo reasons to call him names.

Halfway to his destination though, the elevator slows to a stop, and the dreaded ding of the doors signals that someone is getting on.

Uchi groans.

“Hi, Uchi!” Yamapi greets cheerfully as he (unfailingly) steps into the car a moment later, and this time, doesn’t even stop his momentum a little before he gathers his former groupmate up into his arms and hugs him. Again.

Uchi feels his face flush, his muscles tense, and his mind freeze all at the same time. He wants to tell himself the butt pat from last week was like baseball players or soccer players during a match and not two guys alone together on the same elevator with their hips touching.

“Hi, Yamapi,” he manages, after chanting this to himself over and over again in his head, so he doesn’t scream (like the girl Ryo keeps calling him) and shove Yamapi away, horribly offending him in the process.

There’s a rumor going around that people in the jimusho who offend Yamapi never get solo cons.

So he tentatively hugs Yamapi back instead, counting backwards from ten and telling himself this is not gay at all, this is just Johnny and Associates.

Yamapi pulls away after a beat and grins, and just as Uchi is sighing to himself in relief, he feels Yamapi randomly lean forward, grab Uchi’s collar, and kiss his cheek. “I hear you’re having a solo concert ne,” he says, as he releases Uchi right after. “Congratulations! That’s for luck, okay?”

And then the doors ding, and Yamapi turns and leaves, and Uchi collapses against the back wall as the elevator moves on.


“You say you’ve watched all of NEWS’s stuff since you left, but clearly you were lying,” is all Ryo has to say about it fifteen seconds and a fumbled cell phone call later.

“This stuff happens a lot?!” Uchi demands, voice shrill, and yes, kind of girly. “What is wrong with you guys all of a sudden?!”

A snort. “If you’re getting so worked up about it, maybe the problem is you.”

“What? I…”


This time, Ryo is the one to hang up on him.


The week after that, Uchi stands determinedly in the elevator, telling himself that he is not the problem, the problem is Yamapi, and his weird touchy-feely attitude that had never really been an issue when Uchi had been in NEWS, all those years ago. Touchy-feely was Koyama’s job, and Koyama’s hands felt safe and warm like mommy’s.

Yamapi’s hands are not mommy hands; they hold you tight and touch your butt.

Uchi flushes and glares at the door. Today, today he’s going to find out what the heck is wrong with Yamapi.

Five floors later, the elevators chime, the door slides open, and Uchi does his best to hold his ground.

Yamapi strolls in, looking fresh and cool with a leather jacket and sunglasses and black boots on, and Uchi looks stupid standing in the elevator with his hands in fists at his sides trying not to blush when Yamapi takes his sunglasses off and breezily says, “Hi.”

Uchi puts a finger in the air like he’s going to say something.

Then Yamapi smiles, and they’re hugging again, and Uchi forgot everything he was going to say.

“Your cologne is nice,” is all he manages a few seconds later, when his nose is buried against Yamapi’s hair and his heart seems to think the rest of his body is currently involved in some incredibly fierce body sprints by how fast it’s pumping in his chest.

Yamapi doesn’t seem to notice; he grins. “I’ll buy you a bottle ne,” he answers, and then the car dings, and the doors open, and Yamapi breezes back out again like everything is fine and normal with the world.

Back in the elevator, Uchi slowly sinks to the floor and pulls his cell phone out of his pocket.


“What now? Did you try to hold hands with him but chickened out at the last minute?” Ryo drawls, when he picks up a few minutes later.

Uchi is too busy staring at the elevator doors to be annoyed at Ryo’s tone. “You’re right,” he admits, after a beat. “I think something’s wrong with me.”

He hangs up before Ryo can say anything back, and then begins writing out a text message instead.

“Yamapi,” it says, “what time do you get off work tonight?”


I wrote this too fast for there not to be any typos.

news, ryo, je, uchi, yamapi

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