NEWS Drabble Dump #33

Sep 26, 2009 23:34

More from last week's je100 theme!

Title: Hypothetically Speaking
Theme/Topic: Pirates
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Koyama and Shige focus
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Long van rides to location shoots get boring.
Dedication: Mousie, who is probably the only one who will get this.
A/N: It’s late, I had work. I’m TRYING OK. Original Post here.

“Reborn,” Koyama poses.

Shige turns thoughtful. Eventually he says, “You’re Tsuna. Yamashita-kun is Yamamoto, Nishikido-kun: Hibari, Tegoshi: Mukuro, Massu: Lambo. I’m Gokudera.”

Koyama considers it. “I’m the main?”

Shige nods.

Koyama grins, clearly tickled at the prospect. “One Piece.”

Shige sighs. “Yamashita-kun is Luffy. You’re Usopp, Massu is Chopper, Nishikido-kun is Zoro, Tegoshi’s Robin and I’m Nami.”

Koyama pouts. “Sanji?”

Shige shrugs.

“Naruto?” Koyama suggests, next.

Shige stops to “hmmm.”

At the back of the van, Ryo finally can’t take anymore when he grabs Massu’s bag of chips and throws it at them. “You two are the biggest losers ever.”


Title: The Queen of Pirates Has Her Own Logic Because She Can
Theme/Topic: Pirates
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Yamapi, Jin, Shige
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Everything can be a competition if you don’t mind winning at very stupid things.
Dedication: UHM. I’ll get back to you.
A/N: Why is this topic so hard. Original Post here.

“We’ve had pirate concerts twice,” Jin declares triumphantly to Yamapi as they enter NEWS’s backstage. “You were only once, for that cartoon.”

Yamapi scowls.

Jin preens. “Thus, KAT-TUN are the real pirates of Johnny’s!”

“I like that cartoon,” Yamapi argues.

“Real pirates,” Jin reiterates.

Shige twitches; he probably shouldn’t get involved.

He does anyway, because Jin is misinformed and being annoying about it. “Real pirates are criminals who kidnap and kill people for money,” Shige tells them.

Yamapi grins at Jin. “Ha,” he says.

Jin is undaunted. “World record for Tokyo Dome,” he says.

Yamapi scowls again; Shige gives up.


Title: There’s a Theme Here, Maybe
Theme/Topic: Pirates
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sometimes being an idol is retarded.
Dedication: Ann, who has totally bought sparkly JE-like clothes with me in our shared retardedness.
A/N: Holy god how is it 1:30 in the morning. Original Post here.

The song is about living through different lifetimes and always connecting with the same people in unending love and friendship.

“Heartwarming stuff,” Shige admits. “But why did the director choose pirates, rappers, drag queens, superheroes, and mobsters as our different lifetimes?”

“Johnny likes flashiness,” Tegoshi shrugs, wiggling into a pair of skintight leather ‘pirate’s’ pants. “All these lifetimes have really flashy outfits.”

The others murmur in agreement (except for Massu, who’s busy figuring out his diamond-studded grill).

Shige grudgingly puts on his pink diva-Elvis costume; he thinks that love and friendship aren’t the only things that are constant in Johnny’s.


Title: Connected
Theme/Topic: Pirates
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: UchixNEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: N/A
Word Count: 100
Summary: Through the distance, Uchi is still connected.
Dedication: All my friends who are far away. WE ARE PEAS!
A/N: 2am. I am going to bed I swear it. Original Post here.

Even though he’s apart Uchi still feels connected. He’s determined to.

When he does a voice, they do a song.

“My friends are beside me; there's nothing to fear,” they sing.

He’s connected.

When he does a drama, their harmonies follow.

“A barefoot Cinderella boy,” they sing.

He’s connected.

At Countdown, they wave at each other while sailing in opposite directions. He knows they’ll always be able to meet this way again, however brief.

“Let's cherish these days of our dreams,” they sing.

“Bravo! Bravo! We're like peas,” he hums to himself some days, words like magic.

He’s still connected.


Title: Gandaraada, Gandaraada
Theme/Topic: Pirates
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100x7 (700)
Summary: Mini AU- Captain Yamapi is sent on a journey.
Dedication: Mousie! Yours is still the best OPxJE crossover ever.
A/N: I have to get up early tomorrow why am I doing this. Original Post here.

One day, the pirate king Johnny summons him. “You! You will go on an adventure and find new nakama,” he says

Yamapi doesn’t want to; he has all the nakama he needs right here. He tells Johnny so, pointing to the three other top pirates behind him, to his best friend flirting with girls by the door.

“No,” the Johnny insists. “For you to live without regrets and become great someday, you must find new nakama. Set sail tomorrow.”

Yamapi still doesn’t want to, but for a pirate, the pirate king’s word is law.

Sullenly, Yamapi prepares for an adventure.


The first island is inhabited by midgets. They cower before him, afraid Yamapi will hurt them with his large size and his large ship from the eastern ocean.

“Nobody’s getting hurt,” Yamapi insists.

The midgets tremble and nod, offering him all their food and women anyway.

“Oh my god I hate this place. Everyone here is a moron. Look at him, he’s more scared of us than we are of him!” one brave voice suddenly says, out of nowhere.

Yamapi looks up and sees the smallest midget of all, glaring down fearlessly at him from a tree branch.

He laughs.


Weeks later, he and the midget land on an island full of animals.

“I thought this is where the strongest swordsman lives,” Yamapi says, while the midget just laughs at all the animals doing weird, unanimal-like things.

“The strongest swordsman does live here,” a chicken replies, while selling bread. It points to the top of a hill.

Yamapi thanks the chicken and pulls the midget along, before he points and laughs at the lion doing laundry.

At the top of the hill they find a pig, dozing in the sun.

“You have got to be kidding me,” the midget says.


The next island has a famous pirate academy.

It has many wanted alumnus; some are almost as famous as Johnny.

The crew stops for ramen there and see that the waiter has a pirate academy diploma on the wall but no ship to pirate on. “I’m bad at raping and pillaging, so I gave up,” he sighs.

“Me too,” Yamapi admits. “I’m bad at all that too.”

The waiter is incredulous. “But you look so cool!”

“I’m not,” Yamapi insists. “Still, I won’t give up my dreams.”

The waiter looks moved. Yamapi smiles.

“Great,” the midget mutters, “another useless idiot.”


Scholar Island follows a battle where the warrior pig destroys their attackers and splinters their railing.

They dock for repairs.

“Your beliefs are wrong!” are the first words they hear, as a spiky-haired scholar yells at a small child on the wharf. The child starts crying, and soon his mother arrives.

“You’re a cruel person!” she says, angrily.

“Your offspring is stupid, Mrs. Mayor,” the scholar retorts.

When he gets kicked off the island immediately thereafter, Yamapi decides the repairs can wait.

In the meantime, the scholar huddles in the corner, while the midget pokes him and calls him names.


The next island is primitive; they arrive in the middle of a ritual, where a cherubic-looking boy is being prepared for sacrifice.

“They think I’m an angel,” the boy murmurs. “I can’t help it if the things I want keep coming true.”

“Wait, so you wanted this to happen?” the scholar demands, incredulously.

“No,” the boy replies, eyes shining as he looks at Captain Yamapi endearingly. “I want to be saved.”

By the end of the day, the boy’s wish comes true. He sits happily on the deck, making the midget blush and the pig smile.

The scholar is baffled.


“Pi,” the midget asks months later, while the pig is battling a sea serpent and the angel is wishing for the weather to change. “Are you satisfied with this idiotic crew?”

“I have no regrets,” Yamapi replies. The midget snorts.

In the meantime, the weather suddenly changes; a bolt of lightening randomly strikes the sea serpent dead.

The pig promptly looks relieved, the waiter asks if everyone is alright, and the scholar shrieks, “How do you do that?” to the angel.

With no regrets, Yamapi closes his eyes, falling asleep to sounds that are slowly becoming more familiar each day.



je au, jin, koyama, je, massu, uchi, yamapi, news, pirate au, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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