NEWS Drabble Dump #29

Aug 26, 2009 12:35

Title: Behold, the Power of the Acronym
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS (Tegoshi, Shige focus and mentions of Kame and Subaru)
Warnings/Spoilers: stupidity
Word Count: 795
Summary: Shige comes up with the perfect name.
Dedication: I suppose it was inspired by this article, so I’m gonna have to thank the translator for it. XD
A/N: So out of practice, but I needed a break from my novel lots. Thus I bring you some idiocy. I love NEWS.

Shige reads the article and in a flash of brilliance immediately following, comes up with the perfect acronym joke.

The only problem is, he won’t see Tegoshi again until next Monday, and the thought of having to hold on to this perfect specimen of joke until then actually physically hurts him a little. But he manages to stay strong and keep from texting it to his groupmates or to anyone, because he tells himself the ultimate payoff will definitely be in getting to see everyone’s reactions to it, even if it’s going to be forever until Monday. Such a rare and perfect opportunity has to be utilized to its fullest potential, after all.

In the meantime, Shige giggles a bit evilly to himself whenever he thinks about it, about the sheer perfection of fate’s hand on his side for once, while he dutifully waits out the days until NEWS’s next 24hour TV meeting.

On Monday morning, once everyone arrives, Shige can’t hold it back anymore. It’s too good.

“Tegoshi,” he nearly chirps, and his strange and un-Shige-like tone immediately makes all the others look up and worry, some wondering if Shige has somehow managed to switch bodies with someone much chirpier than he is when no one was looking. “I read your interview for Dreamboys in this month’s Popolo,” Shige says.

Tegoshi blinks and looks up from where he is studying the very script to that very stage play. “Really?” he asks, sweetly, absently. “That’s nice, Shige.”

Shige is-for once-unperturbed by Tegoshi’s dismissive, superior attitude. “And I came up with the perfect name for your special unit,” he says, next.

“How great!” Koyama interrupts, and is still eyeing Shige strangely because of the way Shige’s voice sounds a lot like his except evil now. “Shige really loves Tego-nyan, ne.”

Tegoshi still doesn’t look very interested. “I already came up with a name, ne.”

Shige almost bursts into giggles again. “There’s no possible better name than the one I came up with,” he states, boldly.

By now, the others start to look less worried about Shige and more interested in what he’s come up with that’s got him so giddy.

Of them all, Ryo is the one who loses patience first. “What’s the stupid name?” he asks after a beat, while Shige is busy pausing in dramatic silence and waiting for just that question.

Grinning, Shige finally gets to let loose the punch line he’s been waiting nearly a week to say. “The KYS!” he guffaws, loudly, and once again, can’t believe how perfect and karmic it is that the first initials for all three of this year’s Dreamboys participants spells out exactly what he thinks of their leader, one Tegoshi Yuya-san.

After a moment, Shige realizes he is the only one laughing.

“I don’t get it,” Massu says, and Yamapi just furrows his brow in concentration and tries to remember a time when Kame didn’t care what anyone else thought.

Ryo just looks bored. “I bet the name Tego-nyan came up with was better,” he says, presumably on both Subaru and Tegoshi’s behalves even though he may or may not agree with Shige’s assessment. No one’s allowed to think things like that about his groupmates but him, after all.

Shige sniffs. “I bet it isn’t,” he answers petulantly, and can’t believe no one laughed. His joke was brilliant. Last week, Massu ripped a fart during a sit up and everyone went crazy laughing. This was definitely better than that.

“It’s KaShiTe,” Tegoshi answers brightly in the meantime, and throws that chirpy tone of voice right back at Shige, maybe without meaning to. “It’s all of the first letters of our surnames, and since it’s the three of us from KAT-TUN, Kanjani, and NEWS, it’s like we’re borrowed parts for a temporary unit.”

Shige blinks. “Okay,” he admits, after a beat, “that is pretty good.”

Tegoshi smiles in that superior way of his, however unintentional it may be as he continues making notes on his play script. “But Shige’s idea was pretty good too, ne,” he concedes, perfunctorily.

Shige scowls and goes back to the corner, next to Koyama.

Koyama pats him on the back soothingly and assures him that he thought it was almost funny.

Two days later, while Tegoshi is at practice for Dreamboys, Shige gets a text.

“Shige, I brought up your idea with Kamenashi-kun and Subaru-kun, ne. I’m not sure whether or not they liked it, but Kamenashi-kun wanted me to ask you if he ever did anything mean to you before. Has he? Don’t text me back until after six though, because we’ll be rehearsing, okay? Bye-bye!”

Shige shuts his phone and wearily supposes that he should start writing Kame an apology.

Hopefully he’s better at those than acronyms.


Title: Cardinal Direction
Theme/Topic: East vs West
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: silliness
Word Count: 100
Summary: for je100’s weekly challenge. I forget which number we’re on.
Dedication: LOL For Jab, you know why.
A/N: I think this is late. Original post here.

“We’re lost,” Shige declares.

Massu panics. “Lost?”

“We’re not.” Yamapi frowns at the map.

Koyama frowns at it too. “We’re not!”

Tegoshi doesn’t notice anything; he’s fixing his hair.

Eventually, Ryo grabs the map. “We’re supposed to go east,” he growls.

“We are!” KoyaPi reply.

Shige’s head hurts. “We’re going west,” he corrects, pointing to the setting sun.

The Meiji pair almost looks sheepish.

“If you head west long enough,” Tegoshi suddenly begins in their defense, apparently done fixing his hair, “it eventually becomes east, right?”

Yamapi and Koyama are vindicated. “Right!”

Shige and Ryo wordlessly take over navigator duties.



subaru, koyama, je, massu, kame, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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