NewS Drabble Dump #24

Jul 15, 2009 17:47

Title: This is the Summertime
Theme/Topic: Summer
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NEWSxTegoshi
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack, stupidity.
Word Count: 100
Summary: Koyama is not strong.
Dedication: for je100’s first challenge, except I am late. Also for mousapelli, because it’s Tegoshi and phallic objects.
A/N: Getting slowly back into the groove of things. Maybe.

“It’s summer again,” Five of six members declare warily, at their emergency meeting.

Across the room, Tegoshi is spread on a tabletop, whining and sweating absently.

Koyama mibbles.

“No,” Shige says.

Koyama moves to protest. “But…”

“No,” the others repeat in tandem, eyes screaming, remember last year!

Koyama slumps. “Fine.”

“Be strong,” Yamapi says.

The meeting adjourns.

But despite their best efforts, five hours later (after much whining, pleading, cajoling, and outright bullying) Tegoshi slurps indecently on a popsicle anyway, pink tongue darting out and moaning happily.

Five of six members cross their legs.

Four of six glare at Koyama.


Title: Sharing Greatness
Theme/Topic: Cake
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Massu, Jin, Nakamaru
Warnings/Spoilers: Lameness
Word Count: 150 (fail)
Summary: Jin feels charitable. For a little bit.
Dedication: a belated drabble for je100’s second challenge, and a belated Massu birthday thing. And Fourth of July thing. XD
A/N: Late and short, but hey, at least Massu got something? >>

When he overhears Massu and Nakamaru talking on the afternoon of July 4th over slices of birthday cake Nakamaru had bought at the convenience store, Jin thinks that maybe some non-Pi-and-Ryo NEWS members can be okay after all.

“I like sharing my birthday,” Massu explains magnanimously, even though he’s eating convenience store birthday cake and doesn’t get to have a big nighttime bash with a thousand friends like Jin is having later tonight. “It’s an honor, right?”

Nakamaru makes noncommittal noises.

“I mean, isn’t it great that I got to be born alongside such a huge name in this world?”

Nakamaru snorts at the implications, and Jin decides Nakamaru is off the guest list. Massu can come tonight instead.

Then, Massu smiles. “Since America is such an amazing country.”

Nakamaru laughs, abruptly. “Oh. America.”

Behind the door, Jin decides he’s sticking with Pi and Ryo.

Massu obliviously finishes his cake.


Title: Reward Miles
Theme/Topic: Travel
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: KoyamaxNEWS
Warnings/Spoilers: Brevity to the point of nonsensicalness?
Word Count: 100
Summary: Koyama makes a lot of trips.
Dedication: for je100’s 3rd prompt. Ha, I'm actually on time for one!
A/N: I haven’t been able to write lately. SIGH. Original post here.

If vending machines gave frequent shopper points, Koyama would already have a free trip to Bali.

“Juice?” Tegoshi asks. Koyama buys juice.

Yamapi pants during rehearsal. Koyama gets Poccari.

Later, Ryo’s voice is worn. Koyama fetches tea.

At five, Shige’s nodding off. Koyama gets coffee.

Eventually, Massu just turns expectant, like Nyanta when he’s hungry. Koyama buys chips.

Back and forth, back and forth.

On some days, Koyama thinks vending machines do give frequent shopper points after all.

It’s when his groupmates say, “Thank you,” to him, eyes soft and grateful.

Five trips redeemable for one moment of fluttering joy.


jin, koyama, je, massu, yamapi, nakamaru, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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