One Piece- Parenthood Cycle

Nov 29, 2005 23:58

Because this was on sherrymarie's wishlist. I can only hope this is good enough to count? ^^;;

Title: Parenthood Cycle
Author: Celeste
Feedback: (yes!)
Theme: 100-200 word drabble cycle with Sanji and Zoro as parents
Universe: One Piece
Pairing: ZoSan
Rating: PG-13
Time: 38 mins (no edits)
Word Count: N/A
Summary: Strange continuation of the whole domesticity/marriage arc- and now for something completely different. Parenthood.
Dedication: sherrymarie- I hope this is something close to what you wanted on your wish-list. ^^
A/N: I just like doing these because they’re quick, I suppose. I hope not so quick that they aren’t enjoyable.
Disclaimer: Not mine or I would be rich! Filthy rich!! Yeeah.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

1. Siblings

They find them beaten and bloody, the boy standing over the girl protectively anyway, glaring up at the pirates who are looming over him-ones that must be just like those that destroyed his home-and hoping that he can hold them back just for a second, just a moment, so that his sister can run away.

The one with the swords arches an eyebrow at him, but makes no move to attack.

The blonde scowls at his companion and smacks him, telling him to try and have a more pleasant face sometime this century because he’s scaring the two of them something fierce.

The boy looks indignant because he’s not scared.

He’s not.

Then the blonde turns to him and asks casually, “So… you two hungry?”


2. The Way to a Person’s Heart

They’re the only survivors. The town is smoking rubble, and his sister is crying because she’s only four and that’s all she can do right now, clinging to his arm and asking in-between sniffles, about mom and dad.

He sits quietly by while a blue-nosed talking reindeer patches him up. He doesn’t even flinch when the disinfectant hits his cuts.

The green haired guy-- Zoro or something-grins at him and says something about his brave face. He scowls back.

The blonde appears in the room a moment later holding two plates of something that smells good. His voice is gentle when he asks them if they would like to eat the special meals he’s cooked just for them.

He wants to say he isn’t hungry, but his stomach growls just then, and the little girl at his side has gone too long without anything to eat.


He forgets his trepidation after one mouthful.

It’s really good.


3. Sensei

They’ve been on this pirate ship for a while now, and he thinks they’re the strangest pirates he’s ever met. But his sister is particularly fond of Sanji-won’t leave his side now-- and so he supposes it’s time to make do. He still cries sometimes at night because he misses his home or he’s had a nightmare, but he thinks all he can do is be thankful that the two of them managed to stay together.

He sees Zoro practicing with his katana on the deck one morning after he’s woken up from a particularly bad nightmare, and stands mesmerized by the swordsman’s movements in the early dawn.

Shaking, he steps forward and wiping his face clean of tears with the backs of his hands, shouts, “Teach me how!”

Zoro eyes him and then very reluctantly, nods.

He still has nightmares sometimes, but now, now he knows how to fight back.


4. Stories

Sanji is reading her a bedtime story, and he thinks that he’s glad she looks happy, though he doesn’t think she should forget mother and father so quickly.

She’s two years younger than him, so maybe that’s why it’s easier, and he sits in his corner of the room and lets her have these moments with the cook because all he really wants in the world right now is to have her happy. It’s all he has left.

Sanji notices him watching them from afar and beckons him over. He shakes his head, but then she sees him too and shouts, “Niisan! Come listen! It’s all the fishes in the ocean!” She holds the book up, showing a picture of a giant purple-and-blue striped whale like it’ll get him to come over that much faster.

She looks so happy.

He sighs and stands and marches over.

He discovers that it really is a good story, though both of them start to fall asleep in the middle of it anyway.

Sanji tucks them in and just as he’s drifting off, he feels the pirate pat his head and wish the two of them sweet dreams.


5. Family

He thinks they’re both shitty old men as he scrubs at the dishes from dinner and she wipes the table off.

They’re both shitty old men and he’s never going to forgive them if they made the two of them do chores while they were off dying, so they’d better come back in one piece.

The sound of cannon fire from topside rattles them and he drops a plate. He catches it with his foot and flicks it back up into his hands and thinks that those two shitty old men better live up to the name of Roronoa because he hasn’t carried it for the past six years just to have them drop off the face of the earth like sad, pathetic, shitty old men.

They stroll in together a little while later, looking like nothing happened at all.

Sanji compliments ‘his sweetheart’ for cleaning the table so well while Zoro ruffles his hair and says he’ll help dry.

He thinks his adoptive parents are shitty, crazy old men.


6. Extended Family

When Luffy exclaims in a whisper-that-might-as-well-be-a-scream that “It’s your dad’s and your dad’s anniversary tomorrow!” he sighs and thinks that that means the two of them will get mushy (they won’t call each other names) and disgusting (they’ll sit with their shoulders touching during dinner) and everyone else will find excuses to not-be-in-the-storage-room-for-a-few-hours. He isn’t quite sure what that last part translates to, but when his three uncles proclaim that they’re going to play games in Nami’s room all evening, he supposes that, at least, is something to look forward to.

Games with Luffy, Usopp and Chopper always involve stories and strange dares and Nami screaming at them not to do things and Robin secretly making things worse by using her powers when no one is looking.

It’s not too bad a way to spend the evening, and so he sits down next to his sister at the table and helps her color a card.

It’s a picture of Sanji kicking Zoro’s head and it reads, “Happy Anniversary Dads!” in her handwriting.

He draws the two of them standing in the background and watching while Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper play board games, Nami screams, and Robin reads (but not really).


7. They Grow Up So Fast

She pouts and says, “That’s not fair! Dad, tell him that’s not fair!”

Sanji, just having walked into the room, blinks and asks, “What’s not fair, sweetheart?”

Father and daughter have just returned from a shopping excursion in the town they’re currently in, and Zoro looks put-out but stubborn, which means that it was the same incident that plagued them last time they were in port.

“He was obviously a dirty, no-good, weakling horn dog,” Zoro grumps, crossing his arms. “’Sides. Anyone that can’t beat me isn’t good enough for you.”

She sighs. “Dad, I was asking him directions. AND NO ONE CAN BEAT YOU.”

Zoro grins. “Damn straight.”

Sanji sighs. “So then, what’s not fair?”

“He’s going to be even worse when it’s the real thing!” she explains, looking at the swordsman accusatorily.

Sanji reaches out and pats her shoulder comfortingly. “The real things will have no reason to worry about him, sweetheart, I promise,” he tells her.

Zoro blinks incredulously. “What the…”

“They’ll have to worry about me.”



8. Legacy

He waits nervously for the final verdict, Sanji’s brow furrowed as he examines to the very smallest detail, the food that’s been prepared.

He worked hard on it, he’s learned everything he possibly could have from his adoptive father, and swallowing, he feels sweat rolling down the back of his neck anyway.

Sanji nods after a moment at the presentation and he feels a little sigh of relief wrack his body.

But then the blonde brandishes a fork and very professionally, slices off a corner and puts it in his mouth.

He holds his breath.

Sanji chews, looking thoughtful, and after a few “hmmm,” sounds, turns and smiles at him, patting him on the back.

“Good work.”

He finds himself smiling back.


9. Revenge

“Are you sure it was them?”

His voice is shaking, but he manages to swallow and nod. “It was them.”

His sister looks stricken, both because she can’t remember and because her brother’s word is absolute. These are the men who destroyed his home.

Sanji and Zoro are deceptively calm about it, but she knows when they are angry too, can see the twitch in one father’s eye and the grimly set jaw of the other.

“So?” her father asks quietly, staring hard at her brother.

“I have to…”

“You have to what?” Zoro prods, indelicate as always.

He looks up, eyes dark with determination. “I have to go after them.”

Sanji sighs.

Zoro grunts.

She feels her knees shaking.

After a moment of tense silence, Zoro simply says, “Alright then.”

Sanji turns to leave. “I’ll go tell Luffy.”

Her brother blinks, because he doesn’t understand. “W-what do you mean?”

Zoro grins. “We go together.”

She lets out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

Her brother does the same. He smiles weakly up at the swordsman. “Okay.”


10. Visit

He doesn’t know why they do it. There are children everywhere, endless noise, and a sort of hectic activity and liveliness that makes his head hurt a little just by being in proximity.

His sister is holding another man’s hand but she turns and smiles at him just like she used to when she was small, saying, “Niisan, don’t make such an unpleasant face. You’ll scare the children!”

Her husband laughs at that, turning to his captain and grinning. “She’s right, senchou,” he chuckles, “Try a smile sometime this century, huh?”

He scowls back and thinks that the bastard is really no good for his sister, but she likes him and he supposes she could really kick the shit out of him if she wanted to, so it’s not his place to do it for her.

They reach the door and move to ask one of the students if either of their instructors are in, but the rough shout of, “Dammit, asshole, didn’t I tell you to put that away?” from the kitchen answers their question right then and there.

They step in without knocking, just in time to catch Sanji kicking Zoro in the head.

He hasn’t seen them for a while, but he thinks that all the wonders of the Grand Line that he’s experienced in the past few years are nothing compared to the chaos his fathers can produce in one room by themselves.


Probably needs lots of edits. LOTS.

zoroxsanji, sanji, zoro, one piece

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