One Piece- "Intimidating"

Feb 23, 2009 19:00

OKAY Not technically One Piece. I BLAME RAVE.

Title: Intimidating
Universe: One Piece/OMCs
Theme/Topic: Show Stopper
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: OMCxOMC (mentions of OP characters)
Warnings/Spoilers: randomness
Word Count: 935
Summary: companion drabble to the series that started with “Captain’s Cycle”- A pirate’s reputation is more precious than gold.
Dedication: cheloya’s request on today’s request meme!
A/N: I don’t remember what I was doing with these characters. Or what I did with them. But chances are you guys don’t either. XD
Disclaimer: No harm is meant by this!

A path immediately and mysteriously clears up for him when he pushes open the door to the small bar, the whole establishment going dead silent once the patrons see his face, once they recognize him for who he is. His eyes scan over each of them passingly in return, sizing them up.

When he decides no one here is any threat to him he finally takes a step forward, moving deliberately towards the bar.

“Beer,” he says simply once he takes a seat, and the bartender shakes and bows and goes to get it right away despite the other customers waiting.

“See that dignified walk? That confident bearing? It’s Piecemeal’s Roronoa,” the people who know his face inform the few who don’t, and the minute the ignorant ones hear the familiar name they can match it to at least one legendary exploit that they’ve heard of in their time here on Grand Line. Everyone very quickly decides that it’s best to just steer clear of Roronoa and his crew while they’re in town.

“I heard he felled one of the shichibukai when he was just a kid,” one of the bar patrons murmurs a little while later to a friend, voice awe filled.

Damn straight, Roronoa-taichou thinks to himself, and sits up a little straighter in his seat. He lets them gossip all they want like that because he’s learned that it’s better for him and his if other pirates avoid making trouble with them based on his reputation alone.

And it’s not like what they’re saying about him are all lies either, though the actual details of his fight with-and subsequent felling of- one of the legendary seven pirates may or may not involve more of a piggy back ride and uncle Ace’s tendency to develop after-meal narcolepsy than it has anything to do with engaging in actual battle.

But they don’t have to know that.
So he just smiles around the rim of his mug and enjoys his beer, every once in a while he makes a show of flexing the muscles in his arms when he drinks so that they can see the scars there, so they will know that all of the things they’ve heard about him have some real life backing.

“I heard he set fire to a revolutionary once,” someone else counters in the back of the room.

Habanero peppers in Kohza-jiichan’s omu-rice, he recalls fondly, and has to hold back the laughter so as not to ruin his very grave (and very badass) aura.

“Heard he kicked down the door to the Pirate King’s house.”

He winces a little at the memory of that one. The Pirate Queen, he recalls around a grimace, was not so happy about that.

“I heard he’s a playboy who’s won the hearts of princesses and angels alike!”

Vivi-baachan and Conis-baachan really do love me.

“Heard he destroyed an entire marine galleon by himself. What fearsome power.”

Coby-taisa’s model collection, he remembers. Grounded for a whole month.

Even still, he can’t help but feel a little bit smug.

“So what everyone here is saying in general,” a youngish looking busboy clarifies eventually, “is that he’s big and scary and we should all let him do as he pleases, right?”

“Right,” the others agree. “Don’t get in his way.”

The pirate in question decides that maybe he should stay here for the rest of the night tonight, and have a few more beers. The service should be excellent for the remainder of his time here for one thing, and for another, it’s nice and peaceful and…

The door swings open.

The bar goes silent again.

“Senchou,” a voice states blandly, and makes him cringe on instinct.

Dammit, he thinks, and when he reluctantly looks up from his mug he sees a familiar silhouette standing in the entryway, dark and brooding and emitting an aura full of rage and death and other very scary things. It is all accompanied by a sinister gleam of glasses.

Which may or may not make him eep a little out loud, despite himself.

“May I ask,” the voice continues without missing a beat, sounding mysteriously calm as the figure steps further into the filthy bar, “what someone who was shot thirteen times yesterday morning is doing in a bar this late at night, drinking alcohol instead of resting as per his doctor’s very clear and direct orders?”

He tries to play it off cool. People are watching, after all. “Getting some fresh air?” he responds eventually, and is very proud of himself when his voice does not crack very much. “Fresh air is good for me, right?” Pause. Charming smile. “Shall I buy you a drink too, sensei?”

A hand clamps down on his shoulder, subsequently numbing the nerve there and causing him to drop his mug. “No, thank you. I think you’re quite done buying drinks tonight, Senchou.”

He looks at his half-empty mug mournfully. “But…”

“We’re leaving. Now.”

“But I don’t wanna,” he whines, and completely forgets that he’d been playing it cool just now. Booze (and the possibility of not being able to drink booze) does that to him sometimes.

But despite his protests, he gets yanked off of his barstool anyway, much to the wide-eyed amazement of everyone else there. He manages a sheepish smile. “What’re you gonna do, right?” he asks the onlookers in parting, and lets the fuming physician drag him towards the door without a fight.

“Who is that?” someone asks.

“That,” someone else answers, “is also a Roronoa.”

“Oooh,” the others murmur eventually, and figure it makes sense. Kind of.



one piece

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