Eyeshield 21- "Phone Conversations"

Feb 14, 2009 03:10

Title: Phone Conversations
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: MontaxTaka-ish (appearances by Yamato and Achilles)
Word Count: 982
Warning/s: spoilers through the current chapter (318).
Summary: Monta calls Taka.
Dedication: sdfl;jk I don’t know who else is caught up with Eyeshield. LOL how about sw-inku and shiroro for old time’s sake. XD
A/N: YAY MORE CRACK PAIRINGS. Why do I only fall for these. WHY.

When Taka exchanges phone numbers with Monta he considers it nothing more than a ceremonial act of acknowledgement between the two of them, a show that they recognize each other on a level that means they consider each other peers.

He doesn’t for a moment think that Monta will actually use it to call him.

But he does.

The first call comes a few days after the Christmas Bowl, following what Taka assumes is the presentation ceremony of the championship trophy to Deimon High’s trophy case.

“Taka-san!” Monta cries into the receiver when he calls, sounding like they’re old friends, “Taka-san they put it in the case right next to the basketball team’s trophy and the wrestling team’s trophy and it looks max beautiful! All our names, all our names are carved in the front!”

Under normal circumstances Taka might have taken it as a challenge of some sort, as a barb against Teikoku’s failure to secure the championship for the first time since its history.

But coming from Monta it simply feels like there can’t be any malice behind the words, that the smaller receiver is calling to express his joy because only someone who has experienced the exact same things as he has can understand his full elation and his full gratitude.

“That’s very nice,” Taka finds himself responding eventually, pausing in his novel reading by placing his fingers in the book to mark his place. “Did they hold an assembly for you?”

“Yes!” Monta burbles, clearly in tears, nose full of snot and blubbering shamelessly into the receiver. “I’m max sorry to bother you, Taka-san, but I just didn’t think anyone else would understand exactly what I’m feeling right now.”

Taka surprises himself when he says, “It’s fine. I understand.”

The gain and loss of a title, the lifelong ambition of a father and a decade’s worth of idol worship had all been changed that day on the field, between the two of them.

They’d battled on land and sky to stand where they are now.

And they both became better for it, for having met each other and faced each other.

“I understand,” Taka says again after a moment, and spends the next twenty minutes listening to Monta sob into the receiver about his teammates and the work he did and how much he still admires Taka’s father and Taka both and how he’ll always train to get stronger so he can look them in the eye, no matter what.

“Yes, yes,” Taka finds himself murmuring every now and again, and wonders to himself if he will ever get to feel like that about the game himself someday.

Maybe if he beats Monta, he thinks. Maybe.


The second time Monta calls him is after they’ve been picked as members for the All-Japan team.

“To get to fight together with Taka-san will be a max honor,” Monta declares ecstatically, and once again, Taka can feel every single wave of overpowering emotion in the smaller receiver’s voice.

It unconsciously makes him feel some stirrings of excitement in the periphery of his own emotions, something that only Raimon Tarou can seem to bring out in the normally calm, normally collected him.

“I look forward to being teammates as well,” Taka replies eventually, and forgets about the book he is currently reading altogether.

“So,” Monta begins after a moment of silence, “what are you packing for the trip to New York?”

Taka is so surprised by the casual question that he actually finds himself laughing, just a little.

Monta is immediately mortified. “I mean! That’s a max dumb question, right?” he exclaims sheepishly. “I was just…I started to pack and I was wondering what we’d need.”

“The association will provide all the necessary equipment,” Taka informs him calmly. “So no, it’s not a dumb question. I’m bringing some books with me for the long trip.”

“Eh, Taka-san sure likes to read, huh,” Monta responds. “I was thinking of bringing some chips to eat and my lucky baseball card collection.”

“Which cards are your lucky ones?” Taka finds himself asking, before he quite knows why.

Monta spends the next half hour happily listing the name and the year of each one, player stats included.

Taka leaves his book-place unmarked-on his nightstand as he listens.


The third call comes after the plane back from New York has landed back in Japan, after the game has been played and the team has split up to go home in separate directions.

“Taka-san,” Monta says into his phone, sounding just a little bit nervous despite the fact that they had all just seen one another not too long ago, “Taka-san even if the season is over and even though I won’t see you anymore, is it okay to keep calling? If you’re busy I understand max.”

“Who is that?” Yamato asks from beside Taka, on the train to Osaka. “You’re making a strange face, Taka.”

Taka ignores him. “It’s okay,” he tells Monta instead. “I don’t mind talking with you.”

“Max great!” Monta exclaims, and there it is again, that rush of happiness that Taka can hear, that reaches through the distance and slams into him even as they go in opposite directions.

“So,” Monta begins eventually, once he’s calmed down some, “what are you going to eat for dinner tonight?”

Taka has to cover his mouth to hide his smile.

“Something weird is going on with Taka,” Achilles announces from the seat across from him. “Did he pick up a virus in America?”

“Maybe,” Yamato murmurs, still looking at Taka oddly.

Taka ignores his teammates and tells Monta, “Udon.”


The fourth time they talk on the phone, Taka calls Monta first.

“Do you want to come over this weekend?” he asks quietly. “In the summer my dad likes to barbeque.”

He has to hold the receiver a full arm’s length away when Monta responds.



achilles, taka, yamato, eyeshield 21, monta

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