JE/V6- "Kiss Monster"

Feb 02, 2009 00:41

Title: Kiss Monster
Universe: JE/V6
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: V6 (implied InoharaxEveryone, implied InoharaxSeto Asaka, and a little InoharaxSakamoto, and SakamotoxNagano)
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, random. I’m still learning their personalities. But I like what I see, okay.
Word Count: 1,445
Summary: Inspired by the Musicmind MCs- Inohara gets drunk and wants to make out.
Dedication: Lisa! Because she seems to heartily enjoy V6 as well. XD Happy (now belated) birthday!
A/N: Too good an opportunity to pass up, okay. Concert MCs are amazing.
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement is meant by this!

At dinner, they only let their guard down for a moment. To be fair it’s a moment that is completely justified; they use it to eat and drink and chat, to appreciate the restaurant’s atmosphere, the food’s quality and the pleasant evening air. It’s a moment they all take to have a nice, relaxing meal together, in the middle of hectic group activities and solo activities and whatever other trouble the members are getting themselves into on the side, during what precious little free time they have for themselves outside of work.

But even still, that brief, rare moment that they allow themselves is all it takes for Inohara to get his hands on more alcohol when no one is looking-he takes Sakamoto’s unguarded bottle, to be specific- and before any of them quite know what’s what, Inohara is drunk and reaching across the table to pull insistently on Go’s shirtsleeve, trying to get some lip on lip action.

In other words, the kiss demon has arrived.

“Kiss!” Inohara demands blearily between giggles, while his younger groupmate fights for all he’s worth to get away. They may or may not rattle the table some, and as a result, Nagano makes a discontented noise in the back of his throat when they end up spilling some of the special dipping sauce he is very carefully concocting, one that requires a very precise ratio of soy sauce, vinegar, and chili.

But no one notices his vague displeasure because they are too busy watching the spectacle that is Morita Go, as he valiantly fights off Inohara Yoshihiko’s lusty, drunken advances.

“Married!” Go shrieks desperately, and claws at the ground behind him, trying to get some distance between himself and Inohara’s mouth. “You’re married! Do this with your wife! Your wife! Oh god, help!”

Inohara grins and leans closer; his fist tightening around the collar of Go’s shirt. “Don’t worry! Asaka-chan says it’s completely okay for me to kiss you guys!” he reports honestly, between giggles. “She says as a Johnny, she expects nothing less of me. Isn’t she amazing?”

“She’s something,” Okada agrees calmly from a safe distance away, sitting across from food-engrossed Nagano.

Inohara doesn’t hear him anyway, because he is busy puckering up sloppily across the table, his tie dragging into one of the rich bowls of Taiwanese style beef noodles that they’re eating tonight. “Go, hurry!” he whines. “Kiss! Kiss!”

Go twists and turns, and by an amazing feat of flexibility and sheer athleticism (brought on by desperation), manages to wiggle out of his top shirt and subsequently, out of Inohara’s perverted grasp. Thus freed, he scurries to the other side of the small private dining room, placing Okada firmly between himself and his drunken groupmate like a shield. “So wrong!” he complains hotly, while Okada just grins from behind the rim of his sake dish and declares it Go’s own fault, for sitting across from Inohara at dinner and not monitoring where his hands were at all times.

Inohara sulks when he hears. “Leader!” he complains, loudly, “leader, these kids don’t know how to respect their elders!”

Sakamoto looks mournfully at his now empty sake bottle, and thinks that if Inohara wants some respect, he should start by first respecting other people’s property. As it is, Nagano probably isn’t going to let him order more to drink tonight, because of their location shoot tomorrow morning, and the presence of high school girls.

“Ken!” Inohara tries next, undaunted when Sakamoto ignores him. He fumbles across the table for his younger groupmate imploringly. “Ken, kiss! You love me, right? Right?”

Ken pulls back from the steamed dumplings he’d been eating just in the nick of time, missing a clumsy swipe of Inohara’s hands while looking vaguely horrified that he’s been targeted next. “No!” he refuses flatly, and seems like he’s about ready to join Go behind Okada. Okada knows kung fu (or something) after all. He can probably defend them.

“Ken, don’t you love me anymore?” Inohara gripes, and to everyone’s horror, looks like he’s going to try and crawl to the other side of the room in an attempt to molest all of Coming Century until they do love him again.

Which is all well and good as far as Sakamoto is concerned, as long as it means he can take the rest of Okada’s booze while the youngest member is too busy trying to save his chastity to notice.

But then, suddenly, Go gets inspired and hastily declares, “Nagano!” in his fit of blind panic. It stills Sakamoto’s hand halfway towards Okada’s bottle of sake.

Everyone pauses to blink at that, including Inohara, who is already on all fours and gearing up to pounce. “Nagano?” he murmurs instead, fuzzily.

“Right!” Ken agrees, catching on quickly. “Innochi has never had Nagano-kun’s lips yet, right? Innochi should kiss Nagano tonight!”

Sakamoto actually hears it when, from beside him, Nagano stops eating.

Meanwhile, the gears in Inohara’s head start to turn, in a creaking, groaning sort of way, and he slowly turns to look over his shoulder, past Sakamoto and right at Nagano, who is paused with his beef noodles halfway to his mouth.

“Nagano!!!!!” Inohara shouts happily, when it all suddenly makes perfect sense to him. “Nagano, that’s right! We’ve never kissed, ne!”

He thus forgets about crawling towards Coming Century (much to their relief), and heads back towards the two eldest members’ side of the table instead, practically flopping into Sakamoto’s lap in an attempt to get close enough to Nagano for their first kiss.

Nagano blinks.

Shit, Sakamoto thinks, and while Inohara won’t be going on location with Nagano and him tomorrow (and thus will not be immediately needed), a sentimental part of Sakamoto would still like his younger groupmate to be alive in the future, for any subsequent appearances and performances they might have to make. You know, as a group.

So when Inohara lunges, Sakamoto does the only thing he can think of to keep all of the members alive and/or out of prison.

He closes his eyes, braces himself, and moves to intercept.

With much success (in a manner of speaking).

Inohara’s mouth lands firmly against his and not Nagano’s.


Then, “Uwah, Leader’s drunk too!!!” Ken shouts, eyes wide with disbelief.

Sakamoto promptly shoves Inohara off of him. “I’m not drunk!” he replies, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand because Inohara’s kisses are wet.

The younger three members blink. “So… you did that sober?” Go asks eventually, and somehow, the expression on his face when he does makes Sakamoto think that maybe he should pretend to be drunk after all.

Okada starts to giggle. “Otousan is protecting Okaasan’s honor,” he chortles when (he thinks) he’s figured it all out, as Sakamoto looks on in a vaguely horrified manner at what the youngest member is suggesting.

“Oi, Leader!” Inohara complains, from where he has been thrown unceremoniously to the floor. “If you want to kiss me wait your turn, ne! I’m gonna kiss Nagano for the first time tonight!”

He makes another pawing motion at Nagano, who in turn, just looks like he wants to finish his dinner in peace and move on, preferably to dessert.

“Nagano, Nagano, kiss!” Inohara insists, and starts to get up again.

Nagano sighs-in a long-suffering sort of way- and puts his bowl down. His chopsticks too.

Sakamoto swallows, and wonders if V5 will be as catchy a group, and if their harmony will be as good without Inohara there. He tells himself Inohara will always be in their memories.

But Nagano doesn’t move to throttle Inohara at all.

Instead, he grabs Sakamoto by the collar.

And before Sakamoto can quite figure out what is happening, he is being yanked towards Nagano, and Nagano is pressing a quick, perfunctory kiss to the corner of Sakamoto’s mouth, completely casual, like they do it every day.

Sakamoto gapes.

Nagano doesn’t seem to notice. “There,” Nagano says to Inohara simply, as he goes back to his food like nothing strange has just happened at all, “that counts as an indirect kiss, right?”

Inohara, in his drunken, sloppy haze, pauses to think about it.

Then-eventually-pumps his fist in the air. “I finally kissed Nagano!” he declares victoriously from the floor.

Sakamoto sputters while Coming Century makes horrified noises about how kids should never have to see their parents do that kind of thing ever. Inohara celebrates heartily on the ground for a few more minutes, before passing out cold from the sake.

In the meantime, Nagano ignores them all like the seasoned pro he is.

He enjoys the rest of his dinner.



okada, sakamoto, inohara, je, miyake, v6, morita, nagano

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