NEWS Drabble Dump #17

Jan 13, 2009 16:59

Title: Future Prospects
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NewSxYamapi
Warnings/Spoilers: crack, stupidity, random.
Word Count: 605
Summary: Yamapi gets some proposals.
Dedication: crystallekil, who was the only one to give me a request on this round’s request meme. She wanted something Yamapi-centric, which I can do if it’s Yamapi-centric by way of NewS. LOL
A/N: References this.

They all watched his interview.

He knows they did because the moment he walks into the room during their next scheduled meeting, Tegoshi promptly raises his hand and declares, “Leader, I’ll marry you!” rather decisively. “Because Leader makes me happy every day!”

Koyama is right on his heels, maybe without thinking everything through first. “I’ll marry you too, Yamapi!” the oldest member blurts, “because I’m also very happy when you’re around, ne.”

“You idiots, that’s illegal! First for the polygamy and second because you’re both guys,” Shige tells them, red-faced at the thought of some weird multiple-partner union between half of his group. “Besides, he said he didn’t want to get married, not that no one would marry him. There’s a big difference.”

Massu looks shy. “I think Yamashita-kun should get married and have lots of cute babies, ne. I’ll be their super best uncle and give them Superman piggy back rides!” He looks excited at the thought.

In the meantime, Ryo scoffs at Shige derisively. “Of course he wants to get married. He was obviously lying; did you even see his face at all during the show?” he says, and then calls Shige stupid to cap it off.

Tegoshi remains undaunted. “Is it still illegal if I wear a dress?” he poses thoughtfully. “Because if it’s for Leader, I’ll wear a dress.”

“Or me,” Koyama reminds him.

Tegoshi laughs and nods. “Or Kei-chan.” He beams. “I’ll marry you both wearing dresses.”

“Tego-nyan,” Ryo tells him gently, “if that happened, you’d have to learn how to cook. Yamapi wants someone who can cook, remember?”

Tegoshi sniffs. “I can cook with the microwave really well,” he tells Ryo matter-of-factly.

Shige snorts. “That’s not real cooking! If that’s the only criteria you’re going by then even I’m a better cook than you and Yamashita-kun should marry me instead.”


Tegoshi giggles. “Does this mean Shige wants to marry Leader too?”

Shige looks helpless. “What? I didn’t say that!” he sputters, and the rest of him turns red to match his face. “It was just an example!”

“Eh, if Shige wants to marry Leader I don’t know if I can compete, ne,” Tegoshi pouts. “I bet Shige would look good in a dress, too.”

“This is not where this conversation is supposed to go at all!” Shige insists, looking completely mortified.

“Shige, Shige can I be your best man?” Koyama asks, again without thinking everything through first.

Shige smacks him.

Notably, all of this happens while Yamapi is still standing in the doorway.

And then, because he can’t hold it back anymore, he laughs. A lot.

The sound of it is enough to quiet the others instantly.

“Stupids,” he says, looking at them all and feeling inexplicably warm as he does. “The six of us are already married in our hearts, aren’t we?” he tells them with certainty, and pumps his fist. “So let’s do our best for a happy family atmosphere at work today as well, alright?”

“Right!” everyone agrees readily (even Shige, who eventually supposes that everything that is going on here can’t make sense anywhere else in this world except their hearts anyway).

Satisfied at leaving it there, Yamapi smiles and starts to get ready after that; he decides that maybe he still doesn’t want to get married-at least not for now- but not because he’s feeling unconfident about it.

He looks around at his groupmates (who continue bickering about whether or not it matters if Tegoshi wears a dress and can cook) and thinks that if there ever was a girl who wanted to marry him, her competition would probably be unfairly steep.


Title: Transference
Theme/Topic: Tegoshi Yuuko, seductress.
Rating: PG-15
Character/Pairing/s: KoyaTego
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack, OOC, random Tego!slut.
Word Count: 655
Summary: Tegoshi gives Koyama a free lesson in psychology.
Dedication: crystallekil- okay so no actual porn but you know. I tried. And failed a lot. LOL It’s why I connect with Shige.
A/N: Because everyone should be ficcing those pictures, mmmkay. Just because I fail at conveying how hot it is does not mean anything. LOL

When Koyama heads backstage after the show Tegoshi is already there but hasn’t changed out of the schoolgirl uniform yet for whatever reason; the eldest member finds him sitting on the edge of the dressing room table with his knees pressed together, swinging his feet absently as he winds a long lock of dark hair between his fingers.

More specifically, the first thing Koyama notices upon arrival is the way Tegoshi’s pleated skirt brushes the tops of his thighs; he finds himself stopping dead in his tracks a mere two steps into the room.

“Hi, Kei-chan!” Tegoshi chirps brightly, looking up when he hears the door close behind Koyama. He sounds exactly the same as always, despite the knee socks and the stuffed bra. Like he does this kind of thing all the time.

Koyama swallows.

“You should change,” he manages to blurt after a beat, and successfully rips his eyes away from Tegoshi’s knees in the process. He laughs nervously. “Ahahaha… aren’t you cold? It’s cold back here, isn’t it?”

“Nope, I’m not cold,” Tegoshi reports sweetly, but hops off the table obediently to start changing anyway.

The hem of his skirt brushes across his legs as he moves, and before Koyama can figure out what’s going on, his younger groupmate is taking two steps towards him while he slowly works the buttons of his fitted blazer open.

“Even though the air in here is cold, I feel really warm right now for some reason,” Tegoshi tells Koyama absently, as the first blazer button pops open easily under his fingertips. Then he pauses and laughs, as if he suddenly gets it. “Eh, I know. It must be leftover energy from the concert, ne. We learned about this kind of thing in class a little while ago; it’s called transferred excitation.” He takes another step forward, just as the second button comes undone.

Koyama automatically takes a step backwards. Stares. “T-transferred what now?” he asks, throat dry.

Tegoshi smiles and shrugs one shoulder out of his blazer. “Transferred excitation, ne. Basically it means that when a person experiences physiological excitement or arousal, the effects of the subsequent adrenaline surge can linger inside of that person for a certain amount of time, even after the initial cause of the arousal itself is gone, ne. Then, if a second cause of arousal is introduced afterwards, the leftover energy from the first stimulus will be transferred to the second one and cause more arousal in the person than there might have been if they had only experienced one stimulus in the first place.”

“Stimulus, huh,” Koyama echoes blankly, and kind of just stares as the string of big words comes out of Tegoshi’s mouth (to be fair, he isn’t really paying attention because he’s too busy watching the blazer slide off of Tegoshi’s shoulders like water before it flutters harmlessly to the floor).

In the meantime, Tegoshi successfully backs him against the door.

“Ahaha… so what you’re saying is,” Koyama begins, when there’s no more room to move and he can feel Tegoshi’s breath hot on his neck, “you’re not cold yet, because of the show, right?”

Truth be told, he feels a little warm himself as well right now, despite the winter air.

“What I’m saying,” Tegoshi clarifies, lips moving feather-soft against Koyama’s collarbone and making him groan, “is maybe I’m not cold because I’m experiencing a secondary arousal, ne.”

Koyama hands are suddenly resting on the curve of Tegoshi’s hips. “Is that what this is?” he murmurs, fingers automatically moving in search of the skirt zipper.

Tegoshi smiles and noses Koyama’s cheek. “Eh, does that mean Kei-chan feels it too?”

When Koyama nods, Tegoshi laughs-low and sweet in his ear-and stills the taller boy’s hands on his hips. “Ne,” he starts, looking shy, “can I keep the skirt on?”

Absently, Koyama wonders if the excitation still counts as transferred when there are fetishes involved.


More to come later? Maybe.

koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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