Bleach Drabble (264-265)

Nov 28, 2005 22:22

A quick, small update because I should be studying for my Japanese test but got sidetracked with ideas because of antiparallel and idiosyn. So. Yeah. ^^y


Title: Marks of Intelligence and Good Breeding
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi
Word Count: 315
Warning/s: vague spoilers for Ch 195 and up
Summary: Shuuhei contemplates, alone.
Dedication: idiosyn- for letting me a big shameless whore and poke her for ShuuxYumi, and antiparallel- because your art kicks so much ass. XD
A/N: I should study or write my paper or something. Yeah. I should.

Girls will always admire Hisagi Shuuhei no matter what, no matter how undignified he may be at any one moment or how callous.

They will admire him even though his lover is male, the whole thing giving them an excuse to secretly plot their own special happy-endings after they steal Shuuhei away from the bad influence that is Ayasekawa.

“Look at Hisagi-san… he’s so… intellectual looking!” one lowly ranked tenth division girl squeals quietly as she and another teammate gaze at Shuuhei from across the courtyard while he sits alone looking thoughtful, his chin resting in his palm as he stares down intently at the wooden table.

“Aa. I wonder what sorts of profound ideas must be running through his head!” her companion coos back, cheeks flushing pink at the thought of being privy to Hisagi’s most private, secret thoughts.

“It’s probably something very deep,” the first girl murmurs knowingly. “I hear he’s very smart.”

“Of course!” her friend agrees instantly. “You have to be to be a vice-captain after all, don’t you?”

“Definitely,” the first girl sighs, looking at Shuuhei dreamily. “And responsible, and strong, and capable… full of charisma and leadership….”

They both flutter when Shuuhei runs a hand through his hair and furrows his brow, still gazing at the same spot on the table he has been for the past few minutes, his lunch uneaten beside him.

The girls surmise that he is very close to transcending food and other worldly things altogether, what with the power of his deep, profound, intellectual thoughts and all.

Shuuhei doesn’t notice any of their laser-beam attentions as he sits at his table, counting backwards from one thousand in prime numbers while one hand clenches and unclenches beside his hip.

He sighs and closes his eyes and misses Yumichika something horrible.

His lover has been gone for a week now.

And he is so. Damn. Horny.



Title: Matchmaking
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi, IkkakuxKira, Renji+Byakuya (ish?) and slightly Renji+Kira
Word Count: 726
Warning/s: WAFF!! Oh the WAFF. And the ghei, I guess. XD
Summary: Continuation (of sorts) to #253 (The Dating Game)- Renji remains.
Dedication: Nico, here is your request!! YAY.
A/N: The request was: Being nice to Kira so he can be more like he was during his academy days. Let’s see how I did?

Renji hated to admit it because he sort-of lost when he thought about it, but seeing Kira act how he was now did his heart a world of good, because when he looked at the blonde like this, he thought he could see the face of the kid he went to school with a long time ago somewhere in there still.

Maybe even better than that.

Ikkaku was a big, dumb idiot and Kira was a million years too good for an asshole like him, but Renji supposed that if he could just keep hearing Izuru laugh like he was now, life couldn’t be that bad and maybe Ikkaku wasn’t that much of an ass all the time after all.

“C’mere you…” Madarame growled, clothes dripping wet from the bottle of water the blonde vice-captain dumped all over him at Ayasekawa’s prodding, the fifth seat declaring that the top of Ikkaku’s head was “just like a seal’s.”

And so it was, but the water was soaked up into his clothes because those weren’t as shiny-smooth as baldie’s crown, and not-really-enraged, he chased after Kira, who, pink-faced and breathless, let himself be caught before too long, eyes shining as his lover grabbed him about the waist and attacked his throat with his teeth.

Renji wanted to roll his eyes and maybe go sulk somewhere alone, but this was a picnic with free alcohol and when he really thought about it, he could admit that it wasn’t too bad to hear Kira’s laughter, sweet and clear and without the shadow of Ichimaru Gin looming over it.

So he leaned back and downed a mouthful of booze and belched while Kira laughed and sighed and let Ikkaku pull him to the ground, the sakura petals billowing all around them.

Like some damn romance movie or something.

Shuuhei and Yumichika twittered together and touched foreheads, because the sight of other couples being tender was like a magic switch for them and they just had to get in on the fun somehow.

Renji thought that maybe the whole cherry blossom viewing party thing wasn’t for people who didn’t have someone else to grope while liquored up and crazy-in-love.

“Think that’s funny, huh?” Ikkaku grunted, touching the damp cloth of his uniform to Kira’s, who laughed and shivered and shined up adoringly at the third seat even if he was making them both cold and wet.

“Yeah,” he sighed, sounding content. “I do.”

Madarame found himself sighing back and leaning forward for a quick kiss. “Bastard,” he murmured, without any vehemence, before getting off of the blonde and reaching out to help pull him back up into a sitting position.

He noticed Renji looking at them then, and with a little grin, saluted and said, “Maybe we oughta find you someone nice sometime soon, Abarai. Them sour grapes are practically rollin’ off ya,” he taunted, though not in a malicious way.

Renji snorted. “I ever get as sticky-sweet as you two or the old married couple over there,” he gestured to Shuuhei and Yumichika, “please gut me.”

“You get like those two and I”ll gut you and then gut myself,” Ikkaku declared plopping back down cross-legged on the blanket and popping the top to a jug of beer for himself.

“Oh don’t say that you two,” Kira admonished, curling up beside Madarame and accepting the bottle from him after he took the first drink.

“He’s just jealous,” Shuuhei elucidated; the first sign that he’d been paying attention to things other than Ayasekawa all day. “Gotta get him laid.”

“We should,” Yumi agreed quickly, eyes lighting up in the way that Renji was beginning to think of as ‘very dangerous’.

The redhead sputtered, dribbling some alcohol on his chin, but managed a clear “No!” anyway.

“Yes!” Yumi and Kira echoed without even pausing to consider his feelings.

Abarai turned helplessly to Ikkaku and Shuuhei for help. Or some animal control. They should really know to keep their dangerous pets on leashes or something by now.

But both of them only shrugged back helplessly at him while their lovers got all excited about this great new mission of theirs.

Renji felt like he was going to need more alcohol, and uncapped a new bottle before taking a long, long drink.

“How about Kuchiki-taichou?” Kira posed devilishly, eyes sparkling.

Renji snorted booze through his nose.


God I need edits. I wrote these entirely too quickly. o.o

shuuhei, ikkakuxkira, kira, yumichika, renjixbyakuya, bleach, shuuheixyumichika, renji

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