JE/ NewS+KAT-TUN- "Communal Space"

Aug 19, 2008 10:36

Title: Communal Space
Universe: JE (NewS+KT)
Theme/Topic: Pin as roommates fighting.
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: Yamapi, Jin
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, rushedness.
Word Count: 1,220
Summary: Two idols living together sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Dedication: crystallekil’s cheer up speed-fic. It has since been edited a little. Here and there.
A/N: Seriously, wrote this too fast for it to make any real sense. But when does Pin need to make sense anyway.
Disclaimer: No harm is meant by this!

When Jin forgets to do the dishes while it’s his week on the chore wheel and they start to grow mold in the sink, Yamapi is too tired to deal with them by himself and throws them in the trash. He tells Jin to buy new ones on a note he leaves on the refrigerator door the following morning because he’ll be gone for three days for a shoot.

When Yamapi returns three days later there are new dishes and a legion of fruit flies in the kitchen.

A note on the fridge is taped on top of the one he left, it says Jin bought more dishes but that Yamapi forgot to take out the trash before he went away while it was clearly still his week. Jin will be gone for the next two days for on-location filming for Cartoon KAT-TUN.

The fruit flies buzz around the trash can full of moldy dishes and Yamapi starts to feel irritated.

He takes out the trash with Jin’s dishes inside and starts trying to kill fruit flies by clapping his hands together in front of him really hard.

It’s a little bit disgusting when he gets two or three at a time without having to aim.

By the time he’s killed as many of them as he can handle he’s too tired to cook and orders Chinese delivery, which he eats in the living room while watching Koyama’s variety show.

He falls asleep with fried rice on his nose and wakes up to a blaring cell phone alarm at five am the following morning.

He goes to the fridge and leaves another note telling Jin to buy bug spray and that he’ll be back in a few days. He stumbles on half-empty Chinese delivery containers on his way out the door.


When Jin returns from filming a horribly awkward segment with Taguchi for their show two days later his eyes are sticky and his muscles ache; he toes off his shoes and doesn’t bother to turn on the lights as he drags himself to the couch and plops down face first onto it.

As he does, there is a squelching sound.

He blinks. Rolls onto his side.

A squashed container of orange chicken oozes back at him. And on his designer jeans.

“Pi!!!” Jin screeches, and after spending two whole days with Taguchi, feels like he has absolutely no patience left. He gets up, promptly steps in a container of congealed shark’s fin soup, and stomps to his room leaving a trail all the way from the living room to the hallway. He showers, brushes his teeth, and falls asleep on the half of his bed that isn’t covered in dirty laundry.

In the morning, the fruit flies greet him in the daylight and the Chinese food is officially beginning to smell. He stomps to the fridge to get OJ and finds Yamapi’s note.

He’s in a bad enough mood to grab a pen and scrawl “YOU DO IT,” in big letters on top of Yamapi’s handwriting.

After that he spends the entire day at work scowling by himself in the corner and singing out of tune just to annoy Kame.


Two days later, Yamapi stumbles back into the apartment wearing a lei and a giant pair of sunglasses. He looks a little tanner than he had when Jin last saw him.

There is a cloud of fruit flies in the room now, and Chinese food all over the floor. A sink full of dishes greets him upon his return as well.

Yamapi blinks. Takes off his sunglasses.

Jin pretends not to notice from the armchair, where he is watching TV and eating cereal off of a plate. With a spatula.

Yamapi pinches himself to make sure he’s not dreaming, or hallucinating from some sort of delayed onset sunstroke.

A fruit fly lands on his face. He swats it away.

“What happened here?” he demands. Pause. “Are you eating cereal off of a plate?”

Jin scowls. “Yes. Were you eating Chinese food off of the floor?” he counters, and takes a defiant scrape of milk and cereal into his mouth with his spatula. Cheerios land on the hardwood.

“No,” Yamapi replies, “that’s just where I put them. Did you get bug spray?”

Jin sniffs. “I got dishes.”

Yamapi grits his teeth. “That doesn’t kill bugs. And I think you got the wrong kind of dishes, because your cereal is on the floor and on your shirt.”

Pause. “Your cereal is on the floor and my shirt,” Yamapi corrects, after a beat.

“I’m doing laundry now,” Jin replies, nose in the air. “I just borrowed it.”

Yamapi has a headache. “Did you not clean at all while I was gone? Why don’t you just wash some dishes and eat out of a bowl?”

Jin points vehemently to the chore wheel. “Your week now!”


Yamapi’s jaw works in that way it does when he’s beginning to lose patience. “Okay,” he starts, “I will do the dishes. Can you do the trash?” he points to the food and paper containers all over the floor.

“The trash is not in the trashcan,” Jin sniffs, “you left it on the floor.” Pause. “And I bought dishes!”

“But not bug spray.”

Jin stands and throws down his spatula. “I AM NOT YOUR SLA…”

A fruit fly flies into Jin’s mouth.

Jin swallows it.


Yamapi blinks back.

And then Yamapi promptly bursts out laughing. “That’s why we need bug spray, stupid,” he chortles, and stands there cackling and pointing at a disgusted Jin with his mouth wide open.

“Shut up, it’s not funny!” Jin complains, looking horrified at the thought that he’d just eaten a bug.

Yamapi keeps laughing anyway.

Jin stomps his foot. And smashes some soggy Cheerios into his sock.

Yamapi sees the look on his face when he does and promptly breaks into fresh peals of laughter. He grabs the wall to keep from falling over.

Jin sulks.

Yamapi struggles to regain some sobriety.

Eventually, he manages to stop; he reaches into his duffle and pulls out a RUSS-K t-shirt. “Here,” he says, and tosses it to Jin. “I got you this while I was working.”

Jin catches it.

A beat.

Then, “Thanks,” he says, and strips out of Yamapi’s milk-and-Cheerio-stained top to put the new one on instead.

The two of them linger in silence for a while after that, looking around the filthy apartment.

“I think,” Yamapi begins after a minute, diplomatically, “that we need to do something about this.”

“No shit,” Jin snorts, but clears some of the newspapers and mail off of the love seat so Yamapi can sit down too.

They spend the rest of the evening looking through the yellow pages together, and actually do end up agreeing on a reasonably priced maid service once they find one with a name cool enough for Jin to even consider (“Maids in Heaven,” for the record).

Jin falls asleep on Yamapi’s shoulder sometime around midnight.

When he wakes up again Yamapi is gone; there’s a note on the fridge that says “Call the cleaning company today.”

Jin scowls at it for a moment before grabbing a pen and writing, “FINE. But next time you go to Hawaii bring me back a conch shell too.”

He spells Hawaii wrong.



news, jin, je, kat-tun, yamapi

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