NewS Drabble Dump #8

May 30, 2008 17:23

More ninja ficcing! And shut up, considering how long winded I am anything under 1000 words is totally a drabble to me. K?

Title: Just Another Day of the Weeeek
Theme/Topic: Massu is a sacrifice
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: Massu, Ryo
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity? OOC? The usual.
Word Count: 680
Summary: Set in the Office Worker AU Ann created- Tegoshi’s janken is evil and Ryo is grumpy. Massu deals.
Dedication: from cynicalism’s fic wish meme; I’m sorry this has nothing to do with what you actually wanted. BUT I TRIED OKAY.
A/N: So out of practice it shows in every word. NO SENSE MAKING I AM.

In retrospect, Massu knows that he should have pulled scissors in that final round against Tegoshi because nine times out of ten, Tegoshi likes going with paper. But even with this knowledge, Tegoshi had somehow smiled sweetly (evilly) at Massu right before they’d thrown, and for a split second, had looked like he’d known all along that Massu knew about his habit of throwing paper ninety percent of the time and that it was exactly what Tegoshi had been counting on this whole match. Massu had panicked at seeing that look on Tegoshi’s face (understandably) and had thought that by it, Tegoshi meant to pull out a surprise rock attack instead of his usual paper in order to squash Massu’s inevitable scissors.

So at the very last moment-in his panic- Massu had thrown paper instead of the scissors he’d originally been planning on in order to counteract what he’d thought was going to be Tegoshi’s rock. In the meantime, he’d forgotten that that was time number ten out of ten instead of times one through nine out of ten and at the last moment, Tegoshi had ended up throwing scissors instead, cinching victory in the final round and sending Massu to certain doom.

Certain doom being, at this particular time and at this particular place, Ryo’s office.

Massu swallows and silently trudges down the hall. Alone.

Behind him, his coworkers’ looks of pity follow his progress. Koyama calls out to wish him luck at the last minute, lamely. “We’re all counting on you, Massu!” he says.

Massu takes a deep breath and knocks tentatively on Ryo’s door.

“What?!” an irritated voice snaps in response, and is followed closely by the sounds of rustling paper and a few choice curse words.

Massu pushes the door open and peeks into the office cautiously; inside he finds Ryo at his desk, nearly buried in paperwork because this week the head of the budgeting committee randomly decided to audit their team’s funding usage and cost reimbursement forms for the last six months. They’re due in three hours upstairs; organized both alphabetically and by date with all original receipts attached.

“Ano…” Massu starts, and earns a baleful glare from Ryo when he speaks.

“If this is another inquiry about any of you getting your reimbursement checks for company expenses on your personal credit cards before your payment deadlines,” Ryo begins darkly, “I will rip out your heart with my bare hands and use the blood dripping off of it like ink to sign the rest of the papers I have to submit for this goddamned audit.”

Massu blinks, and the inquiry about reimbursement checks dies on his lips. He’s surprised at how tired Ryo looks today.

“Do you need help?” he finds himself asking suddenly, on instinct.

Ryo pauses in the middle of his furious filing when he hears that, like he doesn’t quite believe that Massu is actually offering to take part in this hell when technically, it has nothing to do with him. The older man studies his coworker carefully for a moment.

Massu smiles back reassuringly, purely out of habit.

Then, after a very long moment, Ryo sighs, feeling oddly helpless in the face of that. “Coffee,” he begins tiredly, and rubs his temples, “would actually be very helpful right now.”

Massu’s smile brightens. “I can do that!” he says excitedly, and heads straight for the break room to brew a fresh pot.

Ryo watches him go, fairly certain that the rest of their team is eagerly waiting somewhere down the hall for their reimbursement money; right now, the four of them probably feel particularly glad that they don’t suck at janken like Massu does.

Massu comes back a little while later with hot coffee and another cheerful offer to help; Ryo accepts both and feels an instant uplift in his mood when he takes the first sip while shoving the rest of his coworkers’ checks to the very bottom of his “to do” drawer. Again.

He hopes that those morons all have ridiculous interest rates.

Meanwhile, he lets Massu alphabetize.


Title: Nothing to Like
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: ShigexTegoshi
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack, OOC, senselessness.
Word Count: 358
Summary: Shige does not like Tegoshi.
Dedication: prompt taken from anamuan’s fic wishlist meme.
A/N: LOL Still not getting any real work done.

“Stop that. I do not like you, okay!?”

Tegoshi cocks his head to the side and doesn’t stop it. In fact he smiles and keeps on doing what he’s doing, which is looking right at Shige.

Shige who is mortified right now, whose knees are tucked up against his chest as he tries to make his large frame as small as physically possible on the dressing room couch. He buries his face in his hands.

“Eh, so that’s why Shige wouldn’t ever let me sit in his lap before, ne,” Tegoshi marvels out loud to himself, and isn’t reading the atmosphere in the room at all.

Shige flushes bright red and reaches out to fling one of the sofa cushions at Tegoshi in the hopes of shooing his groupmate away; he misses by a lot. “I DO NOT LIKE YOU!” he screams, again.

Tegoshi laughs and sidles closer still. “Shige likes me,” he says simply. “Lots. I can tell.”

“I do not! You’re annoying and loud and pushy and spoiled and your hair is ugly.”

Tegoshi rests his head on Shige’s shoulder. “Shige still likes me despite all those things.”

“I don’t…”

“Don’t worry,” Tegoshi starts, lowering his voice a little. His eyes crinkle at the corners sweetly, “I like Shige too, despite a lot of things.”

Shige pauses. Looks at Tegoshi out of the corners of his eyes. “What, really?”

Tegoshi nods.

Shige tries not to look pleased but fails.

A moment.

Then, “Wait a second, what do you mean despite a lot of things?!”

Tegoshi grins and asks if Shige wants him to make a list too; they spend the remainder of their afternoon just like that, Shige-red faced and shouting indignantly while Tegoshi peacefully rests his head on Shige’s shoulder and laughs at everything Shige says like it’s a really funny a joke.

Tegoshi is annoying like that (and loud and pushy and spoiled and his hair is ugly) and Shige can’t understand why he likes Tegoshi so much.

Shige thinks that Tegoshi might be right; all signs point to the fact that there are clearly a lot of things wrong with Shige as well.


Title: Borrowed
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NewS, Koki, Sho, Nagase (lightly RyoxTegoshi if you want to see it)
Warnings/Spoilers: Weird concepts, OOC, lameness. THE USUAL.
Word Count: 940
Summary: Sometimes Tegoshi goes out on loan.
Dedication: prompt taken from shatteredinu’s fic wishlist meme! Sorry no porn, I just…I can’t write it.
A/N: I am sure I am freaking people out by showing up on their journals with random badfic. Again, I cite being sick and the whole completely-out-of-practice thing.

Tegoshi, Ryo decides, is a lot like a library book. You can check him out all you want and take him home with you for a while if it comes to that, but you have to take care of him when you do, and eventually you have to return him to where you got him from in the first place, on time and in good condition.

In that vein, NewS, Ryo decides, is a lot like the library where Tegoshi belongs, while the members of other groups are a lot like the snot-nosed, pimply-faced brats who come into libraries from time to time, to check Tegoshi out and try to take him home with them for a while.

This week it starts off with that moron Koki again; he swaggers into the NewS dressing room asking if Tego-chan wants to come have lunch with him today. They can shop together afterwards and even get crepes for dessert too. “I’ve got some free time,” Koki explains, shrugging one shoulder absently and trying to look cool.

“Sure!” Tegoshi chirps, and sounds excited, “it’ll be fun!”

Koki grins, lopsided. “Great.”

“We have rehearsal at three,” Ryo reminds them, as the two head out the door. His tone clearly says that if they are late, he will blame Koki for it and Koki alone.

Koki notices and dutifully sets his phone alarm for two-thirty before dragging Tegoshi out the door by the wrist.

“Bye-bye, Ryo-tan!” Tegoshi breezes, and Ryo watches them go with a sigh.

They get back at exactly two forty-five that afternoon, and as such, the worst thing Ryo can say to Koki is that his facial hair looks like someone smudged dirt all over his face while he was asleep.

Koki just blinks at him and promises to take Tegoshi out again next week before he heads back to KAT-TUN’s floor.

The day after that it’s yet another repeat offender who arrives to bother the peace and quiet of their dressing room; Nagase barrels in to visit Tegoshi and says that they should go play indoor soccer together tonight because the rest of TOKIO wants to come too.

“Sure!” Tegoshi chirps, looking ecstatic, “And let’s go eat dinner together afterwards, okay?”

“Yakiniku at that place you like!” Nagase agrees, and ruffles Tegoshi’s hair before stumbling out of the room like a big, excited puppy.

“We’re learning the dance portion of the new song tomorrow,” Ryo reminds Tegoshi, “so make sure you don’t hurt yourself or you’ll mess everyone else up.”

Koyama overhears and is touched by Ryo’s concern while Shige just snorts to himself on the couch, like he knows something the rest of them don’t.

“Okay, Ryo-tan,” Tegoshi tells Ryo happily, “I’ll definitely play carefully tonight.”

The next day Tegoshi arrives to work with bruised knees but insists that they aren’t severe enough to effect his dancing; Ryo snarls in a long-suffering way and marches to the cafeteria to get him ice packs anyway.

“It’s truly member-ai!” Koyama burbles when he sees, and Yamapi flashes an oblivious thumbs up at Ryo when Ryo pushes Tegoshi onto the couch and makes him ice his legs down before rehearsals are supposed to start. Meanwhile, Ryo changes his message on the Wink Up message board for this month; it goes from a note about Jin’s jiggly love handles to a letter to TOKIO. He writes:

Please take better care of other people’s belongings.

Nishikido Ryo

A few days after that it’s Sho who suddenly shows up in the doorway looking for Tegoshi; “Tego-chan,” he says with uncharacteristic brightness, “come run my lines with me like you said you would.”

“Ah, okay!” Tegoshi says, “But Sho-chan has to help proofread my report in return, okay?”

“Mmm, you drive a hard bargain but…deal.”

Tegoshi laughs and bounces out of the room with his senpai; Ryo clears his throat and tells them, “If that’s what’s happening today, Tegoshi better get full marks on his report!”

“I will!” Tegoshi assures him sweetly, and disappears down the hall with a wave.

When he returns some hours later-looking very pleased- Ryo glances up from his Monster Hunter game and asks him, “Did you have fun?”

Tegoshi beams and nods before settling down on the couch next to Ryo; he rests his head on Ryo’s arm. “I’m tired now though.”

“We still have some time before the next magazine interview,” Ryo tells him, and leans back a little farther so Tegoshi can get more comfortable.

He makes a mental note to say something to Matsumoto about how his moron groupmates should learn to practice lines on their own instead of going through the trouble of using their kouhai and tiring them out. In the meantime, Tegoshi silently reads the game text over Ryo’s shoulder, until he gets bored and asks, “Ryo-tan, will you take me out to eat tonight?”

Ryo snorts and calls him a brat but doesn’t say no; Tegoshi automatically takes it as a yes and closes his eyes for a quick nap.

Ryo lets him be, thinking to himself that sometimes, Tegoshi is a lot like a library book. People from other groups can check him out and take him home and peruse him from cover to cover every now and again, every once in a while, but in the end he doesn’t belong to them; they’re just borrowing him for a little bit. Eventually, he has to be returned.

In that vein, Ryo thinks that NewS is a lot like the library where Tegoshi belongs.

He knows it means that no matter where Tegoshi goes-or with who- he will always, always come back.


EDITS PLZ. In all likelihood, more to come tomorrow. *thumbs up* Because I am definitely not going to work when I'm sick like this.

je au, tokio, koyama, je, kat-tun, sho, massu, nagase, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo, arashi, koki

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