NewS Drabble Dump #5

Oct 28, 2007 21:48


Apologies to the 2 people whose requests I haven't done yet; it will probably have to wait until after this week b/c of my script deadline. But I won't forget! I think. >>

Title: Think Positive
Theme/Topic: Ryo is dangerous with a tie
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: RyoxShigexKoyama
Warnings/Spoilers: STUPIDITY.
Word Count: 723
Summary: Koyama can find the plus side of any situation.
Dedication: swtjemz’s request on this week’s drabble meme!

Koyama is a positive person because thinking about bad things makes his stomach hurt; he’s said it over and over again on TV.

Koyama is a positive person and looks at everything as a plus even when no one else can see it that way. It’s just how he is in his heart; he can’t help it. He thinks that there is an upside to any situation as long as you are willing to look for it; he likes to say that he can only see the good in things because his eyes are thin and his view of the world is limited to that one small scope.

So when he sees Ryo steal Massu’s tie after the Weeeek PV shoot he just smiles and thinks that Ryo-chan is being cute; Koyama remembers that blog entry that Ryo wrote about Massu that said Ryo thinks Massu is cute when he strips.

“It’s member-ai, ne?” Koyama muses to himself, happily.

Five minutes later, when he sees Ryo take Massu’s tie and corner Shige in the back of the changing room, Koyama only sees something positive again; clearly what they said about each other during the last abake was wrong, because they really do seem to have plenty to talk to each other about in private! Maybe they are talking about Massu and his tie; that would be even more member-ai, wouldn’t it?

Koyama stands and watches them for a little while longer; soon it looks like Ryo is tying the tie over Shige’s eyes. Koyama thinks that’s really great; does Ryo-chan have a special surprise present planned for Shige? That’s nice of him, especially since it’s Ryo’s birthday that is coming up; Shige’s has long since passed. Ryo-chan is very generous, isn’t he?

A few seconds later Shige yelps in surprise, and to Koyama’s ears it’s because Shige is ticklish and not from any pain of any sort, because member-ai obviously does not condone hurting one another. Koyama is certain about this, just like he’s certain that Ryo is taking Shige’s tie off next because he secretly thinks Shige is cute when he strips too.

And it’s member-ai when Ryo unbuttons the top two buttons on Shige’s white shirt; surely he’s doing it because it is kind of hot in here and now that they’re done shooting he just wants Shige to be as comfortable as possible.

Koyama wipes sweat off of his own face to confirm it; it really is hot in here suddenly.

Isn’t it great that Ryo-chan is taking the time out to take care of Shige like this?

Shige’s jacket comes off next, but not all the way; it slides off of his shoulders but gets tangled somewhere in his arms on the way down; Koyama supposes that that’s a good place to stop in case it suddenly gets cold again, then Shige can easily find his jacket and put it right back on to warm up.

“Oi!” Shige suddenly shouts, red-faced. “Nishikido-kun not h…”

Ryo shoves Shige’s tie into his mouth.

Koyama tells himself-over and over and over again-that Ryo does this only because he is considerate; Shige’s voice had been loud just now and it might bother the staff workers, who are all busy cleaning up after the shoot.

Koyama laughs nervously to himself; it’s not just his own bandmates, but Ryo-chan is considerate of other people they work with too! Isn’t that wonderful?

When Ryo licks Shige’s neck, Koyama falls over.

Member-ai, member-ai, warm, fuzzy, G-rated member-ai, he thinks to himself. Ryo-chan just doesn’t want Shige to get sweaty and stain their borrowed clothes. That would be troublesome!

Ryo in the meantime, pauses and turns around when he hears Koyama hit the floor; he smiles sideways when he sees the older boy’s wide eyes.

“Oi, Koyama,” he starts, with a pleasant sounding voice that instantly soothes Koyama’s racing heartbeat. Kind of.


Ryo’s smile broadens. “Lemme borrow your tie real quick.”

Koyama blinks and obediently unknots his tie.

When he hands it to Ryo he swallows nervously and tells himself that he’s glad he can help his groupmates out like this when they need him; it’s what member-ai is really all about.

Besides, he is sure that everything will work out and Shige will forgive him eventually.

Such is the power of his positive thinking.


Title: Sasuga Leader!
Theme/Topic: Winter Date
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Tegoshi, Yamapi, Koyama, Ryo (lightly TegoPi?)
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC and stupidity?
Word Count: 992
Summary: Yamapi hates to lose.
Dedication: mousapelli’s request on my drabble meme!
A/N: WELL THIS CLEARLY DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. To be fair I am brain dead. >>

When Tegoshi bounces up to him Monday morning between vocal rehearsals and says, “Yamashita-kun, you should take me out to eat motsunabe this weekend, ne?” Yamapi doesn’t think anything of it; he smiles and ruffles Tegoshi’s hair and agrees.

“Sasuga leader!” Tegoshi chirps.

The next day Tegoshi skips up to Yamapi again; this time he adds, “If we’re going out to eat together this weekend we should walk around and look at holiday lights together too, ne?”

Yamapi can’t argue with that reasoning; it makes perfect sense to him. “Sure!” he says.

Tegoshi sparkles. “Sasuga leader!”

On Wednesday, during their morning break, Tegoshi approaches Yamapi for a third time. “I was thinking,” he begins, “that if we are going to be outside looking at lights it will be cold, ne. We should get cocoa along the way to stay warm.”

Yamapi marvels at how smart Tegoshi is; he can’t believe he hadn’t thought of that first. “Of course!”

Tegoshi claps in excitement. “Sasuga leader, ne!” he exclaims, and gives Yamapi a loving smile before leaving the room.

“Tegoshi really has great suggestions,” Yamapi muses aloud to Koyama and Ryo during their lunch hour later that day. He’s really proud of how much Tegoshi has grown up over the past few years.

Koyama, ever positive, nods in agreement. “But I’m sure Yamapi must have good suggestions too, ne? It’s just how the two of you are.” He smiles encouragingly at the younger boy.

But Yamapi doesn’t smile back, he only pauses thoughtfully. Come to think of it, he hasn’t really had any good suggestions of his own to match Tegoshi’s yet. So far, Tegoshi’s been doing all of the thinking! “Yabai,” he says to himself when he realizes, and slaps his own cheeks a few times. “I can’t let Tegoshi do it all alone! What kind of leader am I?”

Koyama blinks. “Um. That’s not what I…”

But Yamapi is already too far gone; he’s pumping his fist in the air and exclaiming, “I’ll do my best to catch up to Tegoshi’s lead, ne!” to himself.

“Good going, moron,” Ryo snorts to Koyama absently, and wiggles his cup to let Koyama know he needs more tea.

Koyama sighs and pours Ryo more tea; sometimes he forgets that everyone in NewS hates to lose, even when there isn’t a competition.

Well, everyone except for him; he thinks if he was like that it would hurt his stomach too much.

In the meantime, Yamapi sits down on the couch and brainstorms really hard all through the rest of lunch so that next time he can be the one who has an idea he can suggest to Tegoshi.

When he comes up with one-and only after forty minutes of intense concentration at that- he’s extremely proud of himself.

“Tegoshi,” Yamapi says, and is the one who approaches Tegoshi first this time, “we’re going to have dinner together and look at the holiday lights together and get cocoa together this weekend, ne? These are all things that are best done at night and might take some time. So instead of sending you home late when we are finished, you can just sleep at my place, ne. It’s dangerous to drive in the dark when it’s icy.”

Tegoshi blinks up at Yamapi brilliantly. “Eh? Really? I didn’t think about that at all!”

Yamapi beams and ruffles Tegoshi’s hair, feeling warm in his chest whenever the kid looks at him like that. “It’s okay, because I thought of it, right?”

Tegoshi laughs and nods. “Sasuga leader, ne!”

Yamapi beams.

On Thursday morning when Tegoshi comes up to him again, Yamapi already has another good idea ready because he is determined to catch up to the three Tegoshi has already given him. “Tegoshi! I’ve decided that if you’re staying at my place overnight, we can watch a movie together too, ne. It’s best to relax like that after outdoor activities, so you can sleep better at my house.”

Tegoshi positively shines at Yamapi. “Leader really has the best ideas! Sasuga, ne!”

Yamapi grins and pets Tegoshi’s head. “Yosh, then let’s work hard today and look forward to the weekend!”

“Yay!” Tegoshi agrees, happily.

Yamapi is in a really good mood for the rest of the day too, because now he’s just one suggestion behind!

“Yamashita-kun…” Tegoshi begins on Friday afternoon, and bounces up to Yamapi and Ryo as the two sit on the couch together.

“Oh, Tegoshi!” Yamapi greets, and is already ready with his next suggestion. “I also decided I should pick you up from your house for dinner, ne? That way it will be easier for both of us.”

Tegoshi opens his mouth to add something.

“I’ll take you home in the morning too,” Yamapi finishes with a quick smile. Ryo scoffs from behind his self-study kanji guide.

Tegoshi just blinks. Then sparkles at Yamapi. “Sure!” he says. “I was just going to ask you that too! Sasuga leader!” Then he gives a quick toss of his hair and skips out of the room looking extremely self-satisfied.

Yamapi looks self-satisfied as well. “Yosh, I won!” he cheers, and grins at Ryo victoriously.

Ryo only eyes him. “So,” he starts, slowly, “you win because this weekend you get to pick Tego-nyan up, take him out to dinner, go to see holiday lights with him, buy him cocoa, take him to your place for the night, rent a movie for him to watch, and then drive him home in the morning?”

Yamapi nods. “Three of those ideas where his, ne! Four were mine. Yappari, I won’t lose in this sort of thing as long as I’m the leader.”

Ryo does not look like he is very impressed with Yamapi’s win. But just when Yamapi is about to pout at him for his lack of enthusiasm, Ryo sighs and mutters, “Sasuga,” in a resigned sort of way.

Yamapi grins because he thinks Ryo-chan is referring to him.

But he isn’t.


Title: Unsympathetic
Theme/Topic: Shige whines, Ryo snaps
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: Ryo, Shige, Koyama
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity?
Word Count: 540
Summary: Shige can’t sing; Ryo doesn’t care.
Dedication: inevitability’s request on my meme.
A/N: Just gonna tack this on to the end of the old post and hope that the requester sees it. I’m too lazy to make a new one. >>

“I know I can’t sing, but I wish people would stop feeling the need to make a spectacle out of it for their own amusement,” Shige mutters to himself dryly as everyone comes off the Utaban stage after recording their latest performance that afternoon. Besides, it’s not like Nakai can sing particularly well either, who is he to even talk?

Ryo hears Shige’s whining and decides that he is too tired to deal with this shit right now; he knows that if Shige is allowed to go on unchecked, everyone will jump to reassure him that he can sing just fine (when he really can’t), and Shige will know it too, and from there the idiot will just get even more bitter because of his groupmates’ sympathy and it will all degrade into something retarded that he will write about in his stupid whiny cat-blog later tonight.

So Ryo cuts it off at the head, because honestly, it’s Johnny’s Entertainment and no one can really sing besides Tego-nyan and Subaru and himself anyway. They’re entertainers for god’s sake. What’s the point in complaining? “Things could always be worse, moron,” he snaps at Shige suddenly, “You could be in KAT-TUN, where nobody can sing. At least Tego-nyan and I can cover for you here so you don’t look like a complete idiot on national television.”

Everyone pauses when they hear this; even Koyama’s encouraging words to Shige about his improved singing ability as of late abruptly die one his lips.

They all blink.

“Ryo-chan,” Koyama begins after a beat, and laughs nervously, “Ryo-chan, you’re just being encouraging, right? This is just your style of member-ai, right?”

Shige promptly forgets about Ryo’s words and frowns at Koyama’s warped logic instead. “Oi, how come his insults to people are seen as member-ai by you but my insults aren’t?”

“Because you always insult me, ne!” Koyama complains, though he is grinning when he does.

Shige thinks about this for a moment; eventually he even grins back, but only because he can’t help it when Koyama is being ridiculous. “Well, I guess that’s true, too.”

Ryo rolls his eyes as the two of them start to laugh at each other (because they’re both idiots), though he grudgingly admits to himself that at least they’re idiots who are easy enough to read (and subsequently, distract from being emo).

Which is good, since right now, Ryo doesn’t really have the patience to listen to Shige rant about how everyone always picks on him for not being able to sing well.

Especially since it’s clear to Ryo that NewS is a group that sounds best when everyone is singing together anyway; in light of all that, whether one member can sing well by himself or not doesn’t even really matter that much in the long run, does it?

For the life of him, Ryo can’t comprehend why Shige hasn’t figured this out already.

Well, whatever. Shige is smart; he’ll get it eventually. Probably. Maybe.

In the meantime, all Ryo can do is cover for the idiot’s bad singing during group performances and be thankful that Shige is at least a little bit pretty.

Ryo definitely wouldn’t have this sort of patience with someone who is ugly, after all.



koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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