JE/KAT-TUN/NEWS- "Five times a Member of KAT-TUN Wanted to Transfer to NewS"

Oct 06, 2007 15:42

Title: Five times a Member of KAT-TUN Wanted to Transfer to NewS (And One Time A Member Didn’t)
Universe: JE/KAT-TUN/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: KAT-TUN (with mentions of NewS)
Warnings/Spoilers: Uh. OOC, I guess. XD
Word Count: 893
Summary: It doesn't happen often, but sometimes KAT-TUN wonders.
Dedication:initially requested by seca in my “Five Things” request meme for this week. Then it was seconded by Ann and thus it became obligatory for me to write. LOL
A/N: I WOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN THIS NORMALLY, but I guess I can’t say no to two people I have pushed to on my f-list both wanting the same thing? I hope this is not another one of those stories that will get me strung up from the ceiling rafters by rabid fangirls. SIGH. Anyway, I added the last part because I wanted to end on a note that would not get me killed. XD;;


Jin wishes he could be in NewS right from the very moment NewS is first formed, not just because Yamapi and Ryo-chan are in it, but also because Yamapi and Ryo-chan look uncertain and angry about being in it, like they don’t quite know what is going on anymore or where they stand.

Jin sees this and wishes he could be at their sides as a member too, so he could put his arms around them and tell them, “It’s okay, as long as it’s the three of us together, everything will work out.”

But he can’t say that because he’s somewhere far away from them when NewS debuts-not physically far away but far away in every other way- and so all he can do to comfort them when they need it is tell them from his own experience to “bear with it for now; eventually you will get used to working with people you don’t know.”

He wishes he could give them more than that.


Nakamaru wants to transfer to NewS every so often because he knows that guys as regular as Koyama and Shige can make it in NewS, and whenever Nakamaru thinks about them-most often when he is facing another 100 foot drop on an amusement park ride with a camera strapped to his head- he can’t help but feel that the two of them are at least (if not more) ordinary looking than he is.

Most of all, Nakamaru is sure that if he was in NewS with plain guys like Koyama and Shige, it would mean not always having to do these stupid stunts alone.


Junno only wavers for moments at a time; the first time is when he is in the hospital after hurting his knee. It’s cold and lonely in his room and when no one walks through the door smiling or saying, “It’s hard going on without you, but we’ll do our best for everyone,” Junno inexplicably starts remembering a story he heard about how Yamapi sent Uchi fruit and Massu took the train to Osaka; he also remembers reading about how Ryo was there every day after Uchi’s surgery and how it was never lonely or cold or quiet when Uchi was sick; not even for a minute.

But when that moment is over-like they all eventually are- Junno can only smile to himself. He knows that no one is here because they are all working hard to make up for his absence; it’s his own fault he’s in the hospital in the first place, for not being careful.

He tells himself that next time he’ll just have to practice harder so this doesn’t happen again; everyone is probably mad at him for leaving them at such an important time.

Junno only ever wavers in moments like that; it’s why the rest of KAT-TUN says his smile is invincible.


NewS spoils Tegoshi because he is the youngest; Tegoshi gets away with climbing into people’s laps or being late to rehearsal or forgetting the lyrics to songs. He is instantly forgiven whenever he says something stupid on TV, or if he tags along uninvited, or if he needs a ride home or someone to spot him for dinner and doesn’t mention it to them beforehand. When he’s tired Ryo lets Tegoshi sleep with his head in Ryo’s lap, and when he needs help with his homework or directions on how to get to a place, Yamapi and Shige don’t mind being called at any time. Massu helps Tegoshi remember their dance moves when he forgets them and Koyama calls him every other day to check in on him, just to see if everything is okay, just to make sure Tegoshi isn’t feeling lonely when they don’t have group activities together. When Tegoshi is homesick they hug him and when he’s stressed they make him laugh; when he’s sleepy they’re quiet and when he’s energetic they’re always willing to play even if they are tired themselves.

Don’t get him wrong; Kame is not the kind of person who wants this kind of ridiculous treatment from his groupmates; he feels that even if he is the baby in KAT-TUN that is no excuse for him to behave childishly. To be honest, the idea of any single one of the members, let alone all of them, doing those types of things for him would be too bizarre for him to handle.

Really, Kame doesn’t want to be spoiled by anyone at all, least of all KAT-TUN.

It’s just that, when Kame sees everyone going out of their way for Tegoshi like this, he can’t help but think to himself that maybe it would have been nice if someone had tried-even just a little- to stop him from leaving when they were filming Real Face.


Koki wishes he was in NewS instead of KAT-TUN once and only once.

It’s while he is watching Jin board the plane.

As Jin’s back gets smaller and smaller Koki closes his eyes and thinks to himself that when Uchi and Kusano left their group, it wasn’t because they’d wanted to.


No matter how stupid and annoying his bandmates can be sometimes, Ueda is 100% sure that he never wants to be in NewS.

Not if it means having to see Ryo every day.



ueda, je, masuda, kame, yamapi, tegoshi, junno, shige, koki, kusano, jin, koyama, maru, kat-tun, uchi, news, ryo

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