Bleach Drabble (233-235)

Oct 27, 2005 23:56

I was going to hold off posting these til tomorrow night, but given the fact that I was shown SO MUCH 11th division love tonight, I decided to just throw up the three that I've got. ^^;; So um. Yeah.


Title: Oneesan
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Ichigo, Rukia, Yuzu
Word Count: 529
Warning/s: Spoilers for the post-Soul Society arc
Summary: Rukia and Yuzu at teatime.
Dedication: jen_kat, because it’s been a while? ^^;;
A/N: I suppose this could be IchixRuki if you wanted to see it that way, but I was more concerned about familial relations so uh, decide for yourself? I dunno, I should just finish my paper like a good student or something. O.o

Yuzu absolutely adores having a big sister now, and Rukia doesn’t mind so much being one it looks like, when she sits beside the younger Kurosaki and they play at teatime together, surrounded by stuffed animals and other generally girlish sorts of things that Rukia never had when she was a child.

She looks completely lost sitting there, and Ichigo can’t help but allow a little smirk at that, as Yuzu pours them drinks and serves them snacks and goes about everything very properly.

But at the same time, he thinks that Rukia is having fun because there’s something special about being an older sibling that sort of just latches on to you before you realize it and never lets you go.

And so she looks right in place there somehow, at the tea table beside a stuffed pink teddy bear and a furry white cat, sipping at her cup with her pinky in the air and a straw bonnet on her head.

As if feeling his eyes on her, Rukia turns and catches him watching them from the hallway, and arching a brow at him, seems to ask, “what are you looking at?”

He averts his eyes, embarrassed to have been caught staring, and moves to continue down the hall towards his own room, only to hear, “Ichi-nii… want to play with us?”

He pauses and looks at Yuzu, who is wearing white gloves that are a size too big for her small hands and her absolute favorite yellow dress, sipping tea like a right proper lady before she graciously clears out a spot beside her for him to sit if he wants to.

He blinks at the two, looking between them to find Yuzu hopeful and Rukia amused. And when he sees Yuzu’s face like that, he thinks that there’s something about being an older sibling that sort of just latches on to you and never lets you go, no matter how many additions may be made to the family, no matter how many other playmates Yuzu will find throughout her life.

And so Ichigo sighs and comes into the room, kneeling down to squish himself into the diminutive chair she’s cleared for him. “Yeah, okay.”

And Yuzu beams at him when he does, moving to serve him tea and offer him biscuits.

Rukia eyes him from under the brim of her hat with a little smile, and Ichigo feels an answering one tug at the corners of his mouth as Yuzu busies herself with serving her new guest and introducing him to the other partygoers one by one.

He picks his cup up and toasts Rukia in the meantime; hoping that she knows exactly what she’s gotten into now.

Because there’s something about being an older sibling that latches on to you and never lets you go, and she better be prepared for that now, when they’re all like this together around the table.

Rukia simply looks back at him and raises her cup in response, eyes sharp and smile genuine, and Ichigo supposes that maybe she knows exactly what’s going on here after all.

So they drink together and he welcomes her into his family.



Title: Beach Trip
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Yachiru, Kenpachi, Yumichika
Word Count: 709
Warning/s: No real spoilers, except for that one uh, fanservicey chapter cover. O.o And some OOC to look out for, I suppose. ^^;;
Summary: The women go to the beach.
Dedication: Christine, JaB and Nico- YOU ARE 11th Division LOVE.
A/N: Yeah, you know which chapter title I’m talking about. The one with the BOOBS. O.o

When Kenpachi asks her what the hell she’s wearing, she makes a face at him and tells him very directly, that it is a bathing suit.

Kenpachi scowls and shoots back that he can see her middle and that’s like inviting someone to just go ahead and put a sword there.

She crosses her arms and pouts and tells him that the girls are all going to the beach today and they’re going to play in the water and catch fishies and smash watermelons and make sand castles and maybe even sand armies that can battle with one another until the death of every single last sand man.

Kenpachi frowns and says that it all sounds like a monumental waste of time and that he can still see her middle and someone else is gonna see it too and think that it’s the perfect place to just go ahead and stab.

Yumichika butts in then, and very primly tells his captain that if he’s so worried, maybe he should go to the beach with the rest of the ladies and keep an eye out on fukutaichou so should anyone desire to try and put a sword in her exposed middle, he could maybe persuade them not to.

Kenpachi snorts and says he’d rather eat a sword to the gut himself then go play around in the sand with a bunch of women when he could be training or fighting or killing something else instead.

Yumichika smiles prettily and tells his taichou that it’s not just the women that are going, but some of the men as well, he thinks, and that he’s sure there will be many nice young bucks there to keep an eye on fukutaichou and her middle and all of the rest of her should someone try to do her any harm.

Kenpachi’s jaw twitches at that and he can’t help but ask what guys are going.

When Yumichika responds that he thinks, though he’s not sure, that there are some nice men from the fifth division and some from the third division and some from the twelfth division that he knows of who want to go, Kenpachi clenches his teeth and draws his zanpakutou and tells Yachiru that he’s going to the beach with her today.

The little vice-captain smiles and claps happily at the announcement, because really, building sand armies and having sand wars would be no fun without Ken-chan there to help her do the crushing, and jumping up on his shoulder she kisses his cheek before dodging the arm that tries to swat her away. “You have to change then too, Ken-chan! Hurry, hurry!” she urges, citing that the party will be leaving for the beach very soon.

Kenpachi looks at her dumbly and asks her what the hell she expects him to change into that’s better than his usual clothing.

She frowns and tells him that obviously, he will need something he can swim in.

Kenpachi moves to protest any such need given his complete lack of desire to swim, but Yumichika steps forward before he can say anything, the fifth seat holding something in-between his hands and beaming brilliantly at both captain and vice-captain. He holds it up for all to see and tells them that he has just the thing to solve their problem.

Yachiru claps gleefully when she sees it and urges Ken-chan to hurry.

Later, when Zaraki Kenpachi is sitting on the beach in a floral-patterned pair of white and red board shorts, he notices that there aren’t any other guys around here at all besides him, and that being said, he promises himself that he’ll kill Yumichika later when they get back.

Around him, the women eat watermelon and sunbathe and twitter to themselves about how cute it is that Kenpachi decided to come with Yachiru to their beach day today and isn’t he just such the sweetest daddy ever?

Kenpachi would glower at them for saying as such, but every time he looks anywhere in their general direction he feels like some sort of a weird pervert, so he averts his eyes and consoles himself with the notion that maybe he’ll kill them later too, after he and Yachiru finish building their sand armies together.



Title: The Long Road Ahead
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: Renji, Kira, mentions of GinxKira, hints of RenjixKira, but not really.
Word Count: 869
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society arc
Summary: Kira still thinks of Gin.
Dedication: Urm… how about antiparallel if she doesn’t hate me for this afterwards? But seriously, the picture you drew and Kira’s FACE… haunts me man. XD
A/N: Yup. Still like messin’ with Kira. It’s the “rape me” face, I swear. O.o OH THE MELODRAMA.

Kira still dreams of Ichimaru Gin.

Renji knows it, can tell by the unsettled look in the blonde’s eyes when he passes him on the street, the signs of tiredness and shame written all over his former classmate as he trudges forward towards another day, mind full of Ichimaru-taichou despite everything that the bastard has put him through.

It makes the redhead clench his teeth, makes him want to grab Kira right on the street and shake him, implore him to forget Gin and move on because it hurts Abarai’s heart just watching him like this, lacking the spark the redhead remembers from their academy days, the one that made him think of Kira as his number one rival.

But he looks too fragile to shake now, and instead, Renji finds himself asking Kira why he looks so tired in an over-friendly manner, downplaying his frustration despite the fact that he knows exactly what’s going on.

Kira always smiles back sheepishly and it’s so fake Renji wants to wince, though he listens patiently to Kira’s excuses of having a lot of work all the time anyway.

Kira still dreams of Ichimaru Gin and Renji knows it, because he heard it one night, passing by as Kira moaned and cried out in his sleep, the sounds coming from the blonde’s window indistinguishable to Abarai as either good or bad.

And that’s all he needs to know to know that Kira dreams of Gin still, because Renji thinks that that bastard is the only one he’s ever known who can make good and bad interchangeable.

Renji hates it because the Kira Izuru of his memories is full of life and strength, full of an ambition and energy that the other vice-captain can no longer see in his friend anymore.

It’s as if Gin took all the good parts out of Kira to save for himself.

And Renji endures it for as long as he can, watches the time passes by as Kira continues to trudge down the roads of seireitei only half there, the other half of him still trapped in dreams of Ichimaru Gin, in a place where cries of pain and pleasure all blend into the same thing.

Renji endures it and endures it and hopes that it will get better soon.

But when it doesn’t, when it keeps going and he loses what precious little patience he has, he finds himself one day, out of the blue, grabbing Kira and shaking him.

He shakes him and shakes him and asks why Kira has to see that bastard every time he closes his eyes when there are a million other things in the world worth dreaming about.

Kira struggles and cries out and begs Renji to leave him be, to let him settle this alone.

Renji is horrified when his hands bruise Kira’s arms and shoulders because unintentionally, he’s been clutching at him too roughly.

He is even more horrified when Kira moans and shudders and closes his eyes as Renji releases him, the blonde dropping to his knees and holding his bruised skin around the collar of his uniform, face flushed and breathing like Renji remembers hearing on that night when he’d passed by Izuru’s open window.

“Kira, sorry…I…” he trails off and stares at the finger-shaped red spot peeking out at him from under the white of his friend’s clothing.

And then he sees the blonde’s pink cheeks as he kneels on the ground with his arms around himself, looking up at Renji with a mixture of surprise and incredulity, his mouth slightly parted and his breaths coming out in little puffs of air.

And Renji is absolutely horrified at the sight of Kira now, telling himself that this is what Gin did, this is what he has molded Kira into after all this time.

Kira Izuru is a man aroused by his own pain.

Abarai Renji doesn’t know what to do, looking helplessly down at the shadow of his friend, thinking that this is all that is left of the real Kira Izuru.

What can he do with this?

How can he help?

There are tears in the corners of Kira’s eyes and Renji finds himself kneeling in front of the other man before he can stop himself, dumbly cupping those flushed cheeks in both of his hands and brushing the tears away with his thumb, murmuring a string of apologies both to Izuru and for him, the redhead closing his eyes and touching his forehead to the other man’s gently.

It’s all he can think of to do.

And Kira shivers at the gentle touch, making Renji pull him into a hug in response, the two of them sitting on the ground in the middle of the street together, not knowing what to do next.

It might have been funny for all its ridiculousness.

Renji might’ve even laughed.

Except he can feel Kira’s tears soaking through his shirt as he pets the other man’s hair, can feel it just as solidly as he can feel the blonde’s arousal pressed against his hip.

And all Renji can think as he sits there holding Kira, is that they have much farther to go than he first thought.



kenpachi, rukia, ichigo, ginxkira, yumichika, kira, yuzu, bleach, renji, renjixkira, yachiru

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